
Invisible Players? -_-

So I was trying the strategy of playing at 12:00 midnight (hopefully when everybody's asleep) in order to sweep out a cluster of 5 gyms in my neighborhood. They are located close to each other.
I was just planning on defeating all of them, then leave only a single low-CP Pokemon on each of them, then quickly cash out my defender bonus, and then go back home and sleep and wait for the next day.
Apparently, I had a tug-of-war with another different player fighting over level 1 gyms AT THAT HOUR. And the area at that time is pretty much deserted already; I looked around and nobody else was there; the only one playing Pokemon Go was only me.

Are there still GPS hackers out there not banned by Niantic yet?
How did these people manage to challenge my gyms and yet when I looked around I saw nobody?

Asked by FREDOmination7 years 5 months ago


A LOT of people actually do this...It happens every night in my area as well...and I'd guess, every area out there...

Think about it this way, if you are a 20-60 year old guy with no kids/family, this would probably be my preferred way to take gyms/get coins too since there is less chance for turnover (note it's LESS, not impossible).

One would have to think the cost of gas is more than the 10 coins, BUT...there's that stardust as well so financially, you're probably better off just spending money. Of course, if you have a cluster of 5 gyms real close by, maybe it's worth it, but prob not.

I'd guess they are either in a car that you can't see or possibly behind a building, in a building, etc...

Also, is this happening on just 1 gym or all 5?

That's more likely than a spoofer IMO.


Happened on all 5.
Regarding gas money, it isn't too much of a hassle to me.
The cluster is only 5 blocks away from where I live and petrol is still quite cheap here in Indonesia.

Edit: Oh, and, by the way, it's impossible for them to be in a car / inside a building. Challenging all 5 of my gyms would require them to move around as I did.


In my neighborhood, there are several gyms that aren't in the vicinity of a car or building. And yet they get "played" all the time. I've stood there before looking around like WTF???? It sucks and they need to fix it.


Yes, this is the case and niantic doesnt care. its sad.


Still plenty of GPS spoofers about. In my town two or three of one team are blatant spoofers.

You can report them to Niantic, but I've done this and some of them are still playing.

I've no idea how easy it is for Niantic to check whether they are spoofing, whether they've got the resources or whether they really care.


I usually make my rounds at night, as well.

The GPS spoofers are a royal pain, but perhaps it's possible to use their spoofing against them. The advantage they have is mobility, but it can also be our advantage. They're the type to make an easy coin and they don't want to have to fight for it every night. If every night you make them fight for their gyms, they're likely to use their mobility and seek out easier pickings elsewhere.


Yeah, spoofing became less of a problem near me right around the time the changes to the gym occurred. Either most of the spoofers in my area got banned at once, or they moved to a different area with less turnover.

It's believable they just moved on b/c once it was easier to topple gyms, the turnover really picked up pace. Level 10 stacked gyms can last 2-3 days (often less), lvl 7-8 gyms last 1 day max (usually about 8-12 hrs) and lvl 3-4 gyms last about as long as it takes you to walk to the next couple gyms.

Certainly believable that they just got sick of that and moved to greener pastures. I never would have been able to pull this off by myself, though. Hard to to control how active others in your area are =/


Still a lot of hackers around yes, in my town at least there are lots. At any time of the day, but after trying different hours I have seen that for me the best time to make my gym runs is early in the morning, I think that probably a lot of this hackers does not has a job, they are young guys who plays from their sofa and stay up until late, so give a try early in the morning is my best advice, and don't give up, make them now that everyday you will be taking down those gyms, probably at the end you can make them find another ones.

Niantic does not even care, have reported hackers multiple times, the haven't answered my emails and each month I can see 2-3 new hackers around my town taking the gyms without being there.


Just echoing what others have said - spoofers/botters are still active, and extremely frustrating.

I kept reporting them and nothing happened. Then one day, after probably a month of working my arse off for an hour a night to collect 10-20 coins they were all pretty much gone at once.

It did coincide with the changes to the points - so I'm not sure whether they were all banned, or if they just gave up b/c my area tends to have pretty massive turnover (esp now that it's easier to take down gyms)


by Sebhes 7 years 5 months ago

I'm afraid that (at least in my area) at this point of time the amount of spoofers is larger than the actual people playing the game.

I haven't seen anyone out for weeks now and yet the gyms in my suburb area have the most crazy turnover there is. They still (!) change from team every 15 to 30 minutes, which is really crazy if you ask me. I wish Niantic actually did something about it.


They will never be able to address individual complaints, there are probably millions of them. I wonder if they could somehow cross reference some of the 3 different sources of location data - gps, cell signal, and wifi signal - to identify and ban spoofers en masse.


It would suffice to read the data from the phone's motion sensor to punish cyclists and motorists accordingly and ban GPS spoofers, it seems Niantic just doesn't care.


They are there you just cannot see them.
I play late at night just so I don't have to constantly run into other trainers trying to get their 10 gym defender bonus.
