
Major Update coming to Gym Simulator

For those who have looked at/used my gym simulator, I have a major update coming tonight. I've completely reworked the dodging options to better align it with real-life dodging strategies used by players. I've also simplified the formulas to make it easier for people to see what I've done (and to find bugs ;) ) and improved the documentation at bit as well.

Hopefully people will find it useful. I'll push it out tonight, but if you're interested in the current version in the meantime, it's available below:


Asked by TotoroWrangler7 years 2 months ago


very solid overall.

couple things that are minor:
doesn't take into account the consecutive attacks that occur at the beginning by the defender. I'm not entirely sure on the timings, but it could be something that is added later on. I can't tell if longer cooldown moves have a longer cooldown during this, or if it is simply the cooldown.

When using Defender Delay = 0, the estimated time isn't equal to the cooldown + 1.5-2.5, but something less than that. I always assumed defender cooldown was cooldown time +1.5-2.5 seconds?...I could be wrong here. . .

that's all for now.


Thanks for the feedback!

On your first point, that's an excellent point, I'll have to include that aspect. I'm not sure if the details are documented anywhere though. Any suggestions for a source?

On your second point, I actually asked that question here on Gamepress because I wasn't sure how to interpret the information I've seen ( The consensus seemed to be that it was in addition to move cool down. If it weren't then it would be possible for some moves (bubble in the past, volt switch now) to actually get faster for a defender than an attacker. Any source for me to read more on this? If it's wrong I'd love to correct it.

Thanks again!


I just reread your post and I'm not positive what you were saying about the cool down for defenders. Do you think it's the move's cool down + a random 1.5-2.5 seconds for each instance or something else?


I've taken care of the first two attacks in this latest version and I'm still looking into defender delay information to double check how that's configured. I'll have more updates this weekend for sure.

Thanks again!
