
A question of skill....

Are there any decent measure of actual "skill"?

I have a high lvl for my area, but I do regard that as a "time spent" measure, since I am probably a rather mediocre player. But many seem to confuse level with skill.

I can think of some better "skill measures".
* Zubat catch rate, measures throw and timing skills
* Catches per hour, though too dependent on area
* How well you handle an underpowered electric mon in a gym (needs video).

Any other?

Not a very serious problem, just need some more ammunition to throw towards "high level players are better" advocats :-)

Asked by NorthbyNorth7 years 6 months ago


It is definetely

Fame earned/hp lost (or potion usage) while training a gym


I thought of that one.
Isn´t it a bit hard to actually to determine the amount of hp lost, more than the number of the smallest potions used?

Edit: I did not put it on my list since I thought it may be rather dependent on the quality of the gym. You could set it up to make it very easy, even with high cp defenders.


No what would be a measure of skill is say training against a gym, it could be level 3 to level 9, what is the great amount of XP/Prestige you can earn per run. Which is using Pokemon with the lowest possible CP and still manage to defeat it.


I agree, and perhaps further refining it to Prestige gain/Pokémon defeated,

Since this strikes a balance between skill derived from the knowledge of game mechanics and skill in dodging with lower CP Pokémon


I noticed that PKM spawn very often and a lot more on every gym spot after the spawn rate increase event (sometimes more than 10 at the same time). If you just catch and run from gym to other gym you can get a lot of xp even more than training gym and also save your potion (there is no way you can out xp gain from catching if you can't find a gym that stack only with Gyarados , you can earn 500 xp a minute if you are lucky)


I'd like it if they bring back 1 mon training and change all gym attacking based on number of mons in a gym...

Say if a gym had 3 mons defending, you can only bring 3 to attack as well like in the cartoons (3 vs 3 battle, etc...).

This would slow gym takedowns since 3 lvl 35+ Snorlaxes would be hard for someone to take down with just 3 mons. Or, 1 Snorlax left and you can only attack with 1, etc...

None of this 6 attack vs 1 defend stuff IMO which seems not in the spirit of "Pokemon".

This would require a lot more skill to attack AND prestige gyms (back to 1 trainer).
