
Slaking 9% nerf too?

So now that Ho-oh got nerfed by 9% just like Mewto was, will Slaking get the same treatment or will they nerf even heavier (18%) to assure he won't surpass 4000 CP.

Honestly I think it's embarrassing that Niantic isn't able to find a formula that translates the original stats and assures more balance and diversity. It should really be possible to at least give players choices who to power up due to personal preference and not to have clear choices for each type due to stats. Blastoise, Vaporeon, Gyarados and Suicune (hell even Starmie and Goldduck could habe a place) for example should all be pretty equal to the point that players could choose for preference of movesets and stats. It should not all be about Attack and dps. Defense and Stamina should have more influence on performance in a fight. Getting sick of seing 10 Golem pop up at once for a raid-fight.

Asked by Gregoire6 years 7 months ago


My guess is that he gets a 50% nerf unless they make his moves incredibly slow to reflect his nature in the console game(s). Alternatively, I could see a Blissey style character with little or poor attack moves, possible an about 0 DPS attack move with a normal(ish) charge move. I'm not sure of 0 DPS can correlate to EPS though for charging a charge move.


Pokemon Go is a simple game with a simple meta. Many of the people who play it are noobs and would rage if the meta got a bit complex and actually needed some strategy.

Niantic gotta keep the money coming in. So i expect they will give slaking a standard CP nerf and that's it.


If they want to keep the money coming, they should replace the pokeballs on the store for ultra balls and keep the price, I would buy 20 ultra for 100 coins


I still don't get why they wouldn't just reflect his ability and give him extra cooldowns on his moves. It would still be strong, but much more like a punching bag (that will occasionally hit real hard).

It's also embarrassing that Niantic prefers noob players when they could very well introduce different levels of difficulty and thereby not annoy people who don't really want to get into pokémon .

While I am not familiar with Pokémon after Gen II, it still hurts seeing Niantic hack through with the machete.
