
Team Instinct in your areas?

As with most areas, Team Instinct is outnumbered here, slightly worse than Valor.
Because of this, Instinct players create lots of baby accounts. There are even some Instinct players who battle gyms not for the coins, but to "create the Instinct presence in the area". I've also seen Instinct players gang attack on Mystic gyms and GRB defend their gyms not to get more coins, but to annoy the Mystic players. Just yesterday, I saw an Instinct player feed a total of over 500 berries to defend a gym for the full 8h 20min for max coins. Are 50 coins worth 500 berries? Or is he just trying to give Mystic a hard time?

Instinct players here also max out Blisseys, Chanseys and Snorlaxes, and TM them to the best movesets. Mystic players don't normally do this. (Most 3.1k+ Blisseys I've fought in blue gyms have HB)

Most spoofers, regardless of team, don't spoof in Singapore for gyms, but there is an Instinct spoofer in my area who often challenges the odds by sniping when other teams go down, and feeding berries aggressively (likely with more "baby" accounts).

What is Team Instinct like in your area? Or Valor if that's also a minority?

Asked by DragoniteSlayer6 years 2 months ago


Rural Area here, out of the known players (which covers almost every player here) we have:
- 6 Mystic
- 18 Instinct
- 20 Valor

All spoofer accounts we've noticed in our area quitted to annoy us in the last 4 months

Even if Valor and Instinct are pretty even, Valor is more aggressive when it comes to gyms (mainly 2 people), but all in all, no one really GRBs much and Snorlax/Blissey/Chansey are not too common in gyms.
I (Mystic) can sweep through most gyms without even using Dynamic Punch, since people usually throw in trash

There is no real rivalry here, just some people who have more fun battling gyms than others


It is hard to make these generalizations in a big city with a large player pool. Singapore has a variety of players across all teams. My biggest issue is spoofers and bots. Too many times I have taken a fairly remote gym at night just to have it taken by a team of spoofers ten minutes later. It is super frustrating. The only way I can get coins is when I’m on vacation or by spending cash.


I'm really curious about which part of Singapore you play in. I play in the north-east area and have never had these problems. The worst is being sniped by spoofers, and having to GRB defend the moment I enter the gym, because someone was salty about failing to snipe me.


City and suburban area. Instinct is the smallest team here also and they do seem to be the most prone to creating babies and feeding with them. All teams have maxed optimal moveset defenders here though, I'm surprised every time I see a non-DG Blissey or non-BS/HS Snorlax.

As for the berryfeeding, around here people are after gold gyms and the gym leader medal. The expectation is that all level 40s will feed heavily if you don't take their defender out too fast for them to notice and they will notify their team members in the same gym to start feeding when they get a notification of their own defender dropping.

Spoofers are either harmless or not actually spoofers, I haven't had any negative encounters with them after the gym system changed. So the change definitely seems to have fixed that problem, next change should fix the system so that multiaccounting doesn't give a significant advantage (ie. nerf remote feeding).

EDIT: I would be interested in what part of me describing my area was worth a downvote.


by Pingo 6 years 2 months ago

Blue: 65%
Red: 25%
Yellow: 10%

Blue: 50%
Red: 15%
Yellow: 35%

Yellow is the spoofer colour in my town and from what I hear in most other towns/cities too.

Gym turnover is not very high in my area. A lot of people seem to only attack if motivation is already low. And if there is a legendary raid egg of course.


about 70% 75% mystic, 20% instinct, 5-10% valor. Most of the time I'm the only valor unless I go to the city


Normally, they're rarely present. If there is a legendary raid, they take the gym so they get bonuses. But they have a bad reputation for containing a lot of spoofers, and the stereotype seems to have played itself out when I took a gym from the Instincts and then not even 1 minute passes and my gym, in the middle of a park with no buildings or cars accessing it, gets torn down by a low level Instinct player. There was someone on a bench, but kind of far from the gym range and I didn't see a phone.

Valor is not as rare but Mystic (my team) outnumbers them by a lot. We depend on them to get our coins (at least those of us who don't have multiple accounts). I only take their gyms down if they have 8 hours or the same players are in multiple gyms, but I also allow them to get gold on some gyms if they need it.


Hey Dragonite Slayer,

I am fortunate in that I am in an area where there are a decent number of Instinct regulars. More important than the absolute number of allies, however, is to find a sizable group of regular players in your area and join up with them for raids. There are probably only 15ish regular Instinct trainers where I live but we all know each other and get together to maximize raid opportunities. I recommend networking with other Instinct trainers!


I'm fortunate that in my area we have more gyms than we need. So the local players have a understanding - if a gym is motivated, leave it alone, and if it's a low motivation, take it down so the people in it get paid. Everyone gets paid, everyone gets gold in the gym eventually, and we all get along great.

I wish that more people would realize that the three team need each other so they get paid. There's nothing wrong with getting knocked out of a gym, that's how you get your 50 'free' coins.

Oh, and in case any spoofers are reading this, we are located in the Sargasso sea, near the center of the Pacific Ocean.


by FIBB 6 years 2 months ago

Edit: deleted because I actually agree with FandangoGhandi's comment below: you can't generalise about teams.


As an Instinct player I can tell you I rarely have good gyms to battle. My team holds it down. Valor is scarce, but have been showing up more recently


Can't make sweeping generalizations about Teams like that - it's utterly moronic. The players you don't like in your area have chosen to play Instinct. Whoop-dee-doo.

The players I don't like in my area tend to be Mystic. (several of whom used to take down 10-15 gyms in an area, regardless of how long players were on the gyms they took down, well after the raids are done for the night and just an hour or two before midnight, so screwing over many players out of getting coins.) The Spoofers in my area tend to be Valor. (Valor is the smallest group in the area, so we pretty much know all of those who raid on sight, so when we see someone in a Raid who isn't standing with us, and not posting in Discord, and we tell everyone present we're going to a Private Group and that player is still in the Public Room? Spoofer.) The players most likely to come to a raid at a moment's notice are Mystic and Instinct. The players most likely to organize raids to successfully trigger EX Raids are Valor and Instinct. The Players most likely to take down Gyms in a way that maximizes coinage for everyone are Mystic and Valor. (and me, who is Instinct. But Instinct doesn't take down gyms very often in my area - basically it's me, my wife and one other player, and we take down maybe 3 gyms a week between the three of us)

Trying to blame it on Teams and asking "Is Mystic full of greedy bleepholes where you live too?" or "Are Valor the Spoofers in your area too?" is akin to what you're asking, and is utterly pointless and stupid. Just because Mystic has a few bleepholes here doesn't mean it's a Mystic thing, or because the Spoofers we know of here are Valor doesn't mean that it's a Valor thing.

tl;dr - Stop asking idiot questions, bleephole.


Well in my area, Mystic is just as bad. Multi-accounting, ganging up on Valor/Instinct, and never stops attacking against golden berries. Anyway, I am also Instinct.

Mystic is known for immediately attacking Valor/Instinct the moment they go up. One group in particular, does what they call "spring cleaning", attacking every non-blue gym in the area and turning it blue, regardless of time defended or berry feeders. Instinct here is known for taking revenge, and they immediately attack Mystic too, and "spring-clean" all Mystic gyms in the area in the same way.

But I definitely know it's just a generalisation of the teams IN MY AREA, not the whole world.


in my area instinct is actually the majority and I have a theory why.
when the game firast came out of course blue and red were the most popular so for yellow to keep gyms they had to work together, they did this and created a friendship together, meaning that they carried on playing whereas most of the blues and reds left

anyway to answer your Q. team has nothing to do with it


In my area my team( mystic) is about 60%, Valor 35% and Instinct 5%. They are very few and i met only 2 of them. They rarely holding Gyms, but we and Vallor trying to not kick them before ~ 9 h last so they can get his coins. However, Valors here are assholes( not all, but most of them) cause almost every evening they drive mini buswith few man and taking out all almost all gyms just 1 hour or less before midnight to make get coins harder for Mystic player. We dont like them and dont raiding with them. Their choice.
