
How best to use Avenger oS

So, I gave myself exactly one role to try for FranDad since I lack a powerful ST Archer (Robin doesn't really make the values I need even at NP5, and Euryale is too niche for a general purpose ST), but unfortunately, I got the Doggo instead, and he's not tiered very great (Granted, no Avenger other than Jalter is rated highly, and that's because she craps out massive Tons of Damage that makes 'Zerkers envious, all without class advantage).

I'm still going to level him because he's a gold servant and my only offensive Extra class until next Halloween, but I'm not sure how to properly use him. I don't really have any means to support him damage-wise, since the only Servant I have that can is a non-max Andersen (and even if maxed, his time on the field is still very limited due to how fragile he is). I do like to think I have a bias/affinity for Quick teams (despite having no actual Quick-specific support yet; it's just my favorite type and almost all of my favorite servants are Quick focused), so at least he has that going for him for me, and he's supposed to be an ST burst Servant, which I very much lack outside of Brave Elly, Jack, and King Hassan, who is honestly more DPS than burst (Robin and Euryale have their issues at being reliable for that need as mentioned above).

So, any ideas or suggestions to optimize making good use of the Doge would be appreciated (mostly F2P player, so don't expect me to be able to bring in more than one strong support Caster at any given time, through Friends).

Asked by Emerald Acid5 years 3 months ago


He's a quick burst servant so he'd need a small handful of stars to pull with his first skill, buff his att with his 2nd and lower instakill with his 3rd all while popping his NP.

He has a buff removal on his 3rd skill as well which can be pretty handy but other than that that is all he has going for him.

Personally I'd recommend Holy Night Supper or Dumplings Over Flowers CE.


Alexander (Rider) can buff quick cards for the party. Though his downside is that, as a Rider, his star absorption is much higher than Shinjuku Avenger's.


Alexander is the 3* Servant, the younger version of the 5* Iskander.

Sorry about the confusion. For some reason I forgot that both of them were Riders -.-'


Oh... Huh... Didn't expect that. Pretty rare not to have an FP Summon Servant so... Yeah... O.o


Not for me, at least. I never got more than one dupe of Kiyohime from all of my FP summons. My NP5 of her came from failed King Hassan rolls. Same for NP5 Robin and Ushi. One dupe of each at best from FP and the rest from regular gacha. I didn't even have Benkei until the main pain-in-the-ass Goetia fight where I absolutely needed his Skill Seal to win.


by Zhiroc 5 years 3 months ago

I'm curious as to why you don't think Robin has a very strong NP. I think the largest NP I've ever done myself was from him (around 500k, though that was during Solomon where the bond buff was active, and I think he's at bond 6 for me). As an added bonus, his poison skill is one of the few that can have 100% uptime (5 turn duration with a CD of 5 at L10).

And while situational, he tops the "strongest NP" rankings here, which is rather impressive for someone without self-steroids other than the poison special attack on his NP (since those rankings take into account only self-buffs).

Granted, I think his non-NP damage is mediocre, but when you need something large dead, particularly if it's a saber, he's been a go-to choice for me. Of course, having Arts support is best to let him shine, but I've never complained about his ability to rack up damage, even without a Mozart or Tamamo.


Wait. Robin tops the "strongest NP" AGAINST Saber. Read the entire title of the topic (the title in the lateral menu is clickbait xD)


His normal damage is adequate but his NP with Poison damage is extremely hard-hitting, and this is especially true with one of his skills giving poison to the entire enemy team for 5 turns.

On NP5 and max overcharge he can hit like a literal nuke


This assumes I have a means to overcharge him (beyond building NP up the old fashioned way, which is impossible in an emergency), as well as buffing him.

I don't. Aside from Mozart, I have no means of buffing allied Arts on my own, nor do I have any means to battery his NP bar aside from Shakespeare and Mash, without borrowing Zhuge or Merlin (the latter of which is not properly compatible with Robin). Unless I dedicate a team fully around him and him alone getting one big nuke off (with Devilish Bodhisattva), I only get around 110k-130k damage at best on a poisoned Saber. With the best I can do, 230-260k is the best I've ever gotten in one use.

I never said Robin's NP was bad or weak. But it's not enough to make him a "general use" ST Archer that can be a team's sole DPS (because his basic cards lack damage).


First of... Without a proper support, no Servant will just throw out absurd ammounts of damage.
Robin is an Archer and thus best used against Sabers or Berserkers. You won't get a lot of damage out of him against anything else.

Speaking of which - maybe you should try out Berserkers for yourself? They are truly universal as they deal increased damage against all classes aside of Foreigners iirc. Most of them profit a lot of either Merlin or Waver as supports. Just keep in mind that they are rather squishy. I know people who went through the game with pretty much only a Kiyohime, Mash and a friends Waver without big troubles so this might be an idea for you?


I'd love a good Berserker. The original form of my favorite servant in the entire game and the reason why I started playing FGO at all in the first place is a Berserker. But considering that I still can't get her, and Kiyo is all that I have (and even when backed by Zhuge buffs from charging her NP, Kiyo struggles to barely even clear hand waves for me), I don't expect her to be the one.


by Haagen 5 years 3 months ago

He needs buffs for his skill downtime. Caesar for crit damage, attack boost, and np boost. Hans for sustain and a bit of everything. Mash cuz she is op for defence. You can use jack to provide stars. Try using avenger hans mash / caesar etc. Use crit or quick up on avenger with passive star gen, np gain, or def up on supports. As hans is quite fragile, it will be a while before quick teams are powerful. If you are looking for a strong st archer and missed chloe, try tristan, the upcoming summer servants, or wait the rest of the year for the free christmas servant.
Oh and osakabehime as well.
