
Something wrong with my luck (F2P)

150+ days, 2 SSR.
I'm not gonna complain about how many SSR i get since i'm F2P, but i feel something odds. That 2 SSR are (Nero Bride come with 9 SQ+TIC and Da Vinci come with 1 Multi)
Im already spent SQ on some banner like Merlin (150SQ+TIC), Jalter(60SQ+TIC), and even 150SQ+TIC on same Nero Bride banner, but only to get 1 Helena 1 Atalanta 1 OG Nero.
This thing make me feels like DW tell me to roll only for Art oriented servant lol.
anyone here have some cases like me?, and what do you thing?, can i still get 5* non-art servant?

Asked by Radyan Sakti P5 years 3 months ago


by Kaizo 5 years 3 months ago

Possibility always exists until you leave this gaem.
Pure f2p, 200+ total logins, got only 5 *5's (Musashi, Ozzy, Leo, First HaZZan, Jack) (all np1 :^) ).


80 total logins, 1 5* jeanne (gssr)
used all my sq on merlin banner and found nothing. (300sq and all my tickets) right now i just have 50 sq (need to gather more for the summer banner) and only 1 5*


by Alvi15 5 years 3 months ago

I mean SSR is 1% so :p


by Fabris 5 years 3 months ago

Playing since May.

5 SSR, Waver from a multi from Ozy banner, and 4 Buster Lancers (Lartoria, Tamalancer, Enkidu and Karna). The only one I really wanted was Karna, the rest I got rolling for archers (no gold archers sans Chloe T.T) or CasGil (which I got also).

I think I will start to avoid banners with lancers like the plague, it's getting a little ridiculous...


I have the same problem, except with Casters.
I got all the 5* Casters in the game except for Da Vinci.

There are not enough pages in the world to enhace their skills, i am forever stuck in page hell : (


by kab2 5 years 3 months ago

of course you can, i have played for almost 200 days and i have 4 ssrs + 1 gssr(only time i invested money), 3 of gachas were in single 10 pulls and the last were 2 rolls i gave to merlins banner, 3 buster and 2 arts so dont lose hope.


by Zhiroc 5 years 3 months ago

For a solo rate-up SSR (0.7% chance), you have only a 50% chance of getting them after 100 rolls (i.e. 300 SQ minus any tickets). You have a 63% chance to have gotten any SSR.

At 50 pulls, the odds are about 30% for the rate-up, 40% for any.

Even at 200 pulls the odds for a rate-up are only about 75%, 86% for any. So it's not bad luck until you roll that much and don't get anything :)


208 days in & I've only recently started getting Buster servants, and I've gotten very lucky with my Arts servants as well. Nero Bride, Tamamo, Jeanne Ruler and Orion have all come for me. I was spooked by Jeanne and Orion rolling for Merlin, and I recently got a second Tamamo spook rolling for Halloween Arrangement CE on the Mash VR banner. (God I wasted a lot of SQ rolling for a 4* CE just because I had 4 from halloween and it's gone forever now. At least I have a good out for ST invul perice NPs now.)

I also have more SSRs than SRs even excluding the GSSR. It's pretty weird.


by Buki 5 years 3 months ago

I had 3 SSR for 180+ days, so it's normal. Now I'm at 502 days with 10 SSR, 2 from GSSR.


by Exa 5 years 3 months ago

it toke me around 80/90 day of play before my first ssr, and around 2 week for the second.
the third one after over 500 sq ( and roughtly 420 for ishat) after 3 more mounth, with the gssr, medb.

now, without any reason, i got 4 or 5 4* and 3 5 star in roughtly 60 sq (sanzang, edmond and quetzalcoat).
this game is odd.

a friend of my got 4 5* (and only 1 4*) in his first 3 week of play (and thet ******* got ishtar)
but the oddest thing ever was a friend of my who is creazy over saberlot (he alweys borrow main).
one day i told him the " make a single pull after you get 2 3 star in the friend gothca" ritual, he pulled 2, then he said "give me lancelot!!!"
single pull, golden sparkle! lancelot! berserker...
we all aggreed thet he asked for lancelot...


This make me remember when after i grail nero og to 90(get from 120 sq), getting bored again and tried to spend some tic+sq, rainbow spark+saber class nero bride come. Like why she didnt come first lol.


RNG is truly weird, don't worry in my case i have 7 5* and only waifus


RNG is weir as people have said.

First 2 weeks of the NA release so June 25 to July 8. I got 3 SSR's. Artoria and Gilgamesh NP2. After that the next was November 11 in the form of Francis Drake. So it can hit you good or be as dry as hell.

580 days later 9 Buster SSR, 3 Arts, 1 Quick. Not really balanced.
