
The 'better' Avenger, and team setups

So I got Gorgon and Shinjuku Avenger both waiting for some XP to be pumped into them. Probably won't be investing in both for now, but I want to at least get one up.

So the question is, which is better?
Gorgon seems to be more straight up damage, while Doggy could gain some more crit but they seem pretty similair overal.

As for a team;
I do have Merlin, Bride Nero and Tamamo as support
Shinjuku Archer and Ruler Shiro might also make some difference, maybe.

Got overall more buster than quick servants, though Lancelot is one of my mains.
So maybe the question is, should I use my buster roster to compliment Gorgon, or should I try to expand my somewhat small quick roster.

Asked by Sir of Coffee5 years 3 months ago


Neither of them is great at the moment, but given your other characters, I'd go Gorgon for you. She synergizes will with Merlin, who offers her survival in his teamwide invincible and buster/hp increase, which is really where she struggles. Doggo has similar survival problems, but lacks the buster synergy that Gorgon has. Also with break bars and waves with multiple bosses being a major upcoming thing, AOE servants are going to be better on average than ST ones.


by LFVBF 5 years 3 months ago

I'm biased towards her. But currently she is better than Clifford, He is a burst damage dealer with skills that are active for a very short time, the same problem as Li Shuwen.
When Skadi arrives he gets a little better but he is still a burst damage dealer that relies on Instant Death.


by Fabris 5 years 3 months ago

Gorgon has higher attack (actually the biggest of all 4*s), but an AOE NP, who hits neutral on almost every1, and only gets the very necessary NP upgrade over a year later. Until then, 300% at NP1, and she's story locked.

Most of the time, her serious damage against non-berserkers and non-rulers come from her crits, but she has no star gathering on her kit, plus the weakish starweight of an Avenger. Give her star gathering CEs (preferably Seal Designment Enforcer, but Teach and I can suffice), don't pair her with Riders, and you're set. Extra bonus for Merlin massive 1-turn crit bonus to add.

Alternatively, if she has a good NP level, just give her an NP starting gauge (Preferably Halloween Princess/Holy Night Supper), and use with Monstruous Strenght and Merlin buster buff to blown up multi-class nodes.

Lobo has useful sure-hit NP ST and can actually crit with 1-turn star-gathering skill. His main atractive is Removal of enemy buffs. He's Quick, but he's not good in generating star to crit with his skill. And his only crit buff is the passive 8%. You will need crit up/quick CEs (Holy Night Sign, Hot Spring Under the Mom)

I say go Gorgon, if you have the CEs to make her crit.


Alright, the verdict seems clear.
Sorry Doggo, I'll get to you someday.

Thx ya'll!


No, don't leave apart Lobo! Give him some time and he will be a really good servant, against both Rulers and Berserkers. He has a low HP pool, but an incredible high ATK. If you have Atalanta or Scathack lancer, their quick buff help him a lot. And he will go a lot better when we will obtain Osakabe-Hime (np with quick buff) and Scathack Skadi (NP gauge and quick buff). With them he will perform a very high damage and paired with a Waver or a Mash he obtain the survivability and enemy defence down to improve him to the top.
(and he is a freaking badass character. I'm leveling him stright to level 100 °w° It's an investment, and it's still better than use grails on 3* servants only for "waifu" factor)
Here an example of what he can do with a good party (ok, this Lobo is NP5, but he is not a locked/limited servant so it's possible that he will spook you again and it's only a vantage for you)


I will get to him eventually.
Just gonna wait a bit, since I don't want to grind all my apples away now.

Plus I realized that I'm missing that one material needed for him, since I am still in Babylon
