
Who should I level up?

I have a bunch of caster exp cards leftover and I kind of want to use them to clear up my space so I was wondering which caster I should level up first. My options right now are Irisviel, Liz (caster), Nitocris, Nursery Rhyme, Shakespeare, and Helena. Which servant out of these is the best?

Edit: I don’t think I really need any specific servant type (aoe farmer, dps, support) right now. I’m just wondering who the best is overall

Asked by andylong10145 years 8 months ago


by kire 5 years 8 months ago

Depends on what you need.
Imo Helena is the best out of those because she can offer the most support to your team and deal a bit of damage herself.
Nitocris is probably the best farmer out of the bunch.
Go with Irisviel if you need a healer and extra survivability.


I try my best to answer your question. I advised to raise Helena, since you don't need some specific or Caster with so much niche or gimmick.
She's a General supp work for almost all team, bonus she can help you do 3 turn farm daily.
But one thing for sure don't compare every supp to Waver, because he's a monster.
I usually do daily farm using her plus some bronze and silver servant with NP gauge starting CE like Dragon Meridian. The result is pretty good.


by Arte 5 years 8 months ago

Definitely agree with Helena, as her skills are just plain useful regardless of team composition. Any team will benefit from her.


Yeah definitely Helena. I have waver and use her just as often as him since she buffs all cards, gives crit stars and raises np 20% on top of the debuffs from her np.
