
Should I roll for sessyoin kiara or BB(summer)?

Hello, I am new to fgo recently started playing and i was looking at future events for NA and saw the SE.RA.PH event and thought Kiara was interesting and then I watched a YouTube video based on the summer jp servants and really liked BB, and was wondering which of the two is better?
P.S how many sq will I have by the time the SE.RA.PH event comes? (Incase I do roll for kiara)

Asked by Jacqueline5 years 6 months ago


by Fabris 5 years 6 months ago

Summer BB is for 2020, dude.

CCC event will be around April/May 2019.


They're far enough from each other you'll have quartz for both. Budget yourself and be efficient with your quartz usage and you'll be fine.

To answer who is better, it's BB by quite a bit in my opinion. This is not because Kiara is bad per say, but BB is really good.

Kiara functions well as a debuffer excelling in arts teams, while BB is notoriously good for her exclusive command card locking skill + 2 other extremely good skills. She is really good in buster crit teams but can do great in other types of teams too simply because of how good the skill is.


by Mari 5 years 6 months ago

Others have already mentioned to just save for both so I’ll answer your other question by saying you can never have too much. Some of my 5 stars only took me 9 sq while others took 150+ to get(keep in mind my luck is considered to be exceptionally good). Some people have had worse luck and can spend even 1000+ and still not get the servant they want. In other words, saving really is important and don’t expect anything really if you don’t have at least 150 sq for maybe the rate up 4 star, 300 is generally a good general number though for saving for a 5 star.
