
Trouble figuring out party order

I've been working on a team after pulling some of my favorite servants. To start, I put Jalter and Nightingale in front, along with a support that has a class advantage against whatever I'm fighting. After them, though, I don't quite understand what order to have my sub members in. I have Regular Altria, Billy, and Hundred Hassan as my subs... Are they decent switch-ins for my team? I like them a lot and don't have many other options. I'm not a big fan of Hans and I don't have Waver.

Asked by TealDuck6 years ago


If you slap 5*s together to be flashy, you wont get far. More importantly, nightingale and jalter dont have alot of synergy together. Not are rather squishy and dont support each other very well.

Jalter + hans is unfortunately the best team rn for you(even if you hate hans) Otherwise, Jalter + Hassan of curse arm with support Waver or Jalter + Billy + support Jack is also a decent team

Put nightingale in the first reserve slot


by Ion 6 years ago

I'd argue that Nightingale's Buster Up skill does help Jeanne Alter a bunch, which is fine. Additionally, she doesn't have much star pull, which lets JAlter pull all she can when she has the right active skills running. As for sub members, I'd suggest throwing as many class-effective subs as you can possible put there.

If you're really lacking on characters that are leveled, try to invest your time towards max leveling at least one of each class so you have something that's at least a little viable regardless of the situation.

In the meantime, use what you can or just leave those lines empty. I would put Mash in and level her as much as possible first, since it's a low investment and her skills are both easy to level and help a ton with your front line survivability once she's moved to it. She can keep units alive, fill their NP gauge when they need it, and she's a 0 cost unit, which frees up your points for more valuable CEs.

Aside from that, bring CEs with effects that boost the front line whenever possible, at least until you have a viable back up team.

I would recommend Hans since he's just too good a support for Jeanne Alter right now, but if you really dislike him just use someone else who can generate stars for her or heal her. Basically any support to improve her survivability or damage output works.


Nightingale is good with Jalter if you're using plugsuit for switch tactic if Jalter is ready for her chain (along with crits) because of the 50% buster boost. Outside that, Hans. Seriously, raise him, even tho you're not a big fan of him. ATK up, Def up, HP regen, Stars supply, more crit strength, he can provide it all despite his rarity (although some of them are chance based for 80%).


by Buki 6 years ago

Just level up a Hans, he has all JAlter would want for a support. The rest would be servants that will help to your main damage dealer to keep her performance or just fill with servants with class advantage so you can finish off any survivors from JAlter barrage, if there any.
