
some questions

Hi I'm new in this game, I have a lot of doubts but I was reading the question sections to answer some of them but i hope you can help me with the followings:
Mi forced summoned was Tamao Cat, I'm so happy with it at the moment she is at lvl 13 but i want to powered up, my doubt is, some cards only give EX and other give EX and incres of HP and ATK.

Should I use the cards tha give HP or ATK on my berseker or save them for other servants?

Those card can be given to a servant later even if it is maxed up?

I used some saint quartz for some summons but I don't have any good servant and in the questions say that is better wait a banner that have the servant that you want to invest your SQ, I will do that.

But mi doubt is about the summon by friend points, I should save the friends points and wait a banner change or invest them on summons?

Asked by toonmilo6 years 3 months ago


I assume you are talking about the Fou cards that raise Hp and Atk? If so I would just use them on whoever you like now, they aren't terribly rare and don't give a huge buff. Personally I just use them on whoever I'm powering at the time of whatever class they match.

Friend point summons are not worth saving when you are new. Basically you are rolling for 3* servants that are going to make up the meat of your teams for a while. The Friend points never get banners, the only changes it ever has is that during events they can sometimes get low rarity event bonuses from it. For now though I would suggest friend points be spent freely.

As far as saving SQ its up to you. early on it MIGHT be worth it just summoning off of story or whatever banners are available in hope of getting a few more five stars to help carry you before you really save up, but that's a matter of opinion. Focusing on the 3* units from the friend point summon and saving SQ for good banners should work just fine.

TL;DR Only SQ is really important. Everything else is minor or common so spend it freely.


SQ and eventually when you get your first one and onwards, Holy Grails are even rarer and important than SQ, so use them wisely.


the cards that give +hp and attack are worth using on your berserker, they drop easy from friend points and events so more dmg hp helps. FP ( friend points ) are uncommon if you don't have any rare/good servant you get 1 free roll a day so always do that.

don't spend quarts as F2P till you look at other sites an found all upcoming servants pick one an /pray that you get em it's 1% chance. i got few 5 stars but i spent money, also if i was F2P i mit still have 1-2 but would been fewer.

try the summon simulator on this site do it till you get 5 * then check what it cost reset repeat that 3-4 times to get a idea of what it like trying pull 1 random 5 star.
