
Chapter Eight: The Day You Died (1/2)

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 865
QP 8,900
Quest EXP 33,815
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Izumo-no-Okuni
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Tanaka Shinbei - Gold Berserker

Battle Start:

  • Nobunaga's Demonic Head: Increase own ATK by 30%. [Permanent, Unremovable]
203,919 45
Tanaka Shinbei - Gold Berserker

Break Skill:

  • "Graaaaaah!!!": Increase own NP Bar to MAX at the start of every turn, including this turn [Permanent, Unremovable].
313,162 45
Tanaka Shinbei - Gold Berserker
  • Break Skill:
    • "I... I...": Decrease own ATK by 30% and Critical Rate by 30% [Demerit, Permanent, Unremovable].
182,071 45

Quest Drops

Quest Reward