
What's your best defender record?

Thanks to the little winter storm here I managed to head out and take down all the rival gyms in the areas I frequent. Normally I would stop at 20 because I know rivals will just take them back within hours but when I woke up to collect my bonus the gyms were still mine.

What's your personal best?

Asked by Specter7 years 4 months ago


by 2acres 7 years 4 months ago



by Arak2 7 years 4 months ago

I always wonder why people go for so much more than the 10 max. I get if you have turn over you want some back ups, say 15.

Because taking up so much Gym space is what lead to Ninatic doubling the Prestige Droppage (and the 2 months where Prestage raising was 1/2)

If you take/hold/stagnate the game so much, that's what leads Ninatic to "Rebalacing" against you

As well as encouraging people to cheat if they think the only way they can get any is to spoof/multi account.

I don't think I've ever been above 16. Just don't try to get any more.


I am totally agree with you ;), There is absolutely no point on taking more just to screw other players, you don't get absolutely any benefit with it.


I go for more than 10 for a few reasons.

  1. Distraction. By taking down an excessive number of gyms I keep rivals from taking down the level 10 gyms I do care about. It also makes them waste revives and potions as many players do not have a maxed out 1000 slot inventory bag
  2. Inventory management. Hoarding an excess of over 700 max potions and over 100 max revives helps no one. To clear out inventory instead of tossing items it's best to battle rival gyms and heal up. This helps stopping level 10 gym stagnation. Im still over 600 max potions though......
  3. Helping lower level teammates.There have been a level 10 Valor bubblestrat gym across from me for 3 months filled with dragonites, snorlax, and vaporeons, no one was touching it. Last night, I took it down solo and my teammates already trained it up to level 7. Now there are teammates of various levels in the gym meaning that the low level players had no access to that gym for months and couldn't beat it.

It's very different taking down an Opposing Team's Level 10 Gym.

And you powering up one of your Team's Gyms to put in your 20th Pokemon.

In first, case you are opening up room for your teammates over players in opposing Teams. Kudos

In Second case, you are taking room up that is valuable for others players of any team.


If we can all share the gyms equally then there would be not point to the gym battling system now would there?

Everyone would sit in the same gyms, collect the same bonus, get the same dust the same coins, everything would be equal and no one will actually go out and take over gyms because there will not be a need to.

Rivals are welcome to take the gyms back, just put in the same work. They are already doing so as I have many Pokémon already returned to my box. So taking multiple gyms did nothing as they were taking right back by rivals.

So all I did was for nothin as 5 of the gyms are back to being bubblestrat level 8 gyms and it's still mid day. Left unchecked what do you think is going to happen? It's going to go right back to being level 10 gym stagnation and no one taking them down because they either can't because they are too low in level or don't want to because they already have 10 gyms defending.


I think you miss the point I was going for.

If you already have 15+ Gyms. There's no point for you to put a Pokemon in a 16th, 20th, 25th Gym
in my opinion.

If you want to open up spots for teammaters, I get that.

I don't get trying to be in 20+ Gyms like the Original Thread Writer said

I'm all for beating opposing teams level 10 gyms to avoid Stagnation. I'm just not a fan of other kind of stagnation which is level 30+ people being all thats in gyms either.


What level are you and how many pokestops have you visited?


Ive visited over 20,000 pokestops but on an average day, one area I frequent looks like this. I took this screenshot a while back and everything is together in a 6 to 8 block radius. Most stops are lured and players can even camp out by that gym battle it and spin 3 stops with out moving.

One avenue over is more insane with more pokestops and gyms. I use to battle these gyms but they change about every 5 to 10 minutes since its a popular spot for tourists, spoofers and bots so I just spin stops to fill my bag and camp out by the lures in the park.


This is another area I visit when I'm low on items. I normally take 2 laps around the park. On my first lap I take down the two red gyms and by the time I make it back around to them on the second lap they are red again. These gyms are always red, as the entire town seem to be Valor. The next town over is Mystic.


One single time reached was a lucky special day for a catch, a hatch and a flee too...


I briefly held all six gyms in my small town - generally I don't bother with the two out lying ones though (I don't drive). Gym turnover is very high and whilst I could regularly take all of them, the time and effort isn't worth it to me.


4 #InstinctPride #IShouldHaveJoinedMystic


I'd say... In my town, there are 10 Mystic for every 1 Instinct yet here I am... I'd stay with Spark even if they implement some sort of team change in the future.

  1. I was playing till the early morning because I wanted to reach Lvl 30 and had a mon in every gym in my area

11 but was knocked down to 9 waiting the 10 minutes left to collect... oh well.


I think that to be fair on this question gyms token by driving should never count ;).

My record is 10, and it was really a very happy day, normally I can only get 4/5 on my way to work, my town has 11 gyms in total I think.

Also as some others said, don't know what is the point of getting that many if the max you can collect is 10, this will not encourage new/low level players to play, you are throwing rocks at yourself and at the game, this kind of things only helps the game die a bit more.

And I know how this players feel, this time Niantic I think has done at least something good with CP scaling when low level are attacking a gym, but anyway don't think that a level 15/20 player can take solo a high level gym, hope they get more bonus to avoid these players that take 20+ gyms...


It depends on the area you live in and the team you belong to.
I belong to valor team and blue team has more then 10 gyms around my area. All the Time.
If I am not attacking their gyms that are lvl 7-10 every evening, a lot of low level of the valor team and yellow team are not attacking them.
So I am "cleaning" the area every evening, and every evening low lvl players are kicking my mons out If they are in the Yellow team.
As it takes Time and effort every night I don't hesitate to have more than 10 gyms si that I can be sure to have 100 coins, because when I hit a gym, most of the Time when I Walk to the other people defeat my pokemons.

Sometimes I have 8/10 gyms, and 10 Minutes later it's already 3/10...

In the end I don't have 20/10 pokemons in gyms because most of them are dead, but I did clean a lot of gyms because blue team is really leading the business here, and they don't give a chance to others.
Bubblestrat/2-3 accounts users/fakegps... thank god there are some legit blue players around here...

So I am taking more then 10 gyms everyday. Is that really disencouraging low lvl players?
I don't think so...


No, what you're doing is not a bad thing... It's when someone has 15-20 critters sitting in high level gyms. You're taking that many down, but being bumped before 9 more of your team (or several more of your own accounts) can bump the gym to L10.


This is what most people don't get. They see a post like this and think I sit in 26 gyms 24/7. They completely missed the part where I said the storm came into play, and the gyms are usually taken back by rivals in mare hours. As a active player ive experienced the headache of chasing a 10 gym bonus because as soon as I take down a gym and put in a defender by the time I get to the next gym the previous gym is already defeated and most likely they are doing bubblestrat. Also it doesn't help that the area I'm in you can see at least 3 other gyms while standing at any current gym so you will always see the battle animations to know when the gym is being attacked.

If there wasn't for the snow + late night the gyms would have been taken over by the time I woke up.

  1. I don't drive though, I walk or cycle. My town's pretty small, I think it has 11 gyms, so I was pretty happy, although it wasn't worth the effort, I'd rather just get my usual 4 that are closer to me.

I stop at 15. Anything above that is pure greed and vanity. The only times I go above that is when I go out with friends and we take down enemy gyms and build them up because I like being in gyms with my buddies. I really don't see the point of vying for a "personal best" when there is no benefit other than taking up slots of other players.

When I have a full slate of 15, I go around Level 10 enemy gyms, take those down and bubblestrat them to Level 10 for my own team to drop their mons in.


I'm not understand your post.

If you already have 15 and you attack enemy level 10 gyms to put your own defender in and bubblestrat, does that not add more defenders to your count that's already at 15? So in actuality you are not really stopping at 15


11, I don't really go for more though. I'm happy getting my max amount of gyms and call it a day.

If I had a car I'd mine try and go for 3-4 gyms more, just for back-up.


Every once in a while I can get up to 15. Any more than that and I'm just being greedy, and taking up spots someone else could have. If I still feel like training, I'll prestige up the gym and leave the spot open.
