
Flooring Calculator - Please GP Overlords

This is a request, ney, I beg of our GP overlords to create one new calculator for us. (so I don't have to make a really painful spreadhseet).

The recent talk about flooring and the benefits of attaining certain levels with our attackers gives us a chance at a neat calculator that takes advantage of the calulations on this site in the guides provided.

There is 2 sides to this, and the one people have been concentrating on is the 'attacker damage', The otherside is that at certain defence levels we would also mitigate more damage from specific opponents. That is, just as there is a boost in damage done from flooring, there will also be a drop in damage recieved as our levels rise.

Anyway enough dribble...I am begging for a calculator.
The calculator would provide 2 sides...Opponent 1 (attacker) and Opponent 2 (defender) - identical.

We could name the mon
then specify the IV.
then specify the lvl
Then we specify the moveset.
And we do this for both opponents
Then press calculate.

This is where your wizardry comes in and awesomeness is provided to us all.

This would then tell us the damage done by each move for both combatants.
So quick move damage, and charge move damage done by each of the combatants at the specified levels.
It would be double awesome if it gave the figure for full damage and another for dodged damage.

I know I don't ask for much...but it would be a massively useful tool and I suspect would have a lot of traffic very quickly.

Oh yeah...thanks for reading my rabble if you got this far.

Asked by aSp6 years 11 months ago


Whatever aSp posted, I'm gonna praise it!


We might be able to implement something like this, but are holding off building any major site features until the gym update hits.


Great idea!
