
While gyms are closed, how will you play?

Well title says it all. How will closing the gyms for an uncertain mount of time change your game play?

My game play have changes so much as time went on, every time another event launched or I gained a level my playstyle changes to stay on the edge.

I find myself in the late stage of the game where I can max my pokemon to lvl 40 if i wanted to and just refining my team. Keeping pokemon that are only 90%+ IVs and with perfect attacking or defending movesets. All others no matter how rare they are, transferred for candy.

Prior to this, I was shiny hunting during the water event. I have yet to encounter one even though I'm catching every Majikarp in sight.

Prior to that event I was in a stage of EXP grinding every Sunday by timing 7 day spin + 7 day catch + 1 day spin + first day catch + hatching 9 10K eggs + mass evolve all within a 30 minute window while lucky egg is active. But it takes allot out of you by walking all the eggs to 9.5K then waiting till about 11:40pm to pop the lucky egg and continue walking to time 7 day streaks and first day.

Prior to that it was gym battling and raids. Taking as much gyms as possible so I wouldn't have to go out and reclaim gyms to get max daily bonus. Ive stopped battling as I sit in about 10+ stagnant gyms and collecting max bonus for months.

Prior to that I was completing the pokedex. After traveling to Florida and grabbing many Heracross and Corsala ive pretty much completed the Dex as much as I can and moved on.

Asked by Specter6 years 11 months ago


I guess I won't do gym battles then? Honestly the questions seems a little bit overreactive. They will be closing gyms "temporarily" which normally means a very short period of time. Like an hour. I may as well be sleeping at that time. Why do they even disable gyms? To kick everyone off. Why are they kicking everyone off? To implement a new system is everyone's guess. Implement? It's just an update. It would've taken 15 minutes to a properly run company. But since it's Niantic we're talking about, I won't be surprised if it took them 2 days... Then again, 2 days shouldn't really affect one's playstyle, you'll just spend more time catching mons. It's what happens after that may change it...


Oh I hope that is the case! I have potions to burn! I guess I personally don't care how long it is, but if it is prolonged, I would like to have some kind of idea.


Spin one stop. Catch one mon. Close game. After this week I'm looking forward to a break. I've been walking over 10km a day every day. It even rained on me a couple times. Lol, addict!
