
How Many Trainers are Quitting In Your Town?

Reporting from my town we had a strong Facebook Raid Group of 231 Trainers about half would go out. I remember the First Lugia we counted 174 at our local McDonald's (poor McDonald's). Now? Maybe 11 will replay on the page while only 4 show up... So what happened?

Well it all comes down to what drives this game, The Money. We are all just to burnt out to participate anymore by how much of a money grab this game is. Not only that there is a punk kid whos parents let him spend $200 a day in the shop. He started playing when the event started and now is a lvl 35. While lvl 35 in my clan have been playing every day for a year to earn that lvl that kid just gave money for it. We all would be happy to pay $60 for this game like Skyrim and be able to venture out and earn all of our rewards but this game was created for the top 1% of the community while the other 99% slave labor and pick up scraps and barely get by like we have for centuries. Niantic needs to reach out to the other 99% of the community and stop their money grab!

How many have quit in your town?

Asked by Barrelrider136 years 9 months ago


by Wolfe 6 years 9 months ago

I attended a Moltres raid today that had about 60 people turn up. I don't have discord or Facebook. From what I've seen though, no more, no less play than ever did before.


Ahh! Finally a question from Barrelrider13!
Population of my town is 2.3 Million (as of last count in 2016). So it will be foolish for me to predict how many will quit. It is probably true everywhere that there is a dwindling effect when compared to the day Lugia dropped. Same is true here. It is standard. So I am neither surprised, nor worried. I see a lot of new players in my part of the town. I see new pokemon in the gym, I meet new people every day at the raids. I like it!

Now I finally understand why you are so sour. It is just because you just do not have enough people around you. I probably have 230 people in my block alone who are active players, may be thousands in my neighbourhood. I honestly don't know. But I never have any trouble getting people in raids.
I see your problem dude! You are just lonely, I am so sorry for you.


230 trainers in a single block? What the size of your block? Are you from China? There is ridiculously huge buildings and 2.3 mil is still a small town.


Just FYI, Japan actually has higher population density than China.


I have mixed feelings towards Barrelrider but your story sounds too good to be true.


Uh, maybe you were excluded and they all moved on to discord? Some people that shy away from the facebook for a day could miss a mass discord invite.


According to Discord, only raids happening in my huge city are at the university--an Articuno and Tyranitar (they have 4 for the TT, including a 22 and 29, but the 29 has 10% battery left...but wait a 5th player is coming with an external battery!). Yesterday the chat was somewhat active. Somebody posted about a Lugia at a previously popular raiding gym...Dragontail/Hydropump, hmm gonna have to check whether there will be any traffic today between 5pm and 5:30pm


Let me ask you this, does this kid has any useful Mons to show for it? Can he bring any good counter to raids or even have the dust to power up his Mons to L30? He is no better than your average low L20 player since you can't buy dust in the shop. He will still have to work for a year to have the power and versatility a L35 can bring to the game.


This is true, however... kid could've bought a Lvl 35 account and spent "$200 a day" on Raid Passes, incubators, Bag Space etc...


burnout is real.
we have two issues
1) dex fillers have got their entry and aren't interested in repeating the same raids and few of them are aware of or (believe if they do) niantecs exclusive raid policy on mewtwo.

2) those that are still raiding are targeting different things you have people still trying to get lugia or a better lugia calling for numbers but the more serious players are trying to improve their ttar stable and then there is that other group that is still after moltress and no one gets enough numbers because they all try and set them for the same time.

and on point one no matter the outcome with that clumsy press release people are going to be pissed off the ones that didn't believe it and so didn't raid if it does turn out that way or the ones that did believe it and kept doing raids they didn't need if they relent.


yep the lack of golden raz is hurting
having to mostly use normal raz for low quality raid spawns and missing lots of them. Is a serious nerf to the rewards.


It has less to do with quitting and more to do with bait and switch.

You can't say, "here for 7 days only" and then bring everything back for nearly 3 weeks without a break.

I met a lot of people during the raids who were happy to see the legendaries come to an end. And then Niantic did what any company would have done, cashed in on a moment...

In my town we had 60 people at a time show up for raids the first few days of each bird. Now, the numbers are about 5 to 10. Yeah there are die-hards. But most now realize that the birds aren't that rare and they aren't that special. In fact, most of us higher level players are reading for the rewards. if we catch it? That was fun. But the candy and TMs are the prize.

People are just bored with it. And I do get a strong sense of resentment towards Niantic for making people feel the window for catching these pokemon was far more limited than it was.

The fever is over. I'm done. if something shows up down the street and I'm bored I'll go. But I don't need any more legendaries.


Honestly, I'm tired of the whole money grab argument. It's the whole Starbucks conundrum.

I don't feel I'm spending a lot of money, and I'm an Unown away from having all the Pokémon less the four geographic I can't catch.

I've spent a decent amount of money, and I have a pretty solid collection that allows me to get into any gym or raid, and kick some ass.

I have never felt the risk (spend) has ever outweighed the reward. I'm having fun. If you aren't, quit the game, go spend your money on something more worthwhile, for you.


I have unown, the only non-regional I'm missing is sunflora lol (no sun stone)


None. This game has actually gotten more popular since the raids have been out for a bit. More and more new trainers, as they can now catch up quicker with raids.

You sound salty. Play a different game if it ticks you off so much that someone else spends money, which shouldn't affect you whatsoever.


For me, my only issue is I live in a large City on the east coast of the US but I do not have a ton of time to play during the raid times. I have never successfully done a lvl 4 or 5 raid because of the 6(2rex and 4 birds) I have been able to go to, I have been able to spend half hour or so waiting and no one has ever showed up. Just unlucky I guess. But I still enjoy catching and battling and I do 1 and 2 level raids on my own. Have done a couple 3, but not actually won one yet.


Have you really checked FB and asked around about a chat? My city is not large and we have a great active group but you'd have to do some searching to find it.


We just had two groups of 10 beat a Lugia with Future Sight...great--I had to wait there for 80 minutes w/ my toddler (at a playground at least) b/c another group was coming but they are currently raiding an Articuno. I finally just mutinied and got the 10 people that were most tired of waiting to go--we had 25 sec to spare, I didn't faint. 12 balls (no gym control balls)....landed 11...still didn't catch 2040 Lugia. A major reason it took so long, an Instinct player level 39 wanted to wait for that other group b/c they were also Instinct--I have more fun trying to calm and contain my kid at church than I did tonite, from 6:30pm to 7:50pm waiting. Waiting for people while they are elsewhere waiting for other people, lame. No TMs, no rare candy. Got potions, revives, 3 Golden razz.


You talk about people quitting, then you snark on some new player who has deep pockets.
Stop concerning yourself with other people's mon bags and how they get their mons.
I don't care if the kid battling the raid boss next to me has rich parents or not.

I like this game and have had great group raiding experiences with our discord group.


by daltry 6 years 9 months ago

Maybe a more productive way to look at is that this kid is paying so that you can play for free. Without people like him this game might die. I've never spent a cent, I'm up to level 34. And I do just fine. I'm glad people are spending money. I think it's rediculous how many rewards they put into tier 4 and 5 raids. But that's the new game.


by Puppi 6 years 9 months ago

Buy to play - Buy the game, play the game.

Pay to play - Pay a monthly subscription to play.

Free to play - Yeeeee just play boi, but don't expect to get everything, you'll have limitations.

Niantic to play - Oh look theres a raid, I really wanna do that raid, it's only $1 so lets do this. Oh look I got a 10k egg, I really wanna hatch this egg.... ZOMG ANOTHER RAID..... blah blah including mixed messages and false implications to tempt you to spend money.

Conclusion - Free to play Pokemon Go can be fun especially when you read the endless stories of people who have payed good money, only to be left disappointed (not to rejoice in their pain, but to recognise that it could easily be you).

At some point, the PoGo model will leave you behind, I reckon. And they won't thank you on the way out the door.


Well, I finally quit for real. I will pop it open to get my catch bonus and my spin from a gold gym, but other than that, I just don't have the motivation to do anything more.

The reality is that I am simply bored and don't have the motivation to grind stardust. I honestly have no idea how someone can still be doing a dozen raids a day (some people in my chat do.)

One of the main reasons I picked Instinct over a year ago was Zapdos. Since that moment I have been on the minority team. Most of the time that has been extremely frustrating, other times it was very rewarding. There is nothing rewarding about it anymore. Anyways, I spent a week in Vegas, on the Strip, the week Zapdos came out. I caught every pokemon in sight. I finally caught my first Zapdos, a modest 88%. It was the first feeling of "end game" for me. I maxed it out at level 39, spending nearly all the stardust I worked for in Vegas.

Besides just being bored with the system, I am just not that motivated to grind for stardust. For what? To max out another Dragonite? Another Tyranitar? A level 30 pokemon is more than capable of being a raid attacker, so I don't NEED to power up anything.

The game has come down to doing raids, nothing more. Not looking for up or down votes, just sharing my reason for hanging it up.


Not trying to be an ass, but "quit for real" would mean you uninstalled the game, instead of opening it daily to get streaks? That was pretty much me from April-June outside of the events; wait until PvP comes out ::))

Also if you are a fan of the main series, check out
It's essentially PvP matchmaking, but you get to customize your squad. No storyline, just pure mind games. And it's sooo fun!! I use it when I'm on a bus or waiting in line or trying to kill time

"spending nearly all of the stardust I worked for in vegas" at least a you have some, I hear most people blow all of their dust in vegas


I won't uninstall the game because I am sure I will still pop it open when I am at parks with the kids. It will be like any other game a phone, in that I may open it up if I am bored at an airport or something, but the days of me going out of my way to play the game are over.

I also hold out hope that major changes will be made, but I know this is little more than wishful thinking.

I am just at the point that I have no intention or desire to even attempt to get Mewtwo. I simply don't care...


Heh, you're playing like me then...I agree that there is really nothing to do and I NEVER saw the appeal of grinding to Level 40.

The game has very little gameplay, I don't think anyone would disagree with this statement and raids sorta made everything secondary or "pointless" with a lot of things (level, teams, rare mons, walking, buddy, incubators, etc...).

I think as long as you play when it's convenient FOR YOU and not when it's convenient for other people or Niantic, the game is less of a drag...Waiting in line for something, next to a gym? Take it out...Do a Level 1-3 raid solo, etc...

I do Karp raids all the time with my free pass since I'm actually more worried about wasting my pass each day than driving everywhere for a Level 5 raid.

It's easy for me play since I have a dog and it needs to be walked, rain or shine so I only play when I do that and when I am out and about doing errands...But the days of driving to play by the beach or what not has long been dead for me.

As I've mentioned, wife and kids waste their free raid pass daily and just don't care...Maybe when Gen 3 hits (apk was just mined), they'd want to catch new things, but it's really just a collecting mon game IMO...

I think the game is less annoying if you play it for what it is...


Crossing my fingers on the apk ✌?️

And yes it's frustrating how there are minimal ways to interact and how raids are limited to 1/day for F2P (before using coins) :/ I just hope PvP doesn't require some sort of pass...

My appeal for grinding was to reach the highest level required to max out my pokemon (38, 37 if you want to use the 3 device to trick to level em to lv39 mons) in the hopes that by the time I reached that level, PvP would be out and i could focus on that. I have since reached that level (thanks to the plethora of double/triple xp events) and bow no longer feel compelled. It was more an OCD thing than anything and I don't have OCD! But props to you!! It feels so good now not feeling compelled to grind, I wish I could have felt this way since launch. I have a few people I raid with that still are trying to grind to 40 but I see no reason


I feel you!! I think they will find more things to incorporate over time; during the first 6 months of the game Niantic was primarily focusing on server issues and rolling the game out. I have a feeling the game will start to speed up in terms of content, when if it's not drastic,

And good stuff man. I play in hopes of prepared for PvP; I doubt the legendaries will be allowed in general play and I'm not extremely hyped for its appearance nor was I with the birds-I'm glad somebody else doesn't feel compelled to catch them all hahaha


I've actually met many people that have began playing again since raids launched; I feel like this game, until it reaches a point where it is self sustaining (offering multiple ways to interact with Pokémon and other players; e.g. PvP and trading and raids), will see increaes and decreases in the player base

And I hear you on the money-aspect (between this and previous posts!)
It does make a tremendous difference to those that invest; especially in the case of that aforementioned 'punk.' I tell myself that, although it kind of blows that I've invested more than twice as much time than a couple in my raid group that each have 6m+ xp than me and raid passes for days, the money that I'm not spending in this game is typically going to greater priorities, and I'm okay with that.

I do hear you, and I wish that coins were easier to collect in-game, but in the grand scheme of things, id rather not waste my energy sulking over it because I know that energy could be used elsewhere


My final goal is to solo all tier 3 raids except Flareon and Jolteon.
After that, I might just quit for good.


Well, this was, collectively, a bit of a depressing read. Admit I'm over Bird raids but I'm avidly nurturing my mewtwo counters!! Maybe I'm spending too much time on this game. But I'm still walking like always.


I never had a chance to do any legendary raids, just not enough players in this area plus RL (work, family) interferes. But I find enough reasons to keep playing... the exercise incentive/stress relief, gym battles, the raids I can do, and catching them all ;)

I think what we all need is gen 3!
