
My thoughts on the raid system- I'd like to hear what other people think.

I've always wanted and thought legendaries would be just that legends being extremely hard to catch, find and adored. I personally can't stand the raid system having them available for a month. People having +50 of each, not wanting to power up 98% because it last so long you might find 100% ( I am guilty of this and I hate it). I always assumed I'd be extremely lucky to have just 1 of each and no matter the iv I would max it out because it's a damm legendary. Instead we continue to pay money catching 20 30 40 of them and it has lost all the specialty about it. People don't even want to raid Lapras and Snorlax I mean really I've seen maybe 2 Snorlax in the wild in over a year.
Anyways just my thoughts but I know it's all about the $$$

Asked by jaboowinston56 years 7 months ago


Agree 100%

Not to mention the current gym system. It was supposed to be a big improvement, but to me it has been a HUGE letdown. There are aspects that are better than the old tower gym system, but bottom line is, I no longer have any desire to build up defenders, which used to be my major focus.

I'm level 39 and in the last week I've gone from playing hours a day to playing 0-30 minutes.


My thought is that most of the problem is with the players. People that drive from raid to raid then complain they don't have stardust or potions. The game has always been pay to get ahead just like most other mobile games


I'm very close to level 39 and enjoy the grind. Have gotten my dust to 1.2 million (yesterday alone got 130k). I personally now just use my 1 pass on level 3 to solo since it's the only part of the game I find enjoyable at this moment.


Hey, no one forces you to pay money on raids. No one forces you to keep multiple copies of legendaries. If you have a problem of having 40+ same legendaries, just keep one and dump all others. Or just don't participate in legendary raids.
It's Niantic's game. You (and we, as players) don't get to tell them what the game SHOULD be like if you are playing it regardless. You really want it to change? Ok, quit spending or quit playing.
And how does spending money on raids annoy you anyway? How does "all about the $$$" annoy you? Name me one business that's not about $$$.
If you want to play it the hard way - keeping only one legendary, or even only participate in one raid for each legendary, fine, go ahead. No one is stopping you.


You completely misinterpreted the entire point of what I said but way to add value lol


by kepa 6 years 8 months ago

The dog rads are way too long and idk why but i just am compelled to keep raiding one. lately tho i have been following sponsor gym raids.

I agree a little to what you said about the legendaries, but I also play more now than ever because I guess I have rearranged my goals in the game. The gym set up does suck, it needs some improvement. Nowadays I find it fun to try and make an impressive army of each type offense and defense. there is no use for one really but just to have. I just try to find something to be proud of in the game. i just wish they would let me collect more mons because it takes space trying to develop a big army in each type. Why is there a limit anyways, that is stupid.


You would think having unlimited bag space and inventory space would be an easy decision, just like raids pay money and get more space? Pay more money and do more raids etc


I wanted legendary raids to be source to power up your legendary based on your contribution without use of stardust and candies while the legendary is obtainable after reaching a certain level in the game.


by 2acres 6 years 8 months ago

My 2 sons and use every free raid pass. Sometimes with a group on a Raikou, other times on a level 2 or 3 if it is going to expire.

We work to get 50 coins almost every day and spend them on incubators and storage upgrades.

We meet people who obsessively chase Raikou after Raikou. They spend some but not much $. I guess they enjoy the pursuit.


by haltsy 6 years 8 months ago

There are also people with 0 of each. It seems to me Niantic could have seen that coming... and perhaps they did. It might be true that trainers who play in packs or in high-activity areas spend more and spend more often.

That being said, if they were only concerned with $$$, they would have found a way to make money off the zero-legendary trainers by providing an alternative method of getting them. My guess is that they're just winging it but making enough money as they go along that they don't have much incentive to make the game as well-crafted as the players might hope.

They should fire a few people from the graphics team and hire a top-notch game theorist. People here regularly lament a lack of interesting goals in the game. Solve that and the game could see its true potential.


I agree, the lack of goals whether its a quest, pvp, trading, soloing, hatching, or limits to number of mons, none of it helps, they could also have more player v player interaction, like a text chat near a gym to help with raids and coordinate better. teleporting to a friend for a one-time raid battle would also be awesome.

they should also make it so that depending on your team, your mons of that type have a slight bonus in battling, that would be cool.


I'm one of those who have zero (0) legendaries and I doubt I'm alone. I live in a rural area (no spawns, nearest stop 3 km), usually play in town (which has a really nice park with 10 stops and 3 gyms. I work in the city, 25 miles/40 km away, and know where the best "poke parks" are; I play there when I can. So that's my situation. Why don't I have any legendaries?

There are simply not enough players where/when legendary raids occur, and in the popular park(s) - where you can always find players, enough for any raid - there are no legendary raids at the best times. Make sense? No, of course, but Niantic apparently hasn't given this any thought. Don't tell me they don't have the info where/when most people play/raid! So why have 2 legendary raids on a remote forest trail at the same time and none in the most popular park in city on a weekday afternoon/evening (after work/school) or weekend?! (Of course, some trainers - say, college students, where interest/participation is high - will always have enough others available for any raid, but I'm talking but the rest of us.)

At first, this really bothered me. I went out of my way to get to the popular park after work (before it got dark too early), but there was never a legendary raid - or even a t4 raid, which is difficult to do in my area. Finally, I resigned myself and accepted the fact that the current legendary raid system leaves many trainers out in the cold. Niantic may not care, and finally neither do I.

Then I read that people have dozens of legendaries, and can't even put them in gyms. Many also don't appear to be more powerful than many other good attackers, many of whom I (as a level 37 player) already have. At that point, I really didn't care anymore to get a legendary (although, I would love to have my team bird, Articuno, I won't lie ;)

So I set myself another goal, one that I think may be the most challenging one in the current meta: Soloing t3 boss(es). So far, I haven't succeeded, but I'll keep on trying.

I hope there will eventually be another way to get legendaries (legendary eggs?) for completion the the dex, but honestly, I don't even care... don't have Unown and most regionals either.

For now, I'll take it day by day - and am currently gathering dust, LOL.


Well said.

None here either and not likely to get any, unless I find myself near one and a group gathering to do the raid.

I'm happy with the way I play, grinding and gathering dust. The current goal is to get better than 90% IV with as many mons as possible.

P.S. I got lucky and was in London for the recent Unown and Kangaskhan spawns. Yay me.


Oh it must be so nice for you to live in a big city where you can just show up to a legendary raid and find plenty people to play with. You know, some of us, like me, actually do put in a whole lot of effort just to be able to have a chance at catching a legendary.
My current legendary status is:
1/2 Articuno
2/3 Zapdos
1/5 Moltres
1/4 Raikou
0/3 Lugia
For all of those 18 legendary raids I did all I could to get enough people to come. So yes, actually, legendaries ARE hard to get.


They're hard to get if you live in the wrong area, which you seem to. For other people they're easy to get and for them there's a legit argument there's too many.

That's always been the way with GO, it's so dependent on where you live.


The "wrong area"?

So you're telling me that there are right and wrong places where I should live? Sorry you don't to make that decision about someone else.


You can only get "too many" legendaries if you spend, so who's fault is that? This criticism is hilariously misplaced and confused.
