
Legendaries with/without STAB movesets

Kyogre and Groudon have excellent stats and get STAB movesets as well. On the other hand Suicune and Ho-Oh's stats are inferior to them (though Ho-Oh's stats are still good) and they don't get STAB movesets (unless you got lucky with Suicune's Hidden Power).

How do you feel about this? Do you think Ho-Oh could use buffs? (Suicune definitely could, no question there.) Or are you on the more cynical side and think that Groudon and Kyogre will get nerfed? Feel free to share your thoughts.

As I see it they handled Ho-Oh like they handled Mewtwo: both got their stats nerfed and neither gets the best movesets their types could have. The big difference between the two is that Mewtwo's stats are more offensively oriented which is desirable. Now we got Groudon who is closer to Mewtwo than Ho-Oh was and yet it didn't get the second half of the nerf (though I know Ground moves are rather bad currently). It just makes me wonder...

As a final note, I'd rather have Ho-Oh's stats buffed than it getting better moves if I had to choose.

Asked by Ildamon6 years 5 months ago


by pipjay 6 years 5 months ago

The main part of the problem is that Suicune (previously) and Ho-Oh don't learn any moves in the main series games that correspond with fast moves in Go. I am surprised that Suicune didn't get Waterfall when it was added.


That's true, though Ho-Oh for example could have gotten better Flying and Fire charge moves in Sky Attack and Overheat. As it can't learn Flying or Fire fast moves it seems even more unnecessary to nerf its stats that hard because there wouldn't be a future buff coming in the form of STAB fast moves.
