
What is the purpose of ex raids again?

As i said from the start before i got fed up of raids, raids, raids and the zombies who do them, ex raids are an atrocity.

I've heard all sorts of excuses for them, one being that Niantic Corp. want to make Mewtwo *challenging* to catch. Even though every other legendary you can get as easy as walking into Walmart and buying a big fish!

In reality, ex raids for Mewtwo, the most iconic Legendary, exist only to encourage zombies to do even more raids and pay Niantic Corp. even more money! Mewtwo is a nice little money maker for Niantic Corp.

That's the purpose of ex raids.


Asked by harrytipper26 years 5 months ago


by dads 6 years 5 months ago

Is purchasing fish at Wal Mart generally possible but occasionally labor intensive? I don’t understand the example.

Obviously Niantic will profit from people doing more raids to qualify and they didn’t create this game to just ... make people happy? It’s a business. Also, someone just pointed out in the thread before this, Mewtwo raids could or would have caused very large amounts of people to show up and they can control the location of Ex Raids.


In what way is doing a raid labour intensive LMAO.

"Niantic are a business" that's correct. Niantic just want to make money, it's irrelevant whether the product is good or not.

I just find it funny that i've seen people trying to justify ex raids as anything other than part of their money making scheme.


Oh, you don’t have a full time job and/or you live directly in an area where raid attendence isn’t an issue? That’s interesting.

Also, don’t try to quote me and do so incorrecty and use incorrect grammar and draw conclusions. I already said it was a money machine and I did not imply that the “product is good”
That. That is how you use quotes.

Also, who is standing up for ex raids?
How drunk are you?


Your post implies that you believe it's acceptable for Niantic to run things purely for profit. Well personally i want to play a quality game rather than contribute to a corporation but that's just me!

Strip away the novelty of going outside to catch pokemon, and Go is nothing.


If you don't like what Niantic is doing so badly, then go play a different game already.


“If you don’t like what your children turned out to be like, go abandon them for a new family already.”

As if you’d ever have the cock for such intrepidness.

Dare to ask the control “If you’re trying to make a Pokémon game that is in a significant and desirable way accurate to the Pokémon universe, fix the game already.”


If that’s how you feel and you mean it, you simply have to quit. Don’t talk about it, be about it... unless you’re full of ?
In fact, don’t invest in any games on your phone. I’m sure 99% or more of phone games are for profit. Don’t be stupid.


You “want to play a quality game rather than contribute to a corporation.”

Where exactly do you think that quality game is coming from? Who is doing the thousands of hours of actual work to produce the game?

You make it sound like the corporation is greedy, when in fact it is YOU who wants something for nothing. You want them to give you the game, and resent the notion of giving anything in return? While they take the risk of investing millions of dollars in producing the game hoping that they will get something back?

That is truly greedy, hiding behind the fashionable veil of corporation bashing.


The game is free. That they would devise ways to create a profit is simply an insult because no sentient and sapient being would spend on something. Even more so the game is a service. Just like how you aren’t charged for walking into a bookstore and sitting there, perhaps reading, perhaps not. How ironic that these “knowledgeable” of this site, the place that teaches idiots to employ disgusting techniques and play the game easily instead of promoting true exploration and innovation, is attacking the person highlighting fallacy and exploitation right during the shadow of net neutrality issues. Lets dream of a world where throwing a ball is $1 (curveball $1.50,). Logging in $8.99. Mass transfer $.10 per Pokémon. It’s a business!!!!!!


Is that a question or was this just your usual bitching grab for attention?


by Peach 6 years 5 months ago

Everyone and everything in this world exists to annoy you. Thats why. You are the center of this universe. You are soo important.


Are you a video game princess or something with that name Peach?

Tell Mario i said hi, Peach!


They don’t serve a purpose. If they were awarded with objective criteria, like a reward, then they would make sense.


this looks suspiciously like a post a few down.

I kind of enjoyed raids, catching up with people sharing joy and a little envy at good catches and commiseration at bad ones.

ex-raids are a different story. They are deeply divisive and seem be handed out in a manner that contradicts what niantic has said.

But I have spent a lot of effort making teams that can solo any t3 duo ttar, optimize output against t5's all with maximium dust efficiency in a relatively spawn poor region. There was some skill in resource management. I have never been particularly lucky (except my 2 perfect ttars from raiding) with my finds but was good at making the most of what I got.

Now it's just what you stumble across (how good your local spawn points are) and any twit can solo any t3 with a few lucky finds.

And my carefully constructed team means jack shit when "I am going to finish off with pikachu just like the cartoon", gets mewtwo and months later I am still waiting for an invite.

Will likely keep on playing but far less as there are no meaningful things to achieve.

one of my friends got an invite to the Christmas round again dominated by casuals the attached image is typical of the exchanges as he tries to figure out how many aren't going away for the holiday and what they can contribute.


LMAO, i've heard plenty of people complaining "I've done 100 raids this months, i should get a pass etc." As if Niantic are interested in that. They're only interested in your Wonga!

Sorry about your tier 3 teams. As i've said plenty of times, Niantic do not design GO to be challenging, they design it to be easy so noobs will be happy and spent lots of money!!


by plick 6 years 5 months ago

...oh they still have those? What exactly is the EX Raid boss again? I forget...


I keep reading posts about Niantic making money as if that were an evil thing.
First of all, the developers who write the code, and the IT admins who run the servers, and the project managers who run the projects, and the janitors who clean the Niantic restrooms, are not volunteers. They don’t work for free. Just like everyone else who has a job, they work for a paycheck. Where, exactly, do you think those funds come from?? Everyone who works for a living makes money from paying customers. Period. If Niantic is evil for doing that, then so is everyone else who makes money in any way.


by SvEn 6 years 5 months ago

If you don't like it, then GO AWAY and stop bothering people who enjoy this game with all your hate and negativity!


by Croc 6 years 5 months ago

The purpose is to keep you from your family on Christmas day.


Seriously messsed up ???
Whoever made that decision had to be like, “these losers don’t have any life so they’ll definitely feel blessed to have a Mewtwo for Christmas ? “


Some of them really do have no life..

For everyone else it's just typical daft Niantic decision. They should have waited till the new year and give everyone a break but nah, Niantic gotta keep the cash coming in.


What do you get out of showing off your stupidity? Is it the attention or what?


It is heavily evident in you. Stupidity I mean, in case it really has a grasp on you which is likely. You’re interacting and even showing interest in someone TALKING on site that is in a major way all about discussion, and so far nothing you’ve said disproves or silences this user you seek to shadow sneak on or vice versa.


I raided less and have two EX Passes in my inventory right now. Learn to follow directions.


Ex raids make me less likely to spend money. I could spend $1000 and still not get a ex pass. It makes no sense to take something designed to be inclusive and make it exclusive.
