
Attacking/Dodging pokemon are disgusting

Every pokemon doesn't flee throughout the event (Haven't saw a poke flee in 2 days) but they just kept attacking balls. I just saw a cacnea this morning that hit like 7 great balls even if i threw it when it attacked and even 40 cps are headbutting the balls like crazy. They only seem to headbutt or jump the balls when you throw the ball and basically attack or jump as soon as the ball goes into contact with them. Almost all of the pokemon are taking like 2 or 3 balls to catch.

If you want to make money from balls this is not the way because if you catch a pokemon with a red ball it's going to flee 99.9% of the time and it's a appalling and steel hard fact. People are talking about the fact about garbage new pokes but this is the real garbage.

I'll actually quit this garbage when the game begins to have me waste 100 balls on an attacking pidgey (Which never happened yet but trust me, it will happen soon).

The worst ones are the hovering ones like Shuppet and Carvanha and boy i hate catching them, they give you no chance to curveball them by sticking onto the right side and i can't even throw the pokemon with a curveball. If it goes to the left ok but if it goes to the right...Have fun sticking around for 10 mins plus. AR doesn't even work against them now. Of course there are ones which you can still hit normally when they are hovering like Beldum or Castform but Carvanha, Shuppet, Duskull, Wailmer and others like that are literal hell.

Also there's an equally annoying problem which i noticed after this update. If you curveball a pokemon trying to score a great, the ball will simply land in front of the pokemon and miss. What a joke steer clear from this disgusting horseshit!

Asked by Mr-ex7776 years 3 months ago


I had a Wurmple flee this morning after jumping out of 9 balls. 9. NINE. 8 Razzberries. 6 Red balls, 2 Great Balls, 1 Ultra ball. 8 Great Throws. 1 No Bonus.


I didn't realize that Charmanders were hiding as Wurmples these days.

(What? I was stuck in between a jack-knifed garbage truck and a school bus on snow covered roads. Couldn't go forward, couldn't go back, so I turned the car off to wait and there was a Wurmple.)


Yes i used to have trouble catching wurmples some time ago, razz berry plus great they break free without a shake then flee. Also had pinapped level 5 beldums/ralts breaking free of great balls. If any balance patches are coming soon, this is one of them.


I thought you had already quit because you didn't get an EX pass for two days ago?

Also, aren't you a self-proclaimed Pokemon Master? If wild Mons are really putting up that much of a fight, why aren't you using the circle freeze trick and waiting for the attack animation to wind up your throw?

Finally, you make it sound like trying for a great curveball on a wild Mon will result in an automatic miss. This simply isn't the case. You just need to better gauge your throw distance.


They've already admitted that ex pass event was a bug, so i'll spare them for not being that brazen to actually let that be a new feature.

Also, I am actually circle locking sometimes but usually i don't have that much patience to wait for the pokemon to attack unless i have a good sum of time. Especially when chasing the despawn timer of rare pokes, if you try to interact with a hovering pokemon midway and it just stays on the right of the screen it's very troublesome.


by hkn 6 years 3 months ago

I do seem to be using up balls a little faster than usual. A little annoying, but fortunately, restocking balls is easy in Singapore (I know it is hard for many others).

From a different perspective, trainers have to earn the loyalty of their Pokemon. If I were a Pokemon, I would definitely put up a lot of resistance to any human who tries to catch me by throwing balls at me.


by afFall 6 years 3 months ago

Wailmer? Really?
I would say Wailmer is the easiest to both land excellent throws and also catch without problems.. and I've cought 332 so far


When any mon goes to the right side, joke's on them, I curveball the heck out of the left side.
Wailmer just pops up into the screen, I can't miss that big lug. I have a worse time catching Plusle if it's high level and spazzing like a flea off a dog.


Dude, eat a snickers
