
Catch bonus DENIED

So, today, I and a group of 19 people did a Raidquaza and, after beating it in like 10 seconds and receiving the item rewards, we all got locked out of the catch bonus stage, receiving continuous "Network Error" messages during the catch screen. After restarting the app, all of us could still see the Raidquaza on top of the gym as if we hadn't beaten it yet and could still join or make a new lobby. However, each time the timer countdown reached zero and the battle arena loaded for all of us, we all got constantly kicked out of the gym with the message "You already completed this raid" showing across the screen. We tried many times to restart the battle or at least prompt the bonus stage since we had already beaten it, all to no avail. Never seen something like this happen before. Have you? Do you know a possible fix? What do you think could have triggered it? How can mirrors be real if our eyes are not real?

Asked by Bellick6 years 3 months ago


by aSp 6 years 3 months ago

I have never seen or heard of that specific bug...but I would report it to Niantic and encourage all who took part to do the same thing.
They will probably compensate you with a raid pass or 2, but the important part is that they will hear about a serious issue that has the potential to affect a large number of people simultaneously. Hopefully this would be taken seriously.

...and if my eyes are not real, then what is it I am seeing in the mirror?


Some of us did file a report, at least I did and I instructed everyone on how to do it but who knows who else bothered.

...and you can discover everything you need to know about everything just by looking at your hands


Very same thing happened to a raid group I was in on the last day of Raikou. I reported the issue to Niantic but never received a reply. Maybe you’ll have better luck.


I don't expect a reply but hopefully someone will read my report and have someone work i¡on the issue. I'm not flustered about it, it was a partial "victory" since we did get the items and the boss could have fled anyways, but I know a lot of other people will explode in rabid anger if this ever happens to them.


by hkn 6 years 3 months ago

I can understand redacting your trainer name, but why the Heracross face and Rayquaza face?

Such glitches will only be fixed if people stop paying as a result.


For privacy, of course. It wasn't just the Ray and Heracross, though


Did the 20th people create another group?


Yeah, I forgot to mention that a second group lobby was formed since the first one filled up in seconds, but I think that one consisted mainly of spoofers who couldn't join in time since no one present mentioned having caught it and there weren't more than 15 physical players there in person.


The details of your situation vary from my own however I have seen the "you're already completed this raid" message. A while back it was discovered that after 15 or so minutes if you defeat the boss and run away the victory medallion vanishes from atop the gym and the boss goes back. Back when I was lucky egging raids I wanted to test something. Can you complete a raid at the same gym twice with one pass.

Long story short, you can't. If you run away from the boss for whatever reason and wait too long you are locked out of catching it.

What happened to you is a little more sinister. I'm very sorry you and your group were locked out in that way that sucks!


We were not the first and we won't be the last, but I hope this can be prevented in the future. I've read about other raid groups having something similar happen to them but under different circumstances. Nothing like this has been reported either here or on reddit AFAIK


It happened two times to me and I reported to Niantic, of course nothing response! My raided groups were less than 10 people.


I am so glad to hear this. I am sorry that it happened, but it also happened to me and a few others last night on a Kyogre raid. I even have screenshots of completing the raid, but no log of Kyogre being caught or fleeing. I am so frustrated because he was a very high IV. I tried to contact them, but at every turn, it was "submit a bug report" and "you acknowledge you will not receive a response from Niantic"

Total BS.


This happened to us a while ago, back when Raikou was the raid boss. A bunch of us completed the Raikou raid, we were in the catch screen, but after throwing 2/3 balls, all of us were suddenly kicked out, and not allowed in again. The remaining steps followed similar to what you experienced, and we lost that Raikou. Fortunately none of the players' encounters was a Raikou that was absolutely worth catching.
We reported it to Niantic, but received no replies.
