
Strategies for Destroying Berried Gyms


I need some help taking out unfriendly gyms for my next EX-Raid!

Last time we were a group of 24 total but we lost the gym to a single Instinct that brought their family to hold the gym despite 45 minutes of continuous fighting.

1) Isn't there a way to counter this? How do we sync up three battle instances? We managed to get two but it wasn't enough.

2) How do I best deal with Blissey in a scenario that it's always maxed and requires repeated fights? Just Machamp and dodge for speed? Something more potion-efficient or reliable like Lugia/Groudon/Kyogre/Metagross? It's quite taxing going in with a Machamp for 40 minutes straight. Assume I arrive there before my team-mates do.

I'm glad they held the gym since they were in the minority and were able to catch second-to-last-ball (meaning the gym ensured their capture), but I also think it's a flawed Gym system if a small family of four using Blisseys and TTars under 2.3k [full motivation] can hold a gym from a full team of attacking Mystics (and a couple Valors) for a full 40 minutes unbroken.

Asked by WaterYouWading46 years 3 months ago


by pipjay 6 years 3 months ago

Here is the post:

When you back out of the gym fight then start fighting again, you do not rejoin the same players that were already fighting. The game creates a new instance for everyone that left. The closer in time that different instances finish, the less time there is for the defending team to feed berries in between. If you can finish three instances at the same time, it will kick the defender no matter how much it is being fed. You then have 10 minutes to repeat with the next 5 pokemon before the defending team can add new pokemon.

Group of players start a fight. (instance 1)
Some back out, then start again. (instance 2)
Out of the second group, some back out, then start again. (instance 3)

If the defenders are only feeding when motivation drops to 1/3, then you can do one normal fight, then create two instances and finish at the same time to kick the defender. If they are feeding golden razzberries after each fight to keep motivation full, then you need to finish three instances at the same time.

Anyone new starting a fight will go into instance 1. After that instance is finished, then new players will go into instance 2. If there are uncoordinated players also fighting, that can speed up the time on instance 1. I saw one suggestion in that case that you might want to create a further instance 4, leave one player in instance 1 but not attacking to give the other players time to leave and re-enter into instances 2-4 so they can all finish at the same time.


That's actually easier than I thought, the only problem is randoms that join in and ruin the synchronization.
Still might be hard to do before an ex raid with so many ppl around (and Spoofers you can't communicate with). I guess the best thing is to get there early enough to have just your group fighting.


I'll give this a try - I noticed that the group was fighting with things like groudon so even if they don't follow the synchronization me and a couple friends with our maxed Machamps should be able to keep up more or less


I've tried it with 2 phones against a multi account Valor player, but he kept feeding at 2/3 motivation. After 90 minutes of fighting, he exhausted a grand total of 600 berries in the gym.

I only used 15 hyper pots and 20 revives on both accounts, and whatever I spun from the gym in between battles.

Then later, a random Instinct/Mystic multi account player came and also fought for over 30 minutes, and he slotted in instinct when I told him.
