
How are these stuff supposed not to be fixed?

* Used 2 charged tms on 100iv Outrage Gyarados and got Crunch > Outrage. Remember i'm burning a total of 7 raid passes and only got 2 charged tms.
* Solution: Make the TM look random but cycle between moves.
* Alakazam Solo Attempt (I don't have a choice), Last Shadow ball from Mewtwo is timed perfectly but time ended 3 seconds short.
* Solution: Fix your servers and optimization.
* I saw a Lapras today and after 1 Gold Razz + Ultra it fled after 2 shakes. It wasn't a softban, i can catch pokemon but every Lapras i saw recently just flees without fail, always gold razz plus ultra curve, pops up after 2 shakes then flees. Raid boss Lapras can be caught without problems. After this i raged at home the whole night.
* Solution: Make some pokemon that don't deserve to flee have 0 flee rates.
* Alone in Charizard room until some noobs came in and gave me false hope, needless to say i didn't even complete it before the raid timer ends.
* Solution: Remove the timer when there are less than an amount of people in a T4 and T5.

None of these stuff got fixed and it's pretty clear that this game will end after 12 months, enjoy when you still can. I've never saw a pokemon game worse than Pokemon Dash and makes me more angry than anything else.

This game is making me suffer (not fun, suffer, S for Suffer) and i can get arrested or recorded on the internet for all the shit i got put up with. If you rage on the streets of hong kong people will use their cellphone and record you and post it to youtube.

Asked by Mr-ex7776 years 2 months ago


So, basically, you are complaining that the game is too hard for you?


1. RNG.
2. Server/client lag is a thing that happens in every online game ever. If you can't solo a Zam, then improve your team or find someone to duo it with.
3. RNG. Sometimes things run.
4. No one is forcing you to do anything. Also, Charizard is a tier 4 raid. Those cannot be solo'd.

If this game is causing you that much frustration, then you honestly should quit. Complaining about it here will accomplish absolutely nothing, as Niantic likely isn't looking at your post here and if they are, they won't take it seriously.
P.S. if you rage *anywhere* in public, you're probably going to get in trouble, seeing as how that's considered socially unacceptable.


Yep please quit. For your own mental health.
(And ours too. But yours, mostly).


I agree with you on the TM thing and there's got to be a client-side solution to the raid system that could fix the timer issue.

Otherwise it sounds like you need a nap and a maybe a week vacation from PoGo


If this game makes you suffer then why are you playing it and then complaining about it . This is just dumb. Quit. I could also complain that i havent gotten a ray over 90% iv in .. 50 raids.


I would be more prepared to hear you out on this "problem-solution" thing, but most of the "problems" aren't at all problems.

1-TMs are random, and I'm okay with that despite having been the butt of many frustrating move cycles. I've been there, trust me, and it usually takes me a lot more than your two Charged TMs. Most Pokemon have, in the way of Charged Moves, 1 STAB move, one counter move, and one crap move. Giving up some control of that makes for a good game IMO.

2-This server thing is a problem I'll agree with, but a solution for now is to just try to get ahead of the clock by a few seconds. Makes things harder.

3- I'm sorry your awesome Lapras fled from you but everything in the game has flee rates that you can look up on this website. It's just bad luck. I would hate for this game to change its core functions for you to have a decent-at-best hatchable Pokemon. What the heck are "Pokemon that don't deserve to flee"? The rare ones? Shouldn't they be more likely to flee? And if raid boss lapras can be caught "without problems" (despite the fact you have to use a raid pass and are using pokeballs, not ultraballs, why complain? They don't flee until you run out anyways. There's your "0 flee rate", but I can guarentee if you look at legendary catch rates most will not boast of 100% caught "without problems"s.

4-You can't solo Charizard. You just can't. No raid bosses force the intrepid idiot to try them. Are you gonna try to solo Rayquaza next because it's there? recommends group sizes, and even the game recommends group sizes (too generously though). Does this not encourage teamwork? Niantic is obvious with their vision of this game to bring people together i.e. Community Day events.


Here is a picture of the first ever Dragonite I found (before scanners) fleeing on me after second ball, literally days before Golden Razz Berries were added. After checking it's CP to IVs, it was either level 29 100% or level 30 91%.

Does it suck? Hell yeah I still kick myself over that one. Should Dragonites have a flee rate of 0%?



by Sebhes 6 years 2 months ago

Are you a troll


by mahzza 6 years 2 months ago

Do you have a meltdown every. single. day?

Being you sounds exhausting.


Buddy, seriously, either take a long break or find something else to spend your time on. If you're not trolling for the sake of trolling, then it's obvious that this game has taken a toll on you and you'd be better off without it in your life. There's Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, or you could save up for a switch and the next gen games on that console if you want to have your Pokemon fix. This game and the problems you encounter in it will not get fixed any time soon, please understand that. Try this, if you already have a Lugia and do not care about c-day bulbasaur, why don't you stop playing until April and decide then if you still wanna play this?


You really should work on your anger problems and out of reality high expectations..
Nothing's perfect and so isn't this game, so who cares? Enjoy it or leave it, it's simple as that.

I'll play this game as long as I have other people who do so, it's a social game after all for me. I don't care if it isn't 100% perfect, I'm fine with 50%, or 40%, or even 30% - or whatever you think how bad this game is.

This game connects exercising and socializing with gaming and nostalgia. It sure isn't perfect, but what is?


1. Quit
2. Sell me your account

win-win situation
