
Community Day Summary!!!

Post your screenshots and stories below, hope you all had a great day. I got 4 shinies.
(All stared are from today)

Asked by mikewapow5 years 11 months ago


Also this...


Sweet karp! 👌

Had a great day with my girlfriend. It was her first community day and she got rewarded with 4 wheather boosted Tyranitar at lvl 25 and 26 at 98, 98, 96 and 84% IV at lvl 23 now hetself and 8 shinies.

For me (lvl 40) I had tremendous trouble with the app for the last hour...ridiculous that Niantic is simply unable to assure stable servers for a great experience...I managed to catch a lvl 29 100% which is maxed now. Another 96% lvl 35. Evolved two others during the event at 87% and another dark one at 84% to complete my team of six dark tyranitars at lvl 35+.


Yeah, the connection issues were a bit of a problem. Took a while to load the app at the start of the event, and occasional niggles throughout. Then another outage during the final 15 minutes just as I was about to settle down to IV check and evolve - thankfully, I got in eventually and managed to get it done.

Definitely the rockiest (pun intended) community day so far, but easily the most profitable.


I did pretty well:
-4 shinies, one of which had decent IVs
-6 Smack Down Tyranitars evolved
-Found a 100% Larvitar (evolved it, obviously)

As secondary bonuses, I picked up a 100% Omantye and a shiny Shellder,


I don't have any screenshots, but I'll share my story anyway.

Well, I got off to a bad start.
Before the event started I did a Kyogre raid. Not only did a 2316 one run away, but a damn bird pooped on my shoe.
Luckily it wasn't a "wet" shit, so I could just shake it off. Still though, not the way I wanted to start the day.

After that things got a lot better.
The weather was great, but I still decided to play inside a mall because there's way more spawns there.
Met a few local players I know and walked with them for most of the time, which was really nice.

Unfortunately I got struck with the servers problems that Niantic seems have had all effing day. So it took like 5 minutes before I could start playing. Clicked on a Larvitar immediately and it turned out to be shiny.
Had a little friendly competition with another player on who would get most shinies. He pulled ahead and was leading 6-3, when we stopped walking because there were quite a few Larvitar around us.
I clicked on the first one - Shiny!
I clicked on the 2nd one - Shiny!
I clicked on the 3rd one - not shiny :(
I clicked on the 4th one - SHINY!

Three in four and we were level. About 3-4 Larvitar and I was ahead. Then I got another one, and another one.
I think he stopped at 7-8 and I got 12. Also had one run away which really sucked.
Unfortunately none were great, but I evolved a couple anyway. Did get a 93% normal one as well which I evolved into my strongest Tyranitar.

The guy I had a competition with later got a shiny Kyogre and was more than happy to show it to me.
Unbeknownst to him, I had actually got one as well. A better one. 2306 with 15 in Att and HP.

Just after the event ended I decided to go and do a final Kyogre raid, but before I could do that I was tasked with another mission.
A little boy approached me and my friends and asked if we could help him catch his Kyogre. I got to do it and immediately saw that it's CP was 2323. pressure...
The kid then informed us that he didn't have any Kyogre yet. pressure at all.

Playing on someone elses phone is tricky and it didn't help that I was quite nervous at this point. I mean, a great Kyogre, for a kid who doesn't have any and would probably be sad if he didn't get it.
Got an Excellent on the first throw, which made the kid cheer. Kyogre decided that "no, let's not be kind to this boy" and jumped out.
I think I threw 7-8 balls without luck. A few were really bad throws, but some where Excellent.
Two balls left. Miss this throw and I would be very worried because I almost never catch raid bosses on the last throw.
Next throw was bad, not Excellent, Great or even Nice. Well, atleast I hit it.
One shake......two shakes.....surely it would jump out?
Three shakes!
Kyogre is caught.

The look of pure joy on the kids face made all the bad shinies, a missed 2316 Kyogre and some bird poop on the shoe all worth it. Heck, I would have traded all my shinies for that.
He was really happy and that made me happy.
The Kyogre I tried to catch after that ran away, but you know....I don't care.

Catching it for the kid was the best thing of the day. Easily beat any shiny I caught or the 70k+ stardust and 300k+ XP I got that day.

So yeah, I highly enjoyed this Community Day, even with the server issues.

Oh, and it was my birthday as well. Great way to spend it :)


Had a great time in my local park with a ton of other PoGo players. Caught 5 shinies (1 not pictured) and got all 6 of the Ttars I evolved to Smack Down/Stone Edge, getting lucky on my last charged TM.

The park also happened to be a Meditite nest and to my surprise I got lucky with my first shiny one out of 454 seen since they became shiny.

All in all a great day and as a bonus I chatted with a couple totally new players and I think they're going to join our local Discord. Win!


Missed the 45 min, was boosted first two hours...cloudy last hour. Evolved 5. Holding same candy I started with. Best IV was level 10: 14a/13/15 evolved it in case rock prospects improve. One 3300+ another two 3200. Shiny evolve was 50% level 26.


11 shinies on my account, 8 on my fiancee's. A personal best for both of us.


Well the weather out here was crystal clear, not a single cloud in sight. What was the weather in game? Cloudy.



2 lvl35 with 15 and 13 attack, 100% lvl16, and a 10k egg!


by Oscarv 5 years 11 months ago

I just arrived in Nara, Japan for a conference when the Community Day started at 12:00. Aside from some freezes and lags, it was going well and I saw so many players on the street of all ages, including grannies with ipads, really funny how Pokémon is alive here!

My luck also couldn't be better. My first shiny was the third catch from the hotel. Then on the streets I had to deal with my non-Pokémon colleagues and went to have lunch, in range of some lured stops.

There, a level 35 Larvitar spawned with CP of 836. This turned out 15 Atk 15 Def 14 HP (98%) with an evolved CP of exactly 3400 (I am a collector of round numbers)


Then I spent 45 min more and to my surprise, it did not stop at 15:00, see street shot:


Going down a popular street, I caught this shiny one...


...which turned out to be my second 98%
Evolved at 15:35 all the way at 3% battery power:


by Pingo 5 years 11 months ago

catched: 162
shiny: 8
Candys: 920
Evolved: 8 (2shiny), 6 of them are 3000+
Best: CP3243, 96%, 15a
Best shiny: CP 3205
Shiny IV: none 82+, one has 15a

- Team with 6 double rock Ttars (at least one of them shiny)
- 1000 candys

unluckely I didnt have time for that.
Started with 80 yellow berries - (last 30min without)
Luckely Larvitars were easy to catch so it didnt matter that I had no super / ultra balls.

The first hour sucked. Had to restart the game and phone multiple times. Not sure if its cuz my phone is old (iphone 6) or I was unlucky but I suffered much more than the people around me and it was the reason for not reaching 1000+ candys

evolved a low level Larvitar cuz it had 98% and a shiny which wasnt that good and only reached 2400. Id better kept the candies to push the other ones.

- 797 was my best Larvitar, it wasnt shiny but it had 96%.
- Evolved at 13.59 turned 14.00 got Smack Down nevertheless.
- Got shiny Kyogre right after the event


Didn't have the full time to play due to family commitments but I was able to catch 3 shinies and evolve 2 SD TTars. My best catch a lvl 29 14/13/15 got double rock and my other evolve got FB. I have one CTM currently and I am wondering if I try for double rock or if I use it on my Dragonite with HB or my double fire Salamance. Also have 4 FTM.


by TTT 5 years 11 months ago

Overall did okay, but not happy about it.

The whole day was Sunny/Clear or at worst partly cloudy. Should DEFINITELY have been weather boosted for the full 3 hours. Instead, we got cloudy and raining weather! Complete BS!

On the bright side, I started with 20-24 candy, and ended up with 7 evolves + 300 candy leftover. Found a low level 98% IV one (around 800CP after evolving, will definitely need to power it up), as well as level 30 89% and 87% IVs, a level 30 with 15 ATK and 76% IV, a level 30 shiny with "strong" IVs, a 3500 stardust 87% with 14 ATK, and a 3000 stardust 87% with 15 ATK.

I started the day with 4 charged TMs. Of the 7 evolves I got 3 Crunch, 3 Fire Blast, and 1 Stone Edge. I TM'd all the Fire Blast and ended up with 4 Crunch and 3 Stone Edge - that's in line with what I wanted at the end of it (3 double rock, and will eventually move the 4 Crunch to double dark as I had none, but may leave 1 or 2 on the rock quick move for a while in case I change my mind about them and get charge TMs to get them double rock - doubt it, but we'll see). 3 charged TMs needed is higher than I expected to need - a bit unlucky there. Leaves me with only 1, and I have two Kyogre that I need to move to Hydro Pump still... and I've gone about 6 legendary raids in a row without getting a charge TM.

I got 4 Shiny in the first half hour, then not another single one until the last 10 seconds (which was really low CP and IV and I later transferred accidentally anyways, as the bright sun made me not realize it was a shiny when I was clearing out).

On the super-bright side - with the "rainy" weather (when it was actually sunny), I got a 96% weather boosted Kyogre (14A, 14HP, 15D).

My girlfriend got around 10 shiny and was able to evolve 6 Tyranitar with some candy leftover (she had far fewer pinaps to start, around 30-40 to my 130). Of her evolves only 1 was Fire Blast, so she got 3 SE and 3 Crunch with using only 1 charged TM. She already fast TM'd one to Bite, but is waiting on the other 2 as well. Her weather boosted Kyogre was weaker (probably around 84-87%) but ran away even though I threw all 10 balls as great curveballs for her with golden razz. We did a second raid although it stopped fake raining, and both caught it though, hers being 2302 (she already had a 2303) and mine being 2280 something.

Overall was pretty okay, but really disappointed that they couldn't get the weather right. Sunny, or Clear, or Partly Cloudy, and we'd get weather boost. Any of those 3 could describe the real weather, it definitely wasn't Cloudy or Raining - yet Niantic wouldn't give it to us. Definitely would save a lot of candy on powering up and have better IVs if they were weather boosted like they should have been!


I went overboard.. not trying to spend any stardust I evolved all my 750+ CP with decent IVs and realized I have 12 SD/SE Ttars... I guessed I used too much candy. I still have about 600 candies left. But an army of 12 Rock Ttars all above 3200CP without using any stardust not too shabby. And I caught 10 Shinies. And ended with a boosted Ttar raid that ended about 5 min before the event. Best community day so far!


Got lucky and stumbled on this guy


Level 19 I think? I can’t remember because I also caught another 100% at level 11 and I don’t remember which was which


Found a 93% larvitar, which is better than what I had before. Others were saying they found a 100% but I could not find it, was likely a lure one.
Got a 58-64% shiny larvitar (out of 3 I only kept this one). I've evolved the weaker one though so I've used up all the candy, now I have to evolve this better shiny later on. Now I'm walking this purple pupitar and will use some RC on it. Going to take a while...


by mahzza 5 years 11 months ago

Missed catching two 100 percent specimens literally by seconds each. Five shinies and none of them worth a damn. Hundreds caught WITH weather boost and ONE over 90 percent. Call me bitter. You'd be right. I have the worst luck of any level 40 trainer in my community and that held true today. I'm starting to lose my will.


by aSp 5 years 11 months ago

8 Shiny
5 Smack Down
1 x 100%

...and watched a friend catch a shiny version of the 100%

3 Star pieces 3 Lucky Eggs 3 Incense ruined by Naintic potato farm.


800+ candy
5 Ttars above 3000 CP, 1 with double rock
1 shiny Ttar at around 2800 CP with double-rock
5 other cruddy shinies

Wasted my only charge TM trying to get Stone Edge on a 3rd one but it went Fire Blast.

This was my most productive CD because of the weather and because I've got my CD hunting route down pat. I'm not even a huge fan of TTar but it was a good day!


Caught 4 shinys, my personal record for a CD. evolved a 95 and what I thought was a 97, but when I went to power it up turned out to be a 77. Still not sure how that happened but still excited now that my ttar army has doubled not including the shiny for gyms


Was one of my better community days. I never get a crap ton of candy simply because I don’t live in an area where tons of Pokémon spawn or have a ton of stops. Also I don’t like walking for 3 entire hours when I have to go to work and do that also.

Only had one Ttar before so I evolved and powered up 2 of the 3. The biggest issue is I don’t have any TMs and 3/4 of my TTars right now have stupid fire blast with one having Iron Tail also. The other is Smackdown/Crunch. Will try to get 2 rock and 2 dark. Only caught one shiny the whole event but only caught about 60-70 during


Mediocre at best


Aside from today being incredibly hot and humid, I ended up getting 19 shinies (my personal best for a CD event by a mile), evolved 6 SD t-tars, and as the icing on the cake, my Go+ ended up catching a 336 CP Larvitar that ended up having perfect IVs! Couldn't have been happier with how today went down!


Had a nice community day overall, but the game was bugging all the time.
First off, me and my partner are currently abroad so the network was lagging quite often, although I didn't have many issues (apart from the first Shiny Larvitar I found, which immediately after the encounter gave me an error and disappeared); secondly, at the moment we're not in a city like back home, so during the 3 hours we were just going back and forth ok the same route, since this town has something like 10 pokéstops and 4 gyms.
I'm quite sure that a community day back home would have been much better but at the end of the day I got few nice Larvitar (evolved just 2 of them), and caught 3 shinies out of 4. My partner got just one shiny but he was happy anyway.


by Sebhes 5 years 11 months ago

Caught in the last minutes of the event, got the little trill from the old days again:
