
Would you rather have 9 Pokémon at level 40…

...or 27 Pokémon at level 30?

The cost to take a Pokémon from level 20 to level 30 is 77,500 stardust, and 222,500 to level 40, meaning for every one Pokémon you max, you could have invested in almost 3 others to near their maximum potential, the level 30 threshold.

How would or how do you relegate stardust? Why?

Some context: I see many in my community with their top pages featuring just one or two of any specific species, as though they would prefer to have just one really nice one, and the rest are simply for the collection.

Asked by Fallacy5 years 11 months ago


I am swimming in dust due to the spawns I visit + my 7 home spawns that refresh every 30 minutes, so i'd have as many as I can get to level 40... once I can hit lvl 38...
But I prioritize attackers over anything, so I guess I'd rather have 9 maxed first.


I've chosen to max some, because I wanted to.

Others I take to level 31.

Others I catch at levels over 31.


I prefer somewhere around level 35, or the final breakpoint against important legendaries.


I think there should be some kind of bonus to taking a Pokemon all the way to level 40, like granting dual charge moves or opening up the TMable movepool to include Legacy and Community Day exclusive moves. Otherwise I prefer to stick to 30-35


The idea of dual charge moves is super interesting to me. I like this very much. Also maybe we could TM for legacy moves. I’d definitely max more Pokémon


Me too! And it would be a nice gesture to people who just simply can't participate in Community Day because of work or other things.


mmmm over all I still have 1 mill stardust but have maxed 1 gyarados 1 vaporeon 1 espeon 100% 1 golem 100% plus about 10 to 12 at lv 38 and the same with lv 37 and 36.
very few have been weather bossed evolves. the only one I regret using stardust on was my slacking stopped boosting it at 3018 cp

its only a game


The fact that people don’t like leveling their Slaking is amusing to me haha


well if the dex place maker did more then just die as a defender or you could get at least one charge move during a raid or gym battle

its too nerfed making it useless the fast move yawn dose not part enough power to the charge move and 0 is still 0 free hits if yawn even just had 1 it will keep the slow charge and keep the attack mechanic like in the mainstream games a attack every outer turn


by YodaJi 5 years 11 months ago

I would rather have the nine really good top tier attacking mon than a legion of mediocre ones. I would definite really good as a top attacker with >90% IV and good moves. You only need 6 mon in a battle party so as long as your 9 are diverse you can cover most needs.


by hkn 5 years 11 months ago

27 at level 30. To cover many different scenarios, notably gym offence, raiding various legendaries and of course, the more important tier 3 solos.


Generally to get the most dmg total out of all of your pokemon, you'll want quantity over quality in the sense that it is better to have say 10 pokemon at lvl35-37 as opposed to 6 level 40 pokemon, this way you can be prepared to counter any type of pokemon. powering up past relevant breakpoints (usually near 35-38) really doesn't net you as much gain as powering up other pokemon from level 30-35, however super practical pokemon like kyogre, mewtwo, groudon, ttar, raikou, and machamp should be powered up to max since they will see so much use. so really i think having a few maxed out relevant and often used pokemon combined with a team of lvl 35ish pokemon of all types also at their final breakpoints would be the best way to ration out your stardust for maximum dps potential


If you live in area where you can easily have 10 or more player allthe time doing T5 raids, level 30 good counter pokemons is enough
If you have to do with few or for some reason you like to do T5 with minimum trainers, then level 30 its not good enough..

Personally, i am preparing my squad for T5 raids with 5 trainers, not as hardcore as duo or trio, can use alternative counter (mostly), and still not as boring as doing raids with many trainers in the lobby

So i have many pokemons in the range of level 31-35or last breakpoint for that, some at level 37-39 for place in the old gym system where CP is mater, some max out because i like it


I don't do wimpy half-assed power ups. Anything exceptional in my collection gets maxed out.


I usually stop at L39 for legendaries, unless there’s breakpoint. 30 rare candy for that last level is so not worth it. With that candy, I could take a L25 of that species to L29. If I stop at 38.5, I can take another one to L30.5.

I’m fine with that 30 candy for non-legends like ttar, blissey, machamp or alolan egg.


Sure, you could do that.

OR you could have a bunch of BADASS maxed out beefdaddies


It really depends on where you are lvl-wise. Your first goal as a player reaching lvl 30 should be to prepare teams of mons at lvl 30 to be able to counter the meta (psychics for Machamp, Machamp for Tyranitar and whatever counter to the current legendary).
For the legendaries gen1-3 this means a team of 6 Rock, Ground, Water, Grass, (Electric), Dragon, Dark, (Ice). If you managed to have all those teams at lvl 30 start powering up the best ones further to around lvl 35. You will certainly catch some mons or hatch some 96-98% which will replace your number 6 on your original top 6, but that's the game. With 100% you can go all the way to the max instantly of course, but for the rest I would bring the best of the best to the max only after you have a team of 6 at 35. Priorize the mons which can help you with the current legendary.


Once I have every top tier attackers at reasonable lvls, I switch my focus on my pet projects meaning I max them out. (100%, favourite pokes etc.) I might be kinda odd but I have hard time powering up 100% machamp since I got 1x 40lvl and 6x 35lvl boosted ones. I just dont see the benefit for spending 200k dust for no gains.


That's what happens. I'm sitting on two 100% Dratini...maybe I will transfer them to the Switch if it gets me some benefits there.


Level 40 or bust


by Pingo 5 years 11 months ago

27 to Level 30. It's like building a house. First the base and than you go high.


It depends on the mon. If I'm raiding Ho-oh, Golem hits a breakpoint at 40...


The flip side to this argument is that if you're level 38 or higher, and have all your best pokemon at level 30, you might as well just be level 28.

Sure, it's more cost effective to bring things up to level 30 and stop. But even that has limits. Say you've got 12 strong Kyogres at level 30. Would you rather have three more at level 30, or power one up to level 40?

Additionally, while raids require a strong team of six or more (if fewer, then you don't need a strong team, you're in good shape there), some things like gym sweeping only need one or two strong pokemon. Everyone who attacks gyms should have at least two really good Machamps, to take down Blisschanlax. So there's some logic in having a team with one or two maxed out pokemon backed up by more at level 30.


I agree with this. No point in not taking pokemon to 40 when I am level 39. I mean you can catch pokemon over level 30 in the wild. That being said, I don't go crazy with it. A perfect or 1 elite attack of easy type is all I do. The only level 40s I have duplicates of is Tyranitar and Machamp, and that is only because I found perfect ones after I already had one maxed out.

Either way, if you aren't trying to duo or trio raids you don't need to max stuff. As long as people use the correct types in the raids, they will go fine.


Great question! I think 100% Legendaries deserve L40 (well, maybe not Suicune) - I did max a Zapdos even tho' not my team bird. Also maxed a pair of perfect Flareons even if they don't see much action anymore, they earned a lot of coins in the old gym system. Other than that have my perfect Champ at L40 and bringing up a hundo Dragonite, otherwise I think the practical answer is have weather-boosted (preferably 15-attack IV) specialist teams and spread dust out to have more 32-35 level mons.
One of my raid partners maxes all hundos, even a raticate, so he never has dust but always enjoys the game!


If you play/grind hard and long enough you can have both. I spent most of my time sub-Lv40 building a very diverse lv30 fighting squad. With weather boosts now i’m Working on replacing that squad with lv 35 mons.

But here’s the thing. Now that I am level 40 and I already have a broad squad, I don’t even bother putting dust into anything unless it’s going to be maxed out to level 40. I don’t need a 17th level 30 water or grass type, but a level 40 FP venu or Kyogre, that’s useful to me.


I posted my reply above before I read the other replies. But now that I have, my opinion is that it is silly and wasteful to invest only up to level 30. Primarily cuz if you are gonna be that cheap, just catch something weather boosted and don’t invest anything but candies. If it’s worth putting any dust into then it should be good enough to max out. If it’s not then don’t bother.
