
Ultra Reward / Kanto stuff

more like ultra lame...what do you guys think?

Asked by Pingo5 years 8 months ago


It's not worth the name ultra...

Birds are comming back for the 3rd time...Kanto was here for a long ass time and there already was such an event and now again.
What for did they bring the trade future if they basically give everything to everyone (even the regionals and shiny)?
Same with Mewtwo...if u are a village player who for some reason is stuck there you wont even get it now. Because you still cant solo it. If u live in the city and dont have one to now its your own fault and there is still always the possibility of trading.

I'm missing shiny Articuno and Tauros myself but make me pay for it (thats why trading is here) and not give me like 1000x chances.
Even the boxes are terrible.

In my eyes this is pointless and timeplay from Niantics part. Hoping that those who missed/were unlucky at the birds day gonna go for that shiny.

Even a simple candy/xp event would fire me up more than this.


I'll agree that yet another Kanto event isn't needed unless they make the common spawns and raid bosses drastically different from the last one.

The birds are only here for a week. All things considered it's one of the less exciting aspects of the event, "less exciting" being relative to everything else in the event. I know people who missed one or two of the bird days, having a week to make up for it is for people like that. I myself didn't get a shiny Moltres and would like to catch one despite having already traded for one. Others may not be able to trade or simply don't want to spend the dust to trade for a shiny they missed.

Mewtwo coming to regular raids carries far more weight than you're giving it credit for. It lets people who never received an EX invite finally get one and gives everyone a solid month+ to build up candy for it. To say "it's your fault" for not having one is a slap in the face to people who have jobs and lives outside this game. I've caught a dozen Mewtwo only because I've had to take off work and shuffle around other obligations to do so, not everyone can do that. Even with that, I've had to miss half a dozen more EX raids because I couldn't make it due to work or other reasons.

Access to regionals is something people have asked for for a long time, even if it's only one or two they still need. I could trade for Kangaskhan, but to do so I need to find somebody who actually has one they're willing to part with. Being limited and only in 7k eggs, I think people are going to walk away with fewer than they expect unless they shell out coins for incubators. We'll see.

The best part is some people are going to walk away from this with loads of potential trade targets for anyone who joins the game post event, or who didn't hatch that one regional they wanted.

EDIT: I guess the bottom line is, it's easy to take this stuff for granted once you hit the upper levels and have everything you could ever need. Imagine being sub-level 30 with a half-empty Pokedex and seeing this get announced. I'd be ecstatic.

Also yes, the boxes this round are pretty bad, with the Ultra Box being a direct step down from the Yokosuka one we just had. If I'm gonna drop that kind of coin I'll just buy individual passes this time.


We all know I'm not enthused; my kids however want that Kangaskhan and Farfetch'd - they've got all their saved up incubators (research rewards and levelling up) dedicated to clearing egg space in advance. They don't really care about the birds or Mewtwo (they have 4 or 5) but getting Kanto done has really caught their attention.


Being able to finally check Kangaskhan off my list is a huge goal of mine. It seems to be the one thing nobody in my raid group has available to trade. After this I just need them to stick Tropius and Relicanth in eggs.


I'm after Kanga & Tauros, yes I could've traded them by now but I prefer to complete my Dex by either catchin' or hatchin' so by far best part of the event for me, just hoping they're not as hard to get as A Vulpix was! Prepared to hatch a boat load of eggs to find out


I spent ages trying to hatch my first A-Vulpix, only to hatch 2 more about a week after. Somehow none of them have attack IVs above 12. The hunt continues, though less feverish as before.

Also yes, hoping to find out odds for the regional stuff within a few days of the event start.


Story is same here with only difference to be A-geodude instead of A-vulpix. The best one I have got has cp 657 with attach stat 10. Hunt will resume after 1 pm PST today.


The events dont hurt anyone - even less because the Legi now is trash - but its not really benefiting much for regular or 24/7 players. The people benefiting the most are casual players or those comming back and who will walk away again.
That we get regionals from Eggs is fine but since we have the trade option its not that big of a deal anymore.

Mewtwo: Although I cant let the "hard working people and other things in live to do"- excuse count I admit that it is a big thing and most people are excited about it. No matter if its just to stockpile candy or to finally get the first.
For me (or anyone in my little city) it was never hard to get one. We have a community*, they let you know which are the trigger gyms and bam you get an invite. Of course you cant attend every time but even the most casual members have at least 2-3.
But yeah probably not every bigger town/city has that and cuz of the announcement/hype there will be enough random players to do a Mewtwo raid there.
* Fun fact: there are only 3/40 who dont have a job, about the live thing I'll admit that the quote is worse ;-)

To sum it up:
I'm not really pissed about that everyone gets everything (Niantic could programm the casuals everything for free on their acounts and I wouldnt flinch) but actions like that slow down the game and also will in the future because they "have" to do the same with every L Pokémon.
While for me Gen4 should really be out by now. And I'm far from a 24/7 player so I feel like many others would welcome a higher pace as well.


Know what, that's fair. Lately their model seems to be bringing back old players with these events and updates, between luckies that focus on Pokemon in storage for +2 years and everything about this event. At this time no, getting an EX pass isn't really that hard if you're connected with your local community. I'll bet a lot of players still feel burned by the EX system and the introduction of Mewtwo to standard raid battles is an attempt to win those players back.

I agree Gen 4 should have been out by now, but I think this is Niantic giving the player base a straight shot at completing the Kanto dex before moving on; it's the only reason I can think of for making previously uncatchable Pokemon available en masse.

I agree there's not much that's *new* for the player base that's been active since launch, but there's still something for everybody. Even though you can just trade for everything now there's something special about getting it yourself. Plus again, even with trades some Pokemon are still hard to get, Kanga being my empty dex space at the moment.


We’ve all had since July 2017 to get a decent 2nd (3rd) account. Bonus is you can use them to raid everyday again, instead of mainly on Legendary raid days. Worthless to even login for an extra Regi raid contributor. Have them hatch eggs, too. Then trade them to your friends or yourself


by Peach 5 years 8 months ago

I need shiny birds. My wife needs mewtwo. Cant complain.


Biggest reward we ever got? A whole month and a half of event rewards. Mewtwo available for everyone. Good stuff.


I rather like the idea of better Mewtwos. I have a few from EX raids, but most are in the 80% range, and only partially powered up. Getting a large number of them, and a lot of Mewtwo candy, is a big deal. Now I can play around with a focus blast one, maybe even a hyper beam one, a good generalist when it's partly cloudy. Getting a 100%, 98%, or 96% Mewtwo interests me a lot, and doing a lot of Mewtwo raids with my friends, and not the randos that got the EX pass with me, sounds fun too. And I could use some more Moltres candy. So I disagree.


We get an increase of Gen 1 spawns (likely with new shinies), a week of all 3 legendary birds I'm raids, a month of Mewtwo as a regular tier 5 raid, and Gen 1 regionals in 7k eggs. That's a lot of stuff for one event with enough variety in the rewards that there's something for everyone. Rewards span good amount of time, too, and right when we needed it (at the tail end of a 3-month stint of Regi raids that left a lot of people feeling bored with raids). So I entirely disagree with your opinion that the rewards are lame.


Yes, yes, because the wider availability of mewtwo is such a horrible thing, yes I agree they should have done this an let us keep going on a week of the regirock raids, whole heartedly. (that was sarcasm BTW)

This is honestly the best thing they could have done, yes the box isnt that good, but its more about the super incubators than the raid passes, and we also dont know if when Mewtwo's raid spotlight comes out if they will alter the boxes.


Yes I am a bit sceptical since after the last Kanto event, most of people would already have completed this part of the dex. Plus the region specific mons are interesting for trading, if everyone has them, as wel as full kanto dex, why would you trade? just mons that you already have for a chance of lucky/better stats?

On the overall I start to feel a bit frustrated about this way of releasing stuff that required lot of efforts to get, like rare pokemons for which you invest time and strategy to just to see them released few weeks later.

And about mewtwo, I don't see the point either. it was some sort of reward and would make you super happy to have a few in your raid teams. Now it would be super common, like any other raid boss.


Not really since I didn't invest anything but my time in the game but I find it tough to elaborate a strategy both for trades and mons to develop with events changing it every now and then. Which mean you basically just wait for events that do the job for you.

On the other hand those events are at least pretty fun for kids.


by hkn 5 years 8 months ago

Could have been much worse. Everyone was expecting just Mewtwo Day. What were you hoping for? An official raid tracker?


at least something for the loyal and frequent players (at this point you dont even have to be a very frequent player to be at the endlevel with a full kanto dex) and not everything for the casuals/returners. There is no point in slowing down the game that much for them who will leave the game again anyway.

And if it was just new medals (like for solo or shortman - they would even earn money with this) or higher the gym level to platin or whatever it would at least show that Niantic didnt forget about us and its not all about pampering even the biggest of all casuals till they have a full dex - and let us wait in the meantime.


Zero benefits unless you are ultra casual, brand new, or to lazy to google “local EX gym” basically it’s a giant slap in the face to anyone that puts in even the littlest bit of effort into the game.


I got my first Mewtwo 365 days ago, after 250 days I was fine with everybody getting one. I maxed my two: 15a/14/15 and 15a/11/15. I don’t care that it is a Mewtwo boss, I like that it is tier 5 and one of the easiest to beat (even easier to pinap and catch/special trade)
