
What is the formula used for cycle dps calculation?

I have been using this formula:
But using this you get the dps of DT/DM Salamence higher than dps of DT/O Rayquaza..
Also in the damage formula:
damge= floor(1/2*power*attack/defense*multipliers)+1
what is defense taken in general cases?

Asked by s_a_n_d_y5 years 7 months ago


DT/DM has more DPS on paper, but in real battles, you will have more wasted energy with DM, thus lowering the average DPS.


Where did you get that formula? I don't really see how you could get cycle DPS from that. Charge move EPS isn't a commonly used metric anyway.

At its most simplistic form, I guess cycle DPS would be (Fast_DPS/Fast_EPS + Charge_DPE)/(1/Fast_EPS+Charge_CD*100/Charge_EPU).

You need to calculate the total damage from fast moves until you reach 100 energy, add 100 energy worth of charge move damage, then divide the result by the time it takes to do fast move until 100 energy and the time it takes to launch the charge moves until 100 energy has been used. Total cycle damage/total cycle time.
Such a simplistic DPS calculation isn't really that useful however and I don't see any point calculating it yourself when you could just use the DPS/TDO chart.

As for the damage formula, I've seen 100 and 150 defense used as a baseline.


The baseline isn't going to be the most accurate one, as one might be just above/below a certain breakpoint.


by Kazlu 5 years 8 months ago

chargemovedps has no meaning, it assumes you can launch charge moves in infinite succession and though have infinite energy... Except in cases of 3 bar moves against an enemy hitting hard and filling your bar rapidly to the point you never use fast moves, it doesn't mean anything.

The other formula given above makes more sense if you want to dig through some details yourself. Although you must take it with a grain of salt since it doesn't account for energy taken from damage received, wasted energy due to full bar, and so on.
