
Heatran: What will Niantic do?

I've said it before, and I'm going to say it again. What's up with Heatran? It's got such a bad moveset, outclassed by Moltres, Entei, Mewtwo, Flareon and Charizard, that no one will need one at all. Even with Overheat, it would still only blow Entei and Flareon out of the water, as Charizard would remain competitive thanks to Blast Burns two bar nature. Not to mention Blaziken will take the title of best DPS Fire attacker when its community day comes out, as well as Moltres remaining competitive thanks to the stellar move Sky Attack. So... are they going to buff it on a special 3 hour event for players who happen to be sitting on their couches at home during work hours? I hope they do.

Asked by DatLocalKarper5 years 7 months ago


by aSp 5 years 7 months ago

Lucky for Niantic that they are not so close minded that they only cater to a single section of people in a specific employment scenario.
If they were that close minded and judgemental, then they would only have a fraction of the player base they do.

Why does your PoGo question need a naive judgement at the end?


by Jibaku 5 years 7 months ago

Heatran isn't outclassed by any of those Pokemon. While Blast Burn Blaziken and Moltres are generally superior choices due to their high DPS, Heatran's long list of resistances granted by its Steel typing provide it with much, much higher TDO than many of the Fire types you listed in those matchups, providing much greater security from having to relobby against particularly difficult bosses and losing a lot of DPS in the process. Its DPS is merely 4% behind Entei's, which really is almost a negligible drop.

Heatran may not be the Fire-type King that it was projected to be, but it's hardly anywhere near bad, and definitely remains a top tier choice despite its bad moveset. A buff is appreciated, but not even remotely close to needed if said goal is to make Heatran relevant.


The sinnoh legends all seem like perfect candidate for future raid day exclusive moves. Heatran's signature move being magma storm. given what they did to Regigias, and the dragons got screwed as dragon attackers and giratina just...ugh, what did they do to you? I think its more than likely we'll see raid day versions of them down the road with their signature moves. That or they might readjust the movesets before release to se spend all our RC on other legendaries, then have them be outclassed by a last minute addition to movesets so we need to raid more for more candy for the new legendaries..


"screwed as dragon attackers"

Palkia has the second highest dragon type DPS behind only Rayquaza, with higher TDO. Dialga has almost the same DPS as Dragonite with also great bulk and steel-type making it easily the top TDO in many matchups. Not getting the optimal moveset does not equal screwed. Heatran got screwed, its moveset is close to garbage. Giratina got screwed as a ghost, its moveset is actual garbage. Dialga and Palkia did not get screwed by comparison.


"That or they might readjust the movesets before release to se spend all our RC on other legendaries, then have them be outclassed by a last minute addition to movesets so we need to raid more for more candy for the new legendaries.."

Interesting theory. Putting those moves not only as mere placeholders, but as fake moves designed only to generate buzz, while they will change them just before release! That would be interesting for marketing purposes. Could be upsetting players, but if the actual moves end up being better than the anticipated ones, it should be alright. That said, some pokemon probably already have their final moves. I'm remembering Celebi, when we all hoped it's move will change at the last minute but they didn't...


Niantic is trying to keep things exciting for the people who have been saying "Heathran/Dialga/Rhyperior/... will be a powerhouse/completely outclass everything...".
At least we get a good Ice attacker finally.


"May" rather than "will". They may not.
We're still waiting for the CP rebalance and the pokemon at discussion to be released. But so far, I like that Niantic is keeping a tight balance not to make irrelevant all of our best pokemon


by Peach 5 years 7 months ago

I m glad that they gave it bad moves. I was so annoyed by people sayin " ohh dont power up x Pokémon, there is a legendary in gen x which is going to outclass everything u have ".
Guess what, your legendary sucked...


It was more somethig of it has the possibility to outclass it. With something like rarecandy, most players do want to be cautious with using them.


It's pretty clear that they did not want you to invest in any other than the following pokemon and they made it clear.
* Machamp, Moltres, Kyogre, Tyranitar, Dragonite, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, SHADOW CLAW Gengars.

It's pretty much intentional and if you think any community day will come you are...kinda naive, i guess?


More specifically shadow ball mewtwo.

After the gen 4 evolutions come out fully theres actually a lot more options to invest in that just those.


Who knows? We'll have to wait and see how they introduce moves such as precipice blades, etc. Or how do they treat Ho-Oh, whether they give it a special move or not.

We like it or not, most Pokémon are dual type. So we shouldn't stay narrow minded as "the best fire type".


Here's to imagining Heatran actually getting kick-ass steel moves (but poor fire type moves) before release, making the anticipated best fire type actually become the best steel type XD


Moves can always be rebalanced :) OK that's highly unlikely, but I just said that for the fun of the thought anyway :)
