
Gallade or Gardevoir

Hi, folks

Last saturday i caught a perfect male Ralts and I have a doubt about its evolution.

Do you think that Gallade will be acquired through item evoluiton or every male Kirlia will evolve into him?

I'd like to hear opinions, because I don't know if I should evolve now to assure a Gardevoir or if I can wait to see Gallade's relevance in the meta.


Asked by undyingprey5 years 6 months ago


I'd say hold off evolving it.

We dont know what will happen with Togekiss, and even if togekiss isnt given a fairy fast move, gardevoir will always be a machamp counter and only that because its lack of fairy fast move meaning it cant be used effectively against the sinnoh dragons. Gallade currently is outclassed by machamp. Nether of them are really any good, unless you are coordinating gym defense with friends, where gardevoir's good after blissey for slowing machamp.

Theres new moves in gen 4, including 3 fighting ones, 2 of which galade gets, i'd recommend holding off evolving as gardevoir wont be especially useful for anything other than defense (which there are better defenders as well) at the moment


They don't have intention of reinforcing Gallade, and Gardevoir can't be reinforced by fairy wind. Just evolve it into Gallade because they have no intentions of making them (Both Gallade and Gardevoir) viable compared to Machamp or Alakazam.


The dawn stone item used to evolve galade is used for at least one other mon, so I think the chances are good they will add it as an evo item


by Tymell 5 years 7 months ago

I also suspect we'll see the Dawn Stone for it, though that doesn't necessarily mean they won't include the "all male Kirlias evolve into Gallade" rule too.

Ultimately, I think Gardevoir is the better creature and, looking at what we see for Gallade right now, I think it will continue to be.

I suppose another consideration is: do you already have a good Gardevoir? How many other good IV male/female Kirlias or Ralts' do you have?

One other thing to keep in mind: possible future Community Day. Ralts is a perfect candidate for one of the ones between starters (3 stage, 10K egg, rare pokemon), and I wouldn't be surprised to see it soon now that Gen 4 is here and they could potentially include Gallade.


Personally I would suggest Gardevoir... Gallade for me is quite a big disappointment, considering that it doesn't have Dynamic Punch, while at least Gardevoir has Shadow Ball...


My question about a Community Day with Gardevoir is... would it change much? It can't have a Fairy quick move since there's nothing left to give it. Unless they change a status-move (Charm) into a quick move?

What else is there for Gardevoir to get?
