
So...Torterra huh

Yesterday I caught my first turtwig, it had more than 1000 CP, and then guess what, it's Lv32 with 100%iv!!! Just asking but is torterra viable or at least decent?

And would you consider that a very lucky catch?

Asked by JeffWhale8115 years 6 months ago


Its decent, but you have to wait for its CD. None of its charge moves are very good right now.


I don’t know if I could wait that long to evolve it, but waiting for community day will certainly yield the best results. Farm up some more candy for the Pokédex filler at least.


You don't need torterra. save it. period


I'd save the hundo for CD but get another decent weather boosted one & evolve it as that day will be long into the future & Torterra looks far too cool to wait that long! They seem plentiful atm so you shouldn't have a problem.


Just evolve it. Yes you can wait for a CD but what’s the point? Yeah it would be better but by then Sceptile will have a CD and him with Frenzy Plant will surpass all of the gens grass starters as well as pretty much any grass type in the game barring Kartana. All which are far away, over at least a year at this point.

Of course you can wait but waiting potentially two years for a better move seems like some mad FOMO. If you like it then go for it, I already plan on maxing Infernape because he’s my all time fav poke. By then you’ll be able to potentially catch a 90+ with very similar performance with the move


Thank you. Finally some sense. Right now, basically all the advice you get in this game is "Don't power anything, don't evolve anything, basically don't play the game, just hoard ressources". It really takes the fun out of the game, at least for me. At this point, if the pattern keeps going like this, Torterra CD will be September next year. That's plenty of time to get another good (as in 90+ IV) candidate for evolution. It's not like it gives you anything but bragging rights either, if you need grass dps you will get a team of FP Sceptile anyway...


While I absolutely agree with the general sentiment, hundos are special, they don't exactly grow in trees. Why evolve a 100% now when you can wait to make it the absolute best it can ever be? Just get another WB to evolve for dex and sit on the hundo, it's not like Torterra is necessary to have anyway.


How special are hundos though? For some they are terrific and rare, I can agree. I have less than 10 and only like 4 of them can be meta relevant attackers. But for some, they used scanners and have 2-300+ perfects with teams of them. I’ve seen teams from people in line and discord with entire teams of 100% Ttars and Machamps as well as others. While some get a few every blue moon. The last 4 perfects I got were Alolan Rattata, Dratini, Tangela, and Krabby (on my second account I hardly use). I also have a perfect Charmander. The rest of my hundos are Pidegot, Mightyena, Dodrio, and Altaria.

Tldr Hundos are great but for some they’re almost a dime a dozen and realistically they don’t perform much better if at all to their nearly perfect counterparts


I would say for the vast majority they are still special, and notably maps went offline last March so they've been rare for everyone after that. Getting them is also about how and how much one plays in general, researching and hatching lots helps hugely. I have 12 hundos just from grinding research.

Like you said, the performance difference is small, it's more about them being exceedingly rare. Some people find great satisfaction in getting the best possible version of the pokemon and if OP is one of them, they should consider waiting.


I guess it depends on how you value them personally. Because performance wise they don't do that much better than 90%+ ones. They also differ from shinies: They cannot be traded and they don't really work for showing off either, since people in raids or gyms won't see that they are hundos. So it really only is for you personally. So if you want to let them sit there and be happy with the thought that you are well prepared for a (possible) future CD, go right ahead. But I had people outright declaring me stupid because I evolved my 100% Trapinch. No matter the move, it won't ever become "the best" at anything. This way I can at least use it as an anchor against Alolan Raichu or something...


Well, you could also just get a better Raichu counter, but whoever called you stupid was delusional. Like you said, Flygon will not become the best at anything regardless of what move it gets, so if you personally didn't feel like waiting, who cares.

The main way of showing off hundos are screenshots, and very active players tend to recognize hundos of the most meta relevant species by just the cp. It's indeed mostly just personal, but most of the game is just personal to me. I have a fair amount of shinies but I've never once considered powering up one so I could use it in raids and show off or anything like that. Making more maxed mons is what satisfies me and the closer they are to absolute perfection, the better.


It always depepnds on what you want... For exemple being a solo player like me, means that I always maximize the best I have at that moment because I know that my possibilities to have legendaries are very low... So I'm still fighting Jynx with 6 Flareons/Blaziken, and most of them are maxed out... It's clear that if you do legendaries raids you wouldn't use them, but if you don't they're the best you will have so... It depends on you...

Torterra is a nice grass attacker with solar beam, so if I will get a 80+ IV Turtwig with 15 attack, I could think about maximizing it, I don't play so much on long term, thinking about which will be the CDs of the next 2 years...

It's just a game so I try to have fun from it... And fun is not for sure not evolving/maximizing anything because maybe one day there will be something stronger...


by Kazlu 5 years 7 months ago

As a grass attacker, it's outclassed by several pokémon. As stated before me, even when it's community day comes, it won't surpass existing options. Plus it's ground typing removes it's resistance to water.

As a ground attacker, it could have potential with that triple resistance to electric. Unfortunately, it would need a ground fast move *and* a better ground charge move to be useful. A community day won't be enough. As of now, the typical electric target would be Raikou, and Nidoking and Sandslash are faster for that (although having less TDO of course), which is saying much. Against Golem, and especially Alolan Golem, it's an interesting high TDO option, but still greatly outclassed in DPS.

I don't see any other niche it would be filling with it's moves. Even with bite/earthquake against Exeggutor, there are better options.

In other words, Torterra is not and will probably never be optimal. But it's decent and looks badass. Si if you like it, evolve it and have fun using it! If not particularly, save your stardust, maybe evolve it for the dex entry and move on.


It's a very lucky catch and you should save it for the community day. Torterra is decent but nothing to write home about, you probably have several better grass attackers. Evolve the next high level Turtwig you get.


It trades the water ressistace with a rock ressistance, which means it has a niche as a high TDO option in those machups. It will never top the DPS charts though but it is a cool addition and add some diversity to the game.


Lucky you.

Torterra's moves aren't bad but right now it doesn't do anything better than any other available grass type. Keep it for the eventual community day and evolve literally any other one for the dex entry.
