
IVs vs Base Stats

I'm getting quite confused about this... I've seen a post somwhere where somebody said that IVs must simply be added to the base stats, I thought something different...Let's take the exemple of a Gengar with 13 attack IV...

I thought to calculate its "attack power" the calculation could be something like:


While somebody says it is simply:


So what is the correct way?

Asked by Mad_lugano5 years 6 months ago


#2, it's simply added. You can read more here:


So IV's are almost irrelevant... A SB Gengar with 0 attack IVs will always be better than SB Banette with 15 attack IV?


Yes, mostly. Because of breakpoints, IVs often make absolutely no difference, but when they do, it can be significant.

And 0% Gengar is indeed better than 100% Banette because base stats matter much more.


Yes, if you limit your criteria to pure attack power, that's correct.

In the case of Banette there're more things to consider, though: typing and availablity of Shadow Claw. Non-legacy Gengar (namely Hex and Sucker Punch) have an absurd handicap, and their Poison typing makes it way too vulnerable to Psychic. In such matchups, if Banette manages to fire off one more Shadow Ball due to taking neutral damage from Psychic, that makes Banette better DPS-wise, even though it has less overall stats.

Again, the best is to run a few sims for precise comparison.


IVs are supremely relevant. IVs and base stats aren't either/or, they work together. A 0 atk LSB Gengar will outperform a 15 atk SCSB Banette, but a 15 atk LSB Gengar will outperform a 0 atk LSB Gengar.


Base stat and IV are added together, then multiplied by a decimal value (CPM) to scale for its level.


That would mean that a 0% Attack IV doesn't make any damage.

No, it really means adding to the base stat, so if you have a Gengar with 13A it's 261+13=274.

I know what you wonder now - so what's the whole buzz around 15A if it's only a minimal fraction of the final attack performance? Agreed, not much. However, it has a point when calculating fast move breakpoints, especially for fast attacks that heavily benefit from that. To give you a very common example, Mewtwo has a Psycho Cut breakpoint against Machamp (from 8 to 9 damage) at minimum of 12A IV. If you have less than 12A, Psycho Cut will never make 9 damage instead even at L40.

TL;DR: It adds to the base stat, and it only matters if a breakpoint is reached at high level for a particular challenge.



now a million dollar question... Is there a way to calculate the attack power of a mon?

Personally I would use something like

((DPS Fast * Effect) + (DPS*EPS Charged * Effect)) * (ATT Base + ATT IV)

So no matter of other IVs, other base stats, CP or HP... Could it make sense?


Yes it is and you can find the results in the DPS/TDO Rankings of this site.
Basically for simple comparison you calculate moveset DPS by adding up the damage from fast moves that gets you to 100 energy and damage from 100 energy worth of charge moves, then divide by the total cooldown of the moves used. Then multiply moveset DPS by the pokemon's attack stat and you have a figure that can be used to compare to another mon, but disregards energy gain from damage, energy waste and other relevant factors. DPS/TDO takes all of that into account, so it's basically wasted effort to even think about it at this point, this issue has been solved and the results are now accessible to all of us.
I don't really understand what your "Effect" is supposed to be.


Just my 2p on that: whenever you try to benchmark the attack power of a Pokémon with a single number you are missing out on some of the variables that are involved. If you have seen DPS/time charts, you will see how it varies, and it's matchup dependent anyway. For instance, this is from the Gamepress article to compare SD Ttar vs Golem for Zapdos day:

The solution to such problem is to run sims using PokeBattler or the one in this site, GoBattleSim. They simulate all those variables and get very close to what is the realistic power output for a Pokémon or a team of Pokémon.


OK, that's true... there are too many variables... So... How do you decide which pokemon are worth evolving and which aren't?

Leaving apart the common ones... On 5 different Machops what would you look at before deciding to evolve one or another?

CP? Level? IVs?


For Machamp I have only 1 high IV, 15A maxed out, and then an army of weather boosted L35 in very different ranges of IV.

As a stardust poor man, I tend to save resources so I prioritize lucky mons or high level over highest IV. One good example is my MM Metagross gang: I maxed out a high level shiny (91%, 14A) and a lucky one (93%, 13A), while I have a 98% 15A waiting because it's freaking level 13 and I don't have the dust, the candy and the breakpoint meta justification to power it up.


Those answers will vary wildly depending on who you ask. Most of that can vary from species to species as well. For me, the lower a Pokemon's level the more I scrutinize its IVs.

For example, I caught a Machop with IVs of 15/8/6 (a/d/s). Normally I would have binned it immediately but I caught it at L35. Machamp's last breakpoint against Tyranitar is hit at L36, a meager 2 power ups away. So I kept it, powered it up twice, and don't plan to spend any more dust or candy on it. In this case level and IV (attack in particular) played a role in my keeping it. If its attack IV was anything less than that I might not have kept it and if its level was less than 30 I definitely wouldn't have kept it.

Another case of something less relevant that I kept was a L9 Jumpluff. For dex fillers - especially low-level ones - it's pretty much perfect or bust for keeping them. Lo and behold, the Jumpluff was a hundo so I kept it. Pretty much literally any other IV and it would have been trashed without a second thought.
