
Has anyone got banned for multi accounting yet?

All the people who plays in my town are best friends with their alt account and trade everything that is worth trading for stat rerolls between their accounts. I know this is against the TOS. Has niantic shared anything about their stance on this? Have anyone got banned, warned or pokemon removed from their accounts for doing this?

Asked by Rekkert5 years 6 months ago


The question is - how do you tell them apart from actual friends or parent/child that only play when they're together, at least the raids?

There are good mechanisms to find out about spoofing including layered software that allows it and simple geographical calculations with speed, but if you always use your account and an alt in separated phones, how to find that out?


If so my friend with 4 accounts would have gotten warned long ago. I know several multi accounters, no warnings received (I have only one account).

So I guess it's condoned.... makes the player base appear larger.


Some event in Germany they had loud speakers saying, “Use one phone.” Likely they had Go Fest flashbacks so they started warning players.


I remember someone using split screen saying he got 30 day ban but it could be false information (if it was real there would be more than just one guy reporting that).

You can't get banned if you use two phones. Same goes for playing with one phone and signing in and out; People would just claim their friend/sibling/SO ran out of battery so they switched account.

I think Niantic is trying to ban people by checking software (same happens for spoofing I think) so IF they're taking action against someone it could be those with an app that splits screen to run 2 instances. Or maybe the game checking at startup for a second instance that's already running.


It's a lose-lose for Niantic to actually go out and enforce the "One Account Per Player" idea they have; they have to spend resources tracking down, investigating, confirming that it is a multi-accounter, then punishing them - which isn't going to be cheap. And at the end of that, they're punishing someone who is likely actually paying money to play their game. So they're being hit doubly - paying people to dry up their own revenue stream.

I have not heard of a Multi-Accounter ever being punished for having multi-accounts. I HAVE heard of Multi-Accounters being punished for being abusive with those accounts (generally in terms of being abusive IRL to other players trying to take down one of "their" gyms, being reported, and having all their accounts punished) but only anecdotally.

Personally, the only time I care about multi-accounting is when someone is abusing the Gyms. And even then it's more caring on behalf of friends I raid with because the Multi-Accounters in my area that abuse the gyms are all Mystic players, and many of the people I raid with are Mystic players, so they're the ones who are being shut out of gyms by these multi-accounters. But there are dozens of gyms in my area, so most of the time we simply ignore them (for 4+ days on end) until they go somewhere else for a while. All we need to do is hold 1 gym for 9 hours per day to get our coins, and most of us in the area are quite willing to let idiots be idiots on a few gyms, whether they're Spoofing or Multi-Accounting (or both) or just a bunch of morons.


Can't really blame anyone for multi accounting, how else can you do tier 4 & 5 raids in your local area if hardly anyone is active? Trainers deciding to break the TOS to actually get some raids done is quite laughable really but that's how it is. If u want the good stuff from raids & u live in an area like mine, then multiple accounts is the way to go. Of course I could travel, & I do, to more active areas but thats not always practical. Or I could get bored doing tiers 1 to 3 & stop playing altogether.


The big reason I hope they some day will drop the raid timer. Being able to take down lvl 5 raids solo or with fewer people would help a lot people in small towns and even remoter areas.

There are really no big disadvantage. The current "challenge" is only relevant when shortmanning. People would still prefer doing it together with others because of the huge resource cost soloing it. The feeling of accomplishment finally getting your first legendary in your small town after using 20 min and 50+ potions would be great. Few areas are like Singapore and New York.

As for "challenge" there would just be a new record tier for "fastest solo", just as the existing record list today for fastest duo, trio etc.


Also, has anyone been banned for driving while playing Pokémon go yet? That’s also against their TOS and I believe more people do this. Just saying...
