
I'm sure this is most likely a string of bad RNG, but I'm currently batting at close to 25 raids (of which I'd estimate were 75% Tier 5, 20% Tier 3, and 5% Tier 4... plus maybe a Shinx or two in there, but who's counting?) without seeing a single charge TM. Is anyone here having an experience that echoes mine? We can bond through our shared suffering.

This bad luck comes at an awful time too, as I've been really excited to experiment with second charge moves on a lot of different Pokémon (a number of which have CD or legacy charge moves, which means when I finally do get my hands on some TMs, I'll most likely still be flopping back and forth between undesired attacks before finally getting the second attack I was looking for 5 TMs later.)

Oh well, I'm sure my luck will turn around soon. Hopefully once Niantic realizes that Sinnoh Stones as PVP rewards definitely lose their luster (especially as most of the community has chewed through their Gen 4 evolutions) they'll add Charge TMs to the loot pool; not just because I happen to need them, but because I do think it's smart game-design to be able to play a game-mode and be rewarded with resources that you can invest back into that game-mode.

Anyway, cheers, and hope you're all having better luck than I am!

Asked by Swampert EX5 years 4 months ago


It's all RNG, someties ive gotten 4 CTMS from one raid, never seen any more for a month. Similar applied for rarecandies.

Im hoping for PvP, they add some sort of candy gaining feature, emulating how in the main series pokemon level up from battles. Maybe this meter would fill by not switching a pokemon out from a battle team like a walking buddy or something and measures cumulative CP beaten to prevent pidgey battle spams.

TM's would be a nice addition, but they'd probably be really rare.


Your candy-idea is interesting, but I think a lot of dedicated teams that players are bringing into PVP battles have already been maxed to whatever level the league they're fighting in would allow, in which case gaining a resource to level up those Pokémon past their league limits isn't really a useful thing. Instead, it would shift the still-developing PVP meta, as some players might be less inclined to pick teams based on strategy and synergy, instead chosing them based on what candy they need at the moment. In the future you propose, I could see PVP being much more popular in a lot of communities (yay!) but most would be battling nothing but Croagunk, Skorupi, and Bronzor (lame!)

What bugs me about the rarity of Charge TMs is that they don't HAVE to be rare. Nothing that they offer players comes anywhere close to breaking any part of the game (unless you count easy swapping between Mewtwo moves, but not even he obviously can do anything that can't be accomplished by other specialists).


Me too. Recently i've saw 2 tms from a Deoxys Attack Solo, 1 from a Heatran before that and none for anything else. And i've also saw 1 tm from Heatran, all in 2 weeks. I am very sure the drop rate is decreased.

Also, i do not think TMs will be in pvp pools; but items that give legendaries, starters and Metagross their signature moves will.


Yeah, I just got back from another Heatran myself; still no luck. Eventually I'll hit a point where I tell myself that the hunt for TMs just isn't worth the trouble of organizing a group (or the gas money), but I'm not quite at that point yet.

Also, I'd love to see an item like you described appear in the game, in one form or another. I've been over the idea of these "exclusive moves" since Dratini Day and Niantic removed the option to TM them onto previously-caught Pokémon.

I guess I'm pretty much against any decision on Niantic's part that results in limiting the creativity of the players. I mean, most Pokémon have two quick moves and three charge moves to choose from, which isn't much variety. Picking a species every month and giving it a new move was a great idea! And introducing an item to alter the moves you have was a great idea! But putting severe limitations on both of those two factors was a decision I wish I could see reversed. Maybe one day.


I'm basically in the same boat, I've gotten maybe 1-2 in the last 20ish raids with a lot of t5s in there. I have been doing pretty well rare candy-wise, but CTMs have been very sparse the last couple months
