
Niantic Mistake Timeline Updates?

I guess two questions:

-What constitutes as a "mistake"?
-Will this be updated regularly?

Over the past week people on TSR have basically been asking where the hell a couple of shinies have gone; Krabby and Magnemite. This was the first post reporting a shiny Krabby since November:

And here's a thread discussing the absence of shiny Magnemite:

While I can't find the thread discussing it, it was also noted that for some hours at the start of the latest Lugia/Ho-Oh return that shiny Lugia was absent - I'm talking large groups doing several raids and not one shiny turning up after 100+ combined encounters. Given the relative high odds of shiny legendaries (~1/20), the odds of not encountering one shiny in that many raids is pretty low.

The consensus between these three topics is that shinies were accidentally removed for some time - shiny Krabby was MIA from at least December until a post about it made the front page of TSR and as of posting this shiny Magnemite is still lost.

Do these count as mistakes worth posting on the timeline? I realize something like this will be hard to pin down an exact start date but maybe a date of when people began to notice these absences?

Asked by TheBiggestLeaf5 years 4 months ago


by Z3nVi 5 years 4 months ago

I can't speak to the Krabby or Magnemite situation, but as far as Lugia, are you referring to the recent T5 raid weekend for Lugia/Ho-Oh? If so, I can assure you it wasn't lost. I did my first Lugia raid the day the event started and my first encounter was with a Shiny Lugia. I know it's not a complete debunking, but I can attest that they were around at least during that event.


Yeah, the most recent weekend. What time that day did you do your first raid? Was it right at event start (1pm PST) or was it later in the day?


by milkz 5 years 4 months ago

Absolutely! Ever since shinies were introduced, they've become quite a big deal, for both dedicated and casual players alike. Encouraging players to go hunt and hunt for hours, and even click on "useless" commons like Poochyena.

Up until that incident, people have been confident in believing that once a shiny is introduced, it will stay in the game forever(with the exception of some others i.e Gengar). The missing shiny Krabby incident is a huge blunder. Sure it's may have been an accident, but something like that should not be overlooked. Because of this fiasco, people are going to be sceptical of shinies moving forward.

What was previously a confident and consistent answer of base shinies always being in the game has now been marred by this incident(and possibly magnemite). It should be noted so that players know that this can happen, we have a presedent, and that they shouldn't be afraid to ask whether certain shinies are in the game, given how many of those posts were downvoted to oblivion.


TSR (let's be honest, Reddit as a whole) can get pretty elitist and "hivemindey" thanks to the voting system. With many people on TSR being hardcore players it's easy for them to attribute honest questions like this as complaining about not having one despite literal tens of thousands of players across just as many communities not being able to report one from December. Having an auto-moderator, while probably helpful to the mod team, doesn't help this situation at all. Currently there's a megathread detailing proof or lack thereof for all available shinies that was initially taken down due to the auto-mod:

Reading it now (a day after it was made) it seems shiny Misdreavus may have also been accidentally removed at the end of the Christmas event, as nobody has reported one caught after January 2nd. They aren't exactly rare so someone somewhere should have reported one by now.


Exactly. I love the sub. Their findings and work are just fantastic. However, there are certain users that can't seem to take a hint on honest questions. Niantic has proven time and time again that they make mistakes. It's fine that questions like those get asked once in a while.

I looked through that megathread this morning and I seems like shiny magnemite still hasn't been reported. I have seen some Misdreavus but the the date of the catch seems not to be ideal, I think? Either way, Niantic really needs to work on this.


Magnemite is there now. It was reported roughly an hour ago. Currently there still haven't been any reported shiny Misdreavus since the Christmas event ended, January 2nd.

Wholeheartedly agree that Niantic needs an actual QA team that isn't just scrolling through TSR and seeing what's reported as faulty (said half sarcastically, half sincerely). It's also HUGELY interesting that the day after the Krabby and Magnemite threads blew up we started seeing their shinies again. Coincidence, or...?
