
Why today was Niantics best community day.

It was a genuine challenge to get a shiny.

You did not get them simply by standing around in a park. You got them by moving around. You had to work.

Rewards are far more satisfying when you work for them. As someone who criticises Niantic for how easy they make the game, Kudos to them for this event.

Asked by harrytipper25 years 3 months ago


Gotta agree the game has become ridiculously easy lately, 2 manning legendary raids community days with ridiculous shiny rates, handing out exclusive moves repeatedly till they are meaningless... it was nice to see an event that actually rewarded players that prepared and planned ahead instead of the constant pandering to rural and casuals


Counterpoint: Why it was the worst Community Day

-It was boring and tedious
-Almost useless for rural players except for a Feebas pokedex entry if they needed one
-Huge drain on the Pokeball stash
-No movepool upgrade for Milotic

I do agree with the sentiment that rewards are more satisfying when you work for them. But todays event was all about wasting pokeballs and selling super incubators


I'd argue no movepool upgrade is a positive. I realize it's here to stay but the limited edition sooper dooper exclusive move gimmick is one of the biggest faults this game has.


I personally think exclusive moves should be the reward for taking a Pokemon to level 40 or for battles won in gym/raid/PvP combat. Now that would be fun work with a true reward not governed by RNG. If only Niantic saw it that way.


Is there a mega-upvote? I would use it. This wasn't a true CD, so at least we can't say this "CD" sucked. Having wild spawns would have been nice (in our biome there were none during the event.) I don't mind working for rewards but level 15 Feebas are not much of a rewards since many have much better weather-boosted wild-spawns.


Yeah, going to have to agree with Solid Snake here.

I like the idea of the game making you work harder for rewards, but some things are just outright unfair or impossible depending on where you live. I have access to 14 pokestops, 5 of which are an hour walk away, and I know of people who have much less by them. Special event pokemon available in a 3 hour window from pokestops with a low shiny rate is a giant middle finger to rural players.

They should really unlock the stops and allow them to persistently give tasks so the people who are actually playing (and not driving) have a chance.


My closest viable Pokemon Go play area has 4 stops and 2 gyms.
As barren as that sounds, I can fully enjoy a normal Community Day because I know where the spawn points are. That was impossible today


- not really. its more interesting comparing to getting from cluster spawn to cluster spawn in regular community day.
- pokemon go has been be equally bad for rural players in regular community day or 3-hr raid window. this event is not the exception.
- wrong. i did 60+ quests in 3 hours and gained pokeballs.
- not necessary, but this is not community day but a feebas research event.


I was greatly unenthused. Part of the issue is only being able to hold 3 time consuming quests at a time.

I got way more satisfaction out of trioing solar beam Groudon instead of hunting down yet another quest. I think wild spawns might have diluted it, but I also think 10 nice throws/5 great/3 excellent would have kept it moving faster.


I ran out of throwing {x} quests before 3 hour window is up. Don't need it to be faster. Rather, have less diverse quest pool would be better.


I agree and disagree.

These tasks were absurd, but if they were standard CD odds, they'd be more satisfying to me. I did 43 tasks, walking around in about 6 inches of snow, and got no shiny. I feel like this was well intended, but the tasks being not hard, but simply time consuming, and the reduced odds made it less satisfying. Its like fighting certain opponents in video games that are absurdly powerful to the point where beating them is RNG, its not by skill but luck, and those are the least satisfying wins. I knew someone who did around 40 or these tasks, and got 7 shinies, I do not think this was a well executed community day.


It was well intentioned, making them hard to get, but this wasnt hard, this was tedious to impossible to do reasonably.

This might be niantic being reactionairy about people complaining CD shinies are too easy to get, similar to my thinking that happened when we had Eevee's LR CD's because of people complaining about exclusive moves being too good, and raid days being similar with the announcement of psychic on gengar for its raid day, making pervious version obsolete, then making a thing about the new version and its next to worthless (for gengar Lick was announced over 24 hours after they released it would be psychic). They do something extremely reactionary to test us to see what we say about them removing something a large portion wants to get us to not complain about getting good things. Though thats jut a personal theory.

I do hope they keep feebas in circulation some how so its still more possible to get the shiny, as I know most didnt.


I hope that if they “make up” for feebas, they “make up” for gengar too cuz I did 23 with no shiny while it felt like most everyone else got at least 1+ on mostly fewer tries/raids


Did you use incense and lures and move around? I’d think you could get 15 in most areas in 5 minutes. I played the game for only 30 minutes today (1 incense) and 6 feebas were enough for me.


Lure yes, move around yes, but a fair bit was spent driving over the speed limit to move to the next area.


Define reasonable. Had zero problem finding spawns w/ lure, incense, and in depth knowledge of cluster spawns in the area.


shiny RNG is shiny RNG. i've never hatched a single shiny pokemon or got a single shiny from raids (outside of events/legendaries) but i know players with 1/5th of my 25,000,000 odd xp who have got some of those shinies. We all have bad RNG somewhere.

Many people didn't get shinies today. You can have com days like this, or the "normal" com days where everyone gets handed shinies and it's just a matter of who managed to reach double figures and who didn't.

Bear in mind this did not replace the "normal" com days where everyone gets shinies, it was simply a bonus.


I know its a simple bonus, though this is a shiny i know more are fans of and its simply just disheartening, not even annoying, just disheartening, to not get a shiny because you weren't able to do more tasks. The odds weren't the part that was problematic for me, and is seemingly the agreed upon one by most, it was the tasks being time consuming. RNG is RNG, but doing more tasks can counteract bad RNG

It also didnt help the weather was bad when walking around when doing tasks.


I liked this more than the raid days because at least having a shot was free. Outside of the 5 free raid passes on the raid days, you HAD to use premium passes to still keep having a chance and some of still went home empty handed just like on this day.


Why do people keep referring to this as a “community day”? I agree that the tasks could’ve been easier but the shiny rate was never implied as being that of a community day...


It wasn't a challenge as much as it was artificially tedious. I don't mind not having obtained a shiny since I got two hundos and 3 98%ers, which are objectively way more valuable; but not even halfway through I was already bored out of my mind. There was no synergy between the tasks and it was basically a drain hole for my pokeballs. We did not work hard for our rewards, we just worked slower (what's so hard about landing great throws?). So no, it's a complete 'nope' for me. Hope this event failed hard and is never repeated again without some major adjustments. Like, a complete overhaul would be grasping at straws.
In fact, this format was nothing but a normal day of completing research tasks for free Pokemon but with a time limit and incredibly slow-to-complete tasks. I do that every day without having to stress about times and with the possibility of much better rewards. There was nothing satisfying for me about getting so many good Feebas because the road leading there wasn't just bumpy, it was unnecessarily curved and loopy.

2/10 too much water


by DrAzzy 5 years 4 months ago

Weather was too nasty today where I am - didn't go out. So can't say.


I do like the general idea of this kind of extra community day and i don't mind these shinies being a bit harder to obtain compared to the traditional CD --

But the rate was frustratingly low - might have just gone unlucky but i managed to complete 36 tasks which was quite a lot of work and i ended up with 0 shinies and 0 100%'s. The only good thing was 1x 98% but not getting any shiny after trying so hard for 3 hours in the cold was really frustrating and the result didn't feel rewarding at all. I will blame it mostly on being unlucky this time as i heard of others with a bit more shiny luck but yea not the best experience for me~


by YodaJi 5 years 4 months ago

It was meh. After grinding for 3 straight hours I was zero for 20 on getting a shiny. It was good for getting a higher IV feebes but for the effort I was hoping for more.


20 is nothing, getting a shiny wasn't the point bro


That's sad. Were you limited by the number of pokestops? Around my metro, plenty of people are doing 20+ per hour walking/driving/biking.


Played about 30 minutes, left the egg tasks after 3 of the great throws, so I’ll check tomorrow what they are. I noticed way too early that this was a total waste of time if played CD style hardcore. Of course, no shiny, but how can I complain? Anyway, low profile event is better than no event.


I'm going to agree with what most others have said here. The one big upside to this event is that its potentially a new avenue for introducing shinies of Mons that wouldn't fit the community day mold. Apart from that, however, there were a lot of factors about this event that weren't all that well thought out.

• Shiny rates were too low, overall. Yes, I realize that some people think CD shinies are too abundant, but when you have a limited-time event, people who are actively participating and working hard at it shouldn't go home feeling entirely defeated. I know many people who completed between 50-70 tasks and didn't get a single shiny. I can appreciate the sentiment of having to work for something, but when there's a layer of RNG on top of that, it's a recipe for disappointment.

• The event didn't really reward "hard work," and it certainly didn't entice people to walk (if we're talking about truly trying to make the most of the event). To the first point, tedious work is not hard work, and tedious is exactly what this event was. To the second point, for players who truly wanted to get the most out of it, you drove around hitting clusters of stops and spawns. You didn't walk around. You got 3 tasks (usually the catch tasks), you caught as many things as fast as possible, claimed (and likely stacked) the encounters, and then moved to the next spot. That was the only way to "ideally" tackle this event.

• The tasks were not well-suited for a 3hr event. Outside of areas with large spawn clusters, the catch tasks were hardly ones that could be completed quickly. Given that the event had such a limited time window (and low shiny rates), the task requirements, should have been reduced so that they could be completed in a more timely manner.

• This event was not at all friendly to rural players. I realize that many aspects of this game are not. Unlike a CD event though, if you're someone who lives in an area with very few Pokestops, then you were completely out of luck for this event.

I sincerely hope that Niantic makes some QoL changes so that if/when they decide to do another event like this, it's a more enjoyable experience that isn't quite as tedious.


I didn’t get any shinys on gengar day and I would say that’s even more costly. Definitely went home feeling defeated


Totally agree.

People were complaining how hard it was and I asked them if they’d rather Niantic just automatically deposit a dozen shiny’s in their account so they wouldn’t be bothered to have to accomplish something.


I like the idea, I don't like the execution.
The hatching quest was indeed purely a way to sell more incubators. And if you were unlucky, you had to walk multiple kms for the next hatch and there's no way to dump your eggs.
Might have been fine and all if only the shiny rates were slightly higher. Finished twenty quests by walking in the cold for three hours, not a single shiny.
This wasn't worth the effort.


It was a different CD, I give them that. It did make you move around in that your odds of getting a shiny depended on how many unique stops you spun.

After reading here (from the European reports) that the shiny odds weren't that boosted and that shinies weren't locked into stops (like with the squirtle day), which made quest maps unhelpful, I decided to only spend a minimal amount of effort and just do the quests I spun on the way for a haircut and back. Did 9 in all, no shinies, no good feebas, but no regrets. Saved one to open today to complete weekly research (and also in a hope to see that there was a glitch found to ensure a shiny reported here).


In my opinion previous CD shinies held little to no market value (especially after an exclusive move window). Well, if you (or a new player) had gotten two...then bang, something with a decent trade value. Sometimes the only way to create winners is to create more unwinners.
