
Rock Blast vs Stone Edge

Is Stone Edge that much better than Rock Blast in practice, on offensive Golem?

I have a MS-SE Golem and a RT-RB Golem.

I want to invest in the Rock Blast Golem, but I could theoretically spend a fast tm on the stone edge golem and power HIM up.

However, I would rather not use a fast tm unless it's totally necessary because I don't have very many TMs at all. Honestly, how much better is Stone Edge than Rock Blast? Is it a tiny differential, or a huge difference?

Asked by SpaceOpera6 years 9 months ago


Tiny. And you can get off an extra rock blast or 2 before fainting.


A MS-SE Rhydon will always hit harder than a MS-SE Golem so if you wanted 2 rock attackers, you could fast TM the MS one...

MS is generally a pretty bad move overall...

Considering people are maxing mons to Level 39 or whatever just to do 1 more damage with the quickmove...on GP here, MS on Golem does 14.29 DPS while RT does 17.78 DPS...3.5 DPS alone with that quick move so RT is just a lot better in most cases...Energy gen is slower, but MS has slow energy gen too.

Outside of pure Electrics weak against Ground, RT is simply better against all the fire types.

You could also wait a few more days and see if the legendary birds make an appearance this weekend...

If they do and you need near 20 trainers to take it out, having more ideal counters in a sea of casuals using Blisseys could help you win...
