
Which legendaries to power up next?

These are my current powered-up legendaries: IVs are A/D/S
1: Rayquaza DT/O L36 14/15/14
2: Mewtwo PC/SB L35 11/15/12
3: Raikou TS/WC L35 15/13/13
4: Zapdos CB/Tb L35 15/14/15
All 0 candy, except Zapdos with 8 candy, and a low IV one from quest breakthrough

Unpowered legendaries:
1: Groudon MS/Eq L20.5 14/14/15 (accidental power up)
2: Groudon MS/SB L20 15/14/11
3: Kyogre WF/HP L20 15/14/15
4: Kyogre WF/HP L25 15/10/13
5: Lugia ES/SA L20 15/13/15 (shiny)
6: Entei FS/Ft L20 15/15/14
Groudon 56, Kyogre 58, Lugia 62, Entei 25

For currently unpowered legendaries, 1 and 3 will definitely be maxed out eventually, and 5 to level 31.5 at least. But, which one first? And should I power up 2,4,6?

And of the powered up legendaries, which ones should I max completely?

Asked by DragoniteSlayer5 years 11 months ago


I only power up 98% iv and higher & attack is 15. so zapdos, kyogre and entei.


Don't listen to IV nuts... if you're worried about battling/raiding, the difference between 100% perfect pokemon and a 60% 'average' pokemon is about 1 second in the realm of a battle. If you don't have the ability to grind all day for stardust, evolve high level/high cp pokemon before high IV one's that you'll need to use tens of thousands of stardust and candy on to level up. The "IV" mirage is the biggest obstacle to more casual players getting strong pokemon for battling. The difference between a perfect 100% pokemon, and a 0%, 0/0/0 stat pokemon... TEN percent difference in actual strength. Don't let people and IV nuts fool you, a 3500cp Tyranitar, is just that, regardless of it's IV"s... that said, if you're collecting pokemon purely for trophies (which is weird), sure go head with your "I only power up 98% pokemon". But if you're using them to raid and battle, IV is not a real indicator of it's performance. It's CP and moveset are.


Don't listen to fool Ladders. You will waste more stardust to power up low iv pokemon to same cp. Attack 15 is necessary for breakpoint


Attack 15 may help you reach breakpoints at lower levels, which saves powerups. It's also possible that there would be a matchup where a breakpoint exists only for level 40 15 atk IV, but that's quite a rare occurence and won't be relevant for most pokemon.

Attack 15 is useful, not necessary. Fact of the matter is, you think IV matters more than it actually does.


Most of Pokemon have 0 dmg difference at level 40 between 15, 14 or 13 Atk. And normally, when they have difference, it's vs an enemy that you don't need to fight with that pokemon.
For example, a 14atk Rayquaza does the same dmg at lvl 40 than a 15 atk vs Rayquaza, Latios, and Latias, but it can deal a little leess dmg vs an Omastar raid (who has not sense to make rayquaza fight to).
Anyways, these difference are calculated in calculators that don't check his defense or stamina, so they show , for example, one rayquaza would kill latias in 700 seconds and the other in 701 seconds. But deffense and stamina are also important, and they can mean an extra charged attack.
I didn't want to power up my 3rd best Mewtwo (13-15-15) for his Attack, but after testing him with calculators I felt totally stupid for have looking to the 15atk all this time.

PD: sorry for my English XD


by hkn 6 years ago

Definitely power up the Groudon with MS/EQ and the Entei with FS/FT. Which one first depends on your other attackers (such as how many Fire-types you have) and goals (such as soloing Jynx or Gengar).


That Entei is pretty. But id wait on it as we are likely to begetting Entei candy from the box soonish. Could be as early as July!

I'd start with the #3 Kyogre and then the #1 Groudon. Then the Lugia unless youve suddenly come into Entei candy.


Lugia is currently the most useful one of your candidates.
Groudon and Kyogre are very good investments but don't have much use at the moment.
Entei is risky as a fire-type until we know the impact of BB Charizard, but it should have much higher TDO going for it at the very least. Regardless, it'll get outclassed hard in the next gen by Heatran so not the most lasting investment.

I think only you have the information required to make the choice, because there isn't a clear meta-optimal choice here. Your IVs are stellar so no qualms for powering up there. It'll be hard to score better even if these become available again.


You have a shiny 96 IV Lugia and no powered up Lugias? That’s where I would be.
