
Buying the ultra box last month was well worth it.

Not really a question.

Last month, I bought the ultra box with 12 super incubators (3 use), 12 raid passes, and other items. I was planning to use those incubators to hatch 10km eggs for future Gen4 mons.
A few days after i bought it, I somewhat regretted buying it. I thought I had wasted 1 month of coins (as a F2P player). Egg hatches aren’t guaranteed, there was a high probability of getting trash too, and my luck with eggs hasn’t been great.

But with the regionals from 7km eggs event, things changed. I was constantly running 9 incubators (including my infinite one) during this event. Now I’ve used up all those incubators, but I’ve also completed my Gen 1 dex.

And that’s not even counting those raid passes, I’ve only used 1 so far.

In all seriousness, have you ever regretted buying a box?

PS: A few weeks back, I posted that I would stop incubating eggs altogether. That post was just made in a fit of anger.

Asked by DragoniteSlayer5 years 7 months ago


Nope. Mostly as I only buy ultra boxes and only if they have a good number of passes and incubators


Part of me shot myself in the foot getting the last ultra box before they changed it for Mewtwo since it went from 8 raid passes to 14. After going on 60 eggs and no Kangaskhan though I don't mind having the extra incubators.
