
What IV do you keep?

What IV pokemons do you keep? ( In which case you just look for movesets )

Asked by JeffWhale8115 years 6 months ago


I collect 91%+ mons for fun! I know some people who only keep 96%+, but I'm not that dedicated a player.

But for useful pokemon, especially ones I have a hard time getting a lot of, I keep high-level ones regardless of IV and some high-IV low-level ones to power up when I can.


by hkn 5 years 6 months ago

I have completed my living wonder dex for Gen 1 (except regionals and Mew). For non-relevant species, I only keep one; for relevant species, I keep as many as I need.


Huh. To me, everything with 80+ is good. I also keep the ones with highest CP even if IV is low and put them on gyms.And I can't make myself tranfer wonders even if i have a lot of them (now i have 5 wonder numels from eggs). I would only transfer some if i get a much better ones with higher level.


I aim for 91%+
Since TM exist I only prioritise moves when they are legacy. EX pokemon don't follow these rules.


96% but I don’t look at move set for zubat natu etc


by Kazlu 5 years 6 months ago

I care about IVs for relevant mons only. The more relevant, the more common, the more I care. For less relevant pokémon, that I am not likely to power up, I am only interested in CP (I check IVs when I have several high CP to choose from and have to transfer one). For relevant but less common pokémons, I keep the highest IV one, whatever that is (my only Gardevoir is 60-ish%, evolved from a weather boosted Ralts), provided it is of decent level not requiring too many power-ups (lvl 25 is OK, lvl 5 is not even if 95%+). For common AND relevant pokémon finally, I prioritize IVs. I still keep the 6 best of what I have, but I reject anything below 82%. Atk is also a factor of importance: I may keep a 15 Atk 82% and reject a 13 Atk 90%, especially for great attackers such as Machamp. Hatched lvl 20 pokémon are ok to power up, lvl 15 research pokémon would be as well, but I still don't bother for very low level pokémon.


For relevant mons, I want 14 or 15 on attack plus 91% or above in IVS. However, if it is like let's say 89% and is a tyranitar with 15 or 14 on attack, then I'll still consider powering it up.


Depend on my candy situation, if i need my counter squad fast, i just evolve a high level from wild and use it.
If i got a better one later on, i just keep it and probably evolve and use it later.
And i am not throw my old wild catch one when i have better pokemons. It is still good to be use in a 2nd battle party if i need it, ot trade it with fellow trainer that dont have a good counter yet.


It depends on the Pokemon in question.

If it's meta relevant I have two criteria: I usually look for >91% with 14a or 15a if it's a raid catch/egg hatch. If it's a wild catch +L30 I'm more lenient about the overall IV as long as it has 15a.

For total shitters I'll never use it's IV or bust. I recently trashed a L30 wonder Jumpluff because I caught a L9 100% Jumpluff.


I keep:

At least 1 of every non-meta-relevant fully evolved type, usually highest CP unless 93%.
Up to 6 15 atk meta-relevant non-legacy 87+ to max out.
Up to 6 WB (31+) useful but not always relevant, 67 minimum. I have 6 Exeguttor over level 31 for a budget Kyogre team if necessary.
93+ copies of random stuff (i have 3 wonder Arcanines,)
100 of course

Any common stuff not better in IV than what I have gets blended. I care less about IV on common stuff than level.


Depends on the pokemon. I only IV check meta relevant pokemon, and then from there I decide. if its soemthing like dratini or larvitar, I only take 89% ones normally and a minimum of 14 atk, unless other circumstances like a lucky. (though high level wild catches with poor ivs I do not keep)
For pokemon like machamp and alakazam, similar applies to above as they're rare where I live.
For things like glass cannons aside from gengar, I just take ones that have 14-15 atk, (for gengar I only take ones above those bulk points with decent attack stats unless its my legacy lucky Shadow claw)

I would say that everyone has a blanket threshold for IV's for every pokemon, its depended upon the pokemon and what you have available. For me, its the more rare the pokemon, the higher the IV percentage.


It depends on the Pokemon. If it's a useful one then probably 96+. I could go 93 or possibly 91 if it's a high level and has 15 attack.
Although for legendary ones I will always keep the six best ones, which occasionaly means keeping one with lower IVs.

As for Pokemon with little to no use I need atleast 98%.
I do sometimes save ones with perhaps 96 or 93, but they are always the first to go when I need more bag space, which happens way too often.


Like others have said, it's more about how many of each species to keep rather than what IV to keep. I keep 100% and 0% regardless, but bad species are limited to one fully evolved copy, good attackers I may keep 6 or more of the best ones, etc.


The highest IV of that mon. If there was a way to upgrade IVs without trading (maybe battle, maybe rare raid rewards), it would feel more like an accomplishment than having to keep searching until I hopefully find one with higher IVs than I have. Breeding would have been useful to have, if it passed down movesets.


"Breeding would have been useful to have, if it passed down movesets."
This could add so much to the game. Like making SC Gengar available again.


by Trielz 5 years 6 months ago

I keep all legendary with low IV from raid (except the trio regi) for trade to my 2nd acc and to my friends. hopefully it become Lucky.

and also I keep all usefull pokemon from community day such as Larvitar, Dratini, Eevee and only keep all with high CP (lv 25 above) but with low IV.
got so many lucky Eevee, dratini & Larvitar from trading :).

for pokemon I used on raid battle (tyranitar, machamp & legendary like mewtwo) I keep anything above 82% but with attack 15 only.
or anything above 91% but with attack 14.

I don't keep a non relevant pokemon unless its shiny or lucky. and keep several pidgey,widlle, wurmple ect (don't wanna waste those lucky egg after using it on ultra friend & best friend)
