
EX-invite: Decline and recieve again?

So here's the situation.

I've been working on becoming Ultra friends with another player so he can send me an invite for an EX-raid on the 16th. We'll reach it on the 15th and he would then invite me.

But now they sent out the next round of EX passes and I didn't get one, so someone else invited me to it (on the 23rd).

I thought you couldn't get more than one invite for the same date, but apparently it's one invite in total, until that one has been done anyway.

So now I can't get the invite for the 16th.

When it was introduced that you can invite a friend people noticed that if you invite someone and they decline you won't be able to invite someone else.

My question is if that still happens or if they've changed it.
Because I really want to go on the 16th, so I hope that I can decline the invite for the 23rd and then recieve it again after the raid on the 16th is done.

Or does anyone have another idea for as to what I can do?

Asked by The Idle Fellow5 years 6 months ago


This must be new with invites; previously you could receive multiple passes yourself as long as they were in different waves.


If you decline, the player that sent you the invitation won't be able to send another one (not to you or anyone else), you could probably still get an invite from someone else to the 23rd.


Unless someone else to the raid there is no recovering a pass when you decline.

Someone could re invite you but you'll get the reputation as someone who wastes invites. If you don't care. Go for it.
