
Some help on break points

So I was playing aroudn with it as I just hatched a 93% female machop, 14 atk, 15 def, and wanted to look at the break points and such agaisnt dialga as thats a raid boss I am seriously underprepared for.

I think I know how it works after looking at it for a while, but just want to make sure. the numbers from 0-15 across the top, for the first box those are the attack IV's on my pokemon, and the number below them is the damage deal at the corresponding level, right? And for the lower one, its the same only for defensive IV's and the damage I'm taking?.

As well as is there a charge move breakpoint calculator? I didnt see any option for selecting dynamic punch, only counter.

Asked by MetagrossMaxis5 years 2 months ago


Pretty much, yeah.

You take the IV at the top and read the column down to see the minimum level you need to hit to deal X amount of damage. A Machamp with 14a will reach its last offensive breakpoint for counter at level 33.5. One with 15a reaches this breakpoint a power-up early, saving you dust and candy. A Machamp with 2a would require maxing to do the same amount of damage.

Defense is the same way, but reverse. Machamp requires 15d to sustain the smallest amount of damage from both Metal Claw and Dragon Breath when maxed out. Any point or level lower and you're taking one more damage per hit.

There are different breakpoints with and without weather boost, as well as offensive ones for each stage of friendship. This means there are potentially 10 different levels where you can squeeze the most out of your Machamp - to keep it simple, pick the dropdown you'll experience the most and plan accordingly. If you'll always be raiding with best friends then look at the best friends breakpoints and power up as needed.

Charge moves also have breakpoints, but they're less important as fast move breakpoints for a variety of reasons. Firstly you use fewer charge attacks than you do fast attacks, so performance gains for reaching higher charged breakpoints are much smaller. Secondly, charge move strength (usually) increases pretty linearly - as long as you keep powering it up charge moves will get stronger. Third, it's way, way more expensive to reach those breakpoints than it is the fast move ones. As costs balloon while performance increases drop, it's not always advised to go beyond fast move breakpoints - Powering up a second machamp from L20 to L33.5 costs roughly the same as it does to max one out from L33.5, and you'll see much bigger gains in doing so.

Breakpoints help you find the lowest level you can get the most bang for your stardust buck. A 14a Machamp reaches its practical potential at level 33.5 because that's when Counter does the most damage. Powering up beyond that comes down to personal preference, as the cost/benefit ratio plummets.

EDIT: As an extra, Machamp will be supreme against Dialga according to Pokebattler. Breloom squeaks ahead against Thunder sets specifically, but Machamp will be your most reliable the other 2/3 of the time. Don't bring Groudon out unless it's clear weather.


With nothing left to explain, I just wanted to bring your attention to a potential "fighting event" soon-ish down the line. So you may have a chance to prepare a good team of machamps before Dialga lands.


Was there any news about that, or just speculation? Because this is the first im hearing about thing, and that would really help.


chrales on Twitter (the guy who finds all the cool new stuff before it drops) found text for research tasks that are all associated with fighting types or combat in general.


No not being a thick headed fool would help... YOU spent months stating Machamp was useless and not worth raiding or leveling up despite the mountains of charts, graphs, diagrams and statistics showing that you where simply wrong... Once even YOU couldn’t help admit that Machamp had great stats and moves... YOU decide Machamp was still useless and not worth any investment because it couldn’t be used in Legendary raids.... So YOU will raid Dialga the same way you raid everything else a few under leveled, inferior counters, one or two good under leveled counters ... And telling everyone else in the raid group why the are stupid for having a team of maxed out supreme counters....
