
do you guys think the game will release special TMS for fast&charges moves?

the idea is for those who missed the CD moves or moves was release in early 2016, for example Snorlax- body slam, or draganite- dragon breath moves etc...

Asked by 399fremont5 years 2 months ago


Honestly, i dont think it will happen, but with niantic, nothings certain. It would be great, but i dont think its likely.

A lot of people have actually been hoping for these.

The CD recap even at the end of last year was largely meant for those two missed it, but i dont think old legacy moves will return outside of research.


On a similar note, I would love for Niantic to release special TMs that can be used to unlock signature moves for legendaries. If implemented correctly, they could be pretty amazing. Here's how I would suggest doing it:

Make the special TM a rare drop from tier 5 raids. They could even make special TMs tied to specific t5 raid bosses (you can only get the TM for Sacred Fire from Ho-Oh, Precipice Blades from Groudon, etc).

This keeps people interested in specific raid bosses, and limiting the special TM to tier 5 raids would make sense, as it could only be used to teach signature moves to legendaries anyways.

This would also ease a lot of people's fears about investing in something now when it *could* get it's signature move down the line. Instead of your hundo Kyogre getting outclassed by itself when Origin Pulse is introduced, you'd have the ability to raid and get the TM to teach Origin Pulse to your maxed out hundo.

So in short, Niantic sells more raid passes, we get signature moves for legendaries, FOMO becomes significantly reduced, and we have a new motivation to raid legendaries we might not otherwise care about so much.


They may, or may not.

If not, they mainly kill off all potential CD evolutions between events.

They could make a STM that was available and usable only during respectively CD. Then have roundup CDs twice a year.

Guess that would keep exclusiveness, without killing off inbetween evolutions.
