
Niantic pisses on it's hardcore players again

The upcoming CD event pisses me off. I have spent millions in trades to get good IV mons with exclusive moves. I have shifted working hours to be able to attend the most valuable of the CDs.

There is nothing exclusive about the moves if they keep on being availeble for everybody. It de-values trades and trades done. New mons are given shit moves, then they keep on being upgraded. People waste cash and hard earned dust on the first rounds, then again when rereleased, and again for exclusive moves and shinys. It makes me sick. Guess what, this is a paradice event for spoofers.
This is a game that rewards money players, cheaters and always newcomers. Hardcores are neglected at every turn.
It stinks greedy of every move they make! End of rant

Asked by Chimera19025 years 5 months ago


by hkn 5 years 5 months ago

In the first place, why should moves be exclusive to three-hour events?

What hardcore players need is more interesting challenges.


The problem is unfairness, man. This was created only to make up for the people who missed CDays.


by trjano 5 years 5 months ago

Because it's still exclusive, only less stupid than meta defining pokes for 3 hours in all the game runtime.
Maybe next time you can prioritize life over PoGo.


by Peach 5 years 5 months ago

I got most of the cd moves that matters. But you know what? Im happy that they gave people another chance. I missed few cds because of work too and it stinks more then anything...


First of all, there's nothing hardcore about doing trades, you posing, self-entitled wannabe. Having exclusive mons by Niantic's standards does not make you hardcore, it just makes you lucky (to be able to attend the time-limited events and knowing people with spares that are willing to trade).

Secondly, exclusivity means nothing here, cowboy. What's the point of having a meta-relevant, CD exclusive specimen if you do not have the resources to power it up? That's certainly a benefit that only applies to hardcore players that could ultimately beef-up a team of 6 maxed SD Tyranitar to solo Moltres during its raid day, to name an example of something that was feasible this year that someone as hardcore as you should recall.

Thirdly, IT DOES NOT REDUCE THE VALUE OF THE CD POKEMON YOU ALREADY OWN! People will still want to trade your shitty ones for theirs in hopes of getting MORE good ones in the gamble that is the trades feature in this game. Why, you think that because people will have more in general they won't still want to get a lucky hundo? Seriously dude...

And as for the good ones you already own, you've had them for a while now haven't you? Their value does not rely on their exclusivity but on the fact that you had them several months before all these new-comers you so fervently resent. DM Dragonite was on February for god's sake. Ok, you don't like that one in particular? Well if you're as hardcore as you think you are, then you have had 10 months of "exclusive" access to Frenzy Plant Venusaur, 7 months of Blast Burn Charizard, and 6 of SD Tyranitar. You might remember them for being the best grass, fire (almost), and rock types attackers since the time they were introduced, respectively. You had "exclusive" access to these for that whole time and yet you complain about this new CD giving access to them again?! Are you daft?
Or are you just the typical grade-school child that feels special about owning things that the other kids don't and likes to show off his non-achievements during lunchtime?

Your point about spoofers is moot. If it angers you so much that spoofers will take advantage to it, well, spoiler alert; but they also utilized their spoofer advantage during the past CDs so it's quite dumb to feel so mad about this one in particular, isn't it?

I don't get what mental gymnastics you have to go through to think that this CD will neglect you as a "hardcore" player. You realize you can still play if you want, right? You should have several great, evolvable candidates that you must have acquired after their respective C-Days had already happened.

I managed to evolve 12 Tyranitar during it's CD but I got two hundo Larvitar since then, which I was smart enough to save. Now I can add two more SD perfect Tyranitar to my collection and trade the lower ones for anything I want. Same goes for another perfect Charmander, a perfect Squirtle, a 96% shiny Charmander, and 98% Beldum, etc... all of them acquired too late and that now will have a second chance to shine. I reckon your situation should be similar, Mr. Neglected Hardcore Player.

So... be happy, for once? Just once?


Saved me the effort of saying pretty much this^


Was about to type something similar, maybe a little shorter. Thanks for saving me the trouble. I am getting sick of people thinking they somehow deserve "exclusive moves" because they played for three hours on a weekend. I have a squad of 6 good lick gengars, a shiny among them, yet if they just add lick to the movepool tomorrow I am happy for people unable to attend the raid day and glad that more people have access to great counters, making my raid experience a little easier as well. This is a social game.


The community day move and legacy move thing in general is filth and despair. That's it. They should seriously be in the normal movesets of pokemon and solving it by giving a second community day is impractical and does not solve the problem. You can only cleanse filth by purifying it and you can only cleanse despair by giving out actual hope. Niantic does none and just perfumes the filth and gives false hope.

I can also imagine the 3 hours of server errors, game unplayable in 3 days = Ultimate despair.

Meanwhile garbage like fire blast and shadow sneak are being given to new pokemon in chilling accuracy. I have a feeling that Volcarona's sole stab fire move will be heat wave, trust me, it will happen.


Ah yes, you again. I sometimes do not know if you are just a parodical figment of what my imagination envisions a true crazy person must be like. Your hyperbolic, rage-fueled pseudo-sentences cannot be nothing but be the product of a caricatured Hitler-like persona that I must be fabricating to vent my most ridiculous and frivolous frustrations. Weird that I can only read you on this specific website. I should go see a shrink, you are getting out of hand.

That or I am witnessing the slow, but steady real-time mental deggradation of a real person, which is equally disturbing.


I reckon what happened, instead of allowing things to go legacy without warning they shifted to suboptimal moves--->announced optimal moves.

Previously, avid players got those legacy moves thru sheer volume of quickly grinding and evolving. Avid players still have a big advantage, sometimes they enter these community days with 1000s of that species' candy and they hatch/catch a few good candidates in preparation. For instance I will be able to evolve 5 90+% level 32-35 bulbasaur off the bat and have the candy to max those if I wanted.

However, I didn't find a shiny charmander (gained 800 charmander candy during the CD), I can look for one and give it blast burn regardless of IVs bc I'm starting with 1000 candy.


"I can also imagine the 3 hours of server errors, game unplayable in 3 days = Ultimate despair."

Actually, I think the event lasting 3 full days should help with this. It's highly likely that the server errors that players in Asia-Pacific region are experiencing on regular community days are linked to the fact that there is a very high number of players in this region (a lot of high density of population areas), obviously too much for Niantic servers when they are all playing together for 3h. The event lasting 3 whole days, it will spread the players over time. Probably a lot of people will play since the event is really appealing, but very few people will be playing for the whole 72 hours. So some people will play on saturday, others on sunday ; some will play in the morning, others in the afternoon ; some will play a lot, others less. The point is, everyone will not be playing at the same time, reducing the simultaneous connexion attempts to Niantic servers.

Now that may be counter-balanced by the fact that the event will be worldwide. Still, I think the players will spread their playing time slots over the week-end, probably reducing Niantic's server load.

I even suspect this is a test drive by Niantic: "if we extend the community day time slot, will we eliminate the overload of servers during CDs without having to buy new servers for a monthly event?".


Oh no, I totally forgot about the server break-downs!!! Thx for reminding me.


how many MMORPGs have you played in your life? taking into account your answers i could think that you never player one, because this pattern is the lifeblood of them, limited time events that on ocasions return for the new players sake. And by the way, you have the same complains as the veterans and, so called by themselves, hardcore players in those MMOs have ALWAYS


by Sebhes 5 years 5 months ago

I can relate to your post. Therefore I say, take lesson to prioritize life before a game. It's not worth it.

Exclusivity hasn't been a relevant factor anymore ever since raids got introduced.


I'm a hardcore player, but I'm very glad to have the opportunity to evolve the max Charmander, Dratini and Cyndaquil I obtained after their respective community days. In my view, the 1-hour post community day evolution window each month should also allow you to evolve the stars of the previous community days too. It isn't fun holding onto an unevolved max just in the hope that the opportunity to get the exclusive move will come around again.


Show me the wey to catch those max level 40 Charmander, Dratini and Cyndaquil


A community long weekend, fantastic & hopefully this is how it will work going forward. I would just say that those of us who cannot swap our schedules, me, & have missed all the Saturday CD's, this event is exactly what I want. Time to hit it hard & make up for lost time. If that upsets you, tough!


Everything in PoGo will be available for everybody eventually. This game is non-exclusivity intended. It's an inclusive game by design and principles. You have two choices: accept it and move on or stop playing if you don't stand that.




by TTT 5 years 5 months ago

You may have a point if those trades were 40k/1M dust. They're not though. They're cheap trades, you got more than enough bonus Stardust for free from the events to make those trades. You've wasted nothing...


Well, if you really were taking about the "neglected hardcore players" your argument should have been different.

Before each of their community days I had evolved and maxed out to lvl 40:
2 Venusaurs
2 Charizards
1 Blastoise
8 Tyranitaurs (at least they could be converted to B/C)
9 Dragonites (no loss)
4 Metacross
2 Moltres
2 Zapdos
5 Gengar (4 with hex)

Now that is some wasted investment :-)

In my opinion the CD move sets should be available for TMs after an exclusive period of 3-6 months, to avoid the Metacross situation (every earlier and later non-CD evolve were rendered worthless).


There are really only two viable solutions:

(1) Continuous power creep, so that new players will eventually be able to compete with long-term players as the once-awesome Pokemon become obsolete.

(2) Occasional re-release of overpowered Pokemon to let newer players "catch up".

Otherwise you are telling new players that they will never be competitive with people who happened to be active when the top attackers were available. And any game dies if it drives away new players.


I don't get it. Hardcore player would anyway have more high quality pokemons, ressources to power them up. They have had many of the monsters and exclusive moves for months. And one weekend is not gonna change that.

Yes I also some time got pissed with events that ruin your plans/strategy, like CD announced after I walked and evolve some important pokemon, or when they released all the gen1 regionals after I came back from holidays with plenty of planned trades that were no longer interesting for people.

Niantic has to find a proper balance to bring something to all types of players. And hardcore player anyway get most of the game, they are the first to reach high levels with highly competitive months and a casual player will never reach that level, nor have highly competitive raids squads even with events here and there.

The fact that some moves are legacy or CD exclusive preserves the trade value. Plus I don't understand while hard core players complain at the same time for moves/mons to be too rare and not TMable and for moves/mons to be too easy to obtain.

A 48h events will not bring a casual player to a harcore level. It will just give them more chance to catch up fun stuff. The game is intended to be universal, everyone should be able to find what they like in the game and enjoy it in its own way.

And in a way your post just shows some sort of jealousy, like a kid who would want to have a toy just for himself instead of sharing a great game. Casual players aren't stilling the game away from you, they just enjoy it in their own way.

And I personnaly find great to have a 2 days event for a chance to catch up on stuff that one might have missed because yes, we don't all structure our life around the game.


Yes, hardcore players will always have the upper hand.

This game has diminishing returns, the gap between the extreme hardcore players and more casual players will gradually close. When most people have some decent attack teams there will only be marginal differences, and mostly with vanity items, like the number of 100% etc.

The problem with CDs are not that it gives slightly more powerful mons, but that it creates a fear for evolving anything potential CD.

After the introduction of CD very few dare to evolve anything of potential CD value. Kind of kills a big aspect of the game. A limited exclusive period would stop that, people would dare to evolve something that might get a CD some time in the future, or something that has had one.


I mostly played in a group nearby my house now. It is a small group, less than 15 trainer that cannot play together all the time,and mostly a new player starting at the Regis raid boss
Tell me about hardcore player when you have to carry a raid group to 3-5 man legendary raid with trainer in lv 20 or early 30 because often that's the number of trainer that can do a raid.
I am glad about Mewtwo regular raid, Gengar raid days and Beldum CD, cos they have some good counter now especially Gengar in the current raid. I managed to trio Creselia me and my 2nd acc and a trainer at lv 32, because he has Lick Gengar and Tyranitar that i gave him or raid with him
So this CD is good, my team mates will have a very good counters from some of past CD, and i can relax a bit in preparing the squad to carry them.


I'm not sure how you define "hardcore", but I play pogo a few hours everyday, rain or shine, 9000+ battles won, 6000+ km walked, 60000+ pokemon caught. If I know the type of a raid boss, I can assemble a high DPS, powered up squad of mon to greet it.

Anyway, I was happy to learn of the weekend long catch up CD. I could use some more candy for a few of the most useful CD mon, and have a couple squads that could use an additional teammate. If anyone asks, I'll encourage them to take advantage of it too.

If some of the people in my local community manage to improve their accounts and get a little closer to my account's capability, it would be a good thing for me, because it would make it easier to get raid parties together, and it would be easier to try a short-man challenge. I don't mind at all, if it means they will soon have something, only I had before.


yeah niantic stinks worse than my shinguards after I've been playing midfield for 60 minutes (and they stinky)
