
Niantic support..?

Does anyone know how to get a response from Niantic?

On three separate occasions different raid boss have lagged out and the raid timer had finished without an opportunity to initiate the catch sequence again. It wasn't caught, It didn't run and yet I don't have a log of it other than the raid rewards..

Any advice would be appreciated.

Asked by TaCoMaBoLT6 years 4 months ago


Happened twice to me, when we are waiting for somebody and they are pushing the clock to under 10 minutes...I tell them to hurry up. If anything: take a screenshot of the rewards in the journal, but also that the boss didn't run away.
Not full proof evidence (battery could have died) but can back up an email to support


Thanks for the reply. I'm sure it does happen to a lot of us. The screen should be fixed until the Pokemon is caught or runs away which would save us all from dreaded battery and or network issues! Just log back in and there it is in it's last known state to resume your remaining catch attempts.

I can't seem to find a ticket option that isn't for premium items.
I've submitted the error with screen shots as a bug which doesn't get looked at for an individual response.


Just compounded with the 45 min clock, sure tier 5 only has one potential boss and that has an hour countdown...but maybe somebody really wanted a Tyranitar, they saw what it was, rushed there, rallied up some friends (strangers), beat it, lagged while throwing...gone


It is a bug, but I would also submit a second ticket for premium items whether or not you used a premium pass because you will get a quick individual response (and most likely a premium pass). Because you were robbed.... just like I was when they stole my EX raid pass. Of course, I still don't have Mewtwo, but at least I had the opportunity to let them know what I thought about that and hopefully, with enough similar complaints, it will lead to a better system.


That's more or less my feelings towards it, just want my experience to be heard. It would be a bonus to get a free raid pass.


by hkn 6 years 4 months ago



by syy89 6 years 4 months ago

I once glitched out of a raid after defeating it and used the following link to get in touch with them:

Just provide some details into what happened and they can check your account. I got a personal response via email and a reimbursement of my premium pass within a couple hours. Good luck!


Thanks again. I just did that as suggested by DeLana_99 even though I didn't use a Premium pass.


Sadly, the only way to get a response from Niantic is to buy something from the shop. I had submitted over 50 trouble tickets (glitches, raid errors, gym errors, etc) as a free to play player and never got a response. They even had the audacity to send me the automated "How was our service?" email - to which I responded: "Terrible". During some event I spent $5 on a box. The very first issue I submitted after that purchase got a response and 6 max revives in my bag. (I had submittted the identical issue as a F2P player and got no response).


That sucks! Either way I don't want something for free. Ideally I would like the opportunity to catch my Pokemon without any further rewards.

Ironically I took part in 3 Raids yesterday.. Thankfully I've never had issues with Premium passes.


by antgoo 6 years 4 months ago

I have had this happen before (twice in the same day) and submitted a ticket with screenshots as proof. My experience with support was not good. I hope yours goes better. It took three emails back and forth and I don't think they ever even read my first email explaining the situation. The first email I got back was a stock one about how EX raids were in testing phase and they weren't compensating for them (it wasn't an ex raid problem). After I pointed that out they sent a stock reply about how you get one free raid pass a day to use and that they were sorry but they wouldn't ever replace a free one. When I pointed out that I wasn't my free one they were passes I paid money for their reply was a stock letter about how if you fail to beat the raid you can still go back in and retry so they wouldn't be refunding my passes (neglecting that I did beat it and was unable to go in and attempted to catch it). At this point I was fed up with them so I replied that I would never purchase another raid pass again (except with the free coins). They never responded to that email and I have stuck to my word and not purchased anything since early October. Not sure if that is typical for their response team or just an isolated incident but I hope you have better luck!


Wait, Niantic has a support line?????

That's news to me. Sounds too absurd to be true.

I'm going to watch Harry Potter, where magical unbelievable things do happen.


If you used your free pass on it, they won’t do anything and simply say you can get another one tomorrow.

If you used a green one, they’ll give you 2 back.
