
RaidsRewards update

Account Rules: no wild catch (Raids & Eggs/Research only)
Start date: 10/7/18
Total XP: 5.9M (about 100K to L35)
FTP, suburban environment 1-2 hours per day. About 100 friends

It's funny to see how fast and easy it is to get a useful account, compared to "the old days" - grinding out eggs and dust to get my first TTar took so many months - this account hit L30 within 3 weeks and thanks to weather-boosted Mewtwo raid catches had 3 useful attackers over 3K CP!
Gameplay is of course totally different, I spend a fair amount of time with "friend management" with spinning to collect gifts and sending as soon as I get 10. I try to advance as many as possible every day, this would be easier in an urban environment if I had more stops around.
Just broke 100K dust so as soon as I get another meta-useful catch I'll be able to pust that up to L30 too.
Thanks to all who are opening/sending!

Asked by toytracker5 years 5 months ago


That was a lot of Mewtwo caught, my immediate area didn't get that much activity on a daily basis. A group might have wanted to do 5+ in one day/weekend, but not consistently one each day.

Many would also be interested in seeing the outcome if you trashed this account thru trading at best friend level. How many (if any) would go lucky, how many unluckies would stay above 70% after trading, etc.


Yep, I was lucky with a couple of long weekends and windy weather, and so used gym coins as fast as I earned them on full-price raid passes. No SB Mewtwo, but excellent options with all its other charge moves!
I haven't done any trades yet, still 6+ weeks away from Best, and haven't decided if I will turn this into a "real" account after L40 or trash it...
