
Why no raids at night?

What's the logic behind having no raids night? Aren't players (who work in the day like me) more free to play at night?

Asked by The Mad King6 years 10 months ago


I feel the same but its probably to avoid night time dangers. e.g. snatching, mugging, robbery, etc. It would be another headache in their part legally. Some might argue gyms are open at night but raids attract people and you can't expect all of them are from the good bunch.


I believe it's a security/safety thing. The raids potentially bring crowds of people together, which is not ideal during odd hours.


I get it to, but like you I work. I wish they started earlier in the morning, like you get notifications at 5 or 530 and you can start the raid at 7 or 730. I have only done one raid so far because of my schedule.


There is lots of raids during the working time, why not nights! Last ride is about 22:00 and they starts at 10:00.

We want night Raids also!!!!!!!!!!
All cityes does not have NO GO AREAS


They changed it today again to 7 o'clock in the morning local time.

You might receive notifications after 5 o'clock.


Not to mention that many parks and/or businesses have "closed" hours. That can lead to legal infractions and misdemeanor citations such as loitering and trespassing.

Having gyms open 24hrs already undoubtedly already draws a fair share of "after hour" traffic to a lot of these places.

However, the basic design and nature of raids encourage and entice a far larger number of players to participate at a specific place and time. And that can lead to some sticky legal situations.


"After hours" traffic is not necessary a bad thing, sober adults walking around in parks at night can also improve public security. I already found helpless persons twice, a dead drunk 14 years old girl and an old man who stumbled on his way home and hit his head, without Pokemon Go it could have taken 3 - 4 hours till the first early morning joggers would have found them.


It's great to hear of the positive outcomes you have been a part of in your community.

However I was looking at it from a legal point of view. In many places, being in public parks after the posted hours can land you with misdemeanor loitering, and a day in court. And being caught on private property can lead to a trespassing charge (in some circumstances).

I know in my community, most of the time police will just "remind" you of the hours of the park, and let you off with a warning. Most really don't seem to mind as long as you are "in transit" to somewhere, and not just loitering.

That being said, I know more than a few well meaning, sober, adults who have been issued citations.


May also be a cultural issue. I'm aware some cities especially in the Americas are quite different from Mainz, a city of 200,000 known as Germany's largest village.


Even where I live, there can be a vast difference in what you are likely to find in parks at night. I live in a "quiet" suburban town of around 50,000 people. Most of my small town is compromised of houses, schools, parks, and businesses catered to the community (restaurants, shops, etc). At night, the parks are mostly empty. You might see someone out taking their dog for a walk here and there, and the most trouble you are expected to find are a few locals discreetly having a few drinks and/or hooking up. Police tend to just look the other way, as long as everyone is of age, are being respectful to the community by not making a ruckus.

However, If I drive less than half an hour into the city (with 10x the population, not including tourists), the total landscape changes. Many of the public parks that are wonderful to be at during the day, can be full of homeless, drug addicts, belligerent drunks, and ill intentioned people. Police patrolling over these areas tend to be stricter, and more aggressive with their interactions with anyone they find out at odd hours of the night.


Or maybe only in the weekend. Make it special


The pokemon need to sleep then silly. You can't expect them to be up 24/7.


The only people you see benefiting from day time raids this summer are: kids out of school and unemployed.
