
America Survival Guide


Chapter 15.3: King of the High Castle

Enemy Details
Battle 1/1
Guest Servants: None
Enemies HP Lvl


154080 60

Thomas Edison

107100 58

Helena Blavatsky

102806 60
Notable Skills:

    Uncrowned Arms Mastership (Karna): Charge NP gauge by 1, increase critical chance and critical damage for three turns,

    Morph C (Edison): Increase own defense for three turns.

    Mana Tuning C (Blavatsky): Increases all allies' NP gauge by 1.

General Strategy Overview

Being a one-wave stage, there is little time to prepare for the enemy NPs - meaning that fast damage-bursting teams are preferred. The main concern in this stage is that all of the bosses are equipped with AoE NPs, which means that prolonged fight puts a risk to the whole team assuming no team-wide Invulnerability is available.

With an offensive line-up, Helena normally has the highest killing priority as she is able to charge her allies’ NP gauge. It should be noted, however, that Karna’s lower NP gauge and NP charge skill can quite easily screw things over.

Recommended Composition: Anti-Caster Blitz Squad

Party Reccomendations

Zhuge Liang

Craft Essence: Flexible

Crucial for any team aiming to burst the enemies down as fast as possible, Zhuge Liang’s main purpose is the instant NP charge he provides, with an attack buff being the cherry on top.

AoE-NP Rider (Recommended: Santa Alter)

Craft Essence: Starting NP [Note: Higher priority than Saber Servants]

Chosen for her free status and Excalibur Morgan’s extremely high damage, Santa Alter can easily wipe both Casters with the aid of external buffs. However, if she is not available, other AoE Riders are also viable - if you are unsure on whether they can reliably kill the opponents, bring an extra Rider in the backline.

Damage Dealer Sabers

Craft Essence: Starting NP

As your Rider would have softened Karna by quite a bit, there are many viable choices for this role. While Single-target Sabers would be more reliable in terms of killing Karna, AoE ones are also capable of doing the job, and they would help in finishing the Casters as well if the Rider’s NP does not deal enough damage.

Backline: Riders/Sabers

The backline composition mostly acts to ensure victory, as the front line will be doing most of the job. As such, it can be filled with Servants from either of the aforementioned classes, to clean up the remaining enemies.