
solomon x gssr

I know I asked a couple of questions on here and ya'll have helped me out a bunch, so I'm back for 2 more Questions...

1st: i'd like help preparing for the solomon raid quests, as well as solomon in general and which servants i should prepare and look for on my friends list..

2nd: Which gssr should I roll for given the servants I have/use the most.. currently I'm thinking assassin/extra or archer..

My Servants I use are:
Baber Alter lvl 100
Mordred Lvl 90
Saberlot lvl 70 np3

Ishtar lvl 90
Robin Hood lvl 70

Baber Alter Lancer lvl 80
Jailbait Jalter lvl 80
(praying for shishou)

Drake lvl 80
Santa Baber Alter lvl 80
Quetz Lvl 60
Medusa lvk 70
Martha lvl 50

Waver lvl 90
Foxy-chan lvl 90
Hans lvl 65
Jailbait Carmilla lvl 80

Carmilla lvl 60 (busy giving hearts elsewhere)
Serenity waifu lvl 70

Herc lvl 80
Zerklot lvl 50
Fran lvl 50

Jalter lvl 90
Mashu lvl 80

I greatly appreciate any advice ya'll have and give me..

Asked by poketar5 years 5 months ago


For Solomon 3 knight class is useless against Geotia.
For raid event single target NP is preferable. As usual preferable support servants is waver and Merlin.

GSSR just pick what you want or what you lack.

Archer: - Orion/Artemis is anti male single target that can also fit into stall team. Their NP after upgrade is 100 % charge drain + greatly lower atk. Bad news about them is low NP gain and low atk. I don't have the other 2 Archer but I heard Arjuna suck.

Assassin/Extra: - 50% chances of either Jack or Jeanne. Your pick.


by F3rn0 5 years 5 months ago

Saint Martha 2nd skill (party debuff) will be useful first turn, use that while with main damage dealer(s) and switch her out for most fights with the chaldea combat uniform.
A strong support lubu could be useful if you want to destroy a lot of health with first turn NP, with your waver that could be possible, but I don't know how support servant bond mechanic will work.


by Leyl 5 years 5 months ago

Solomon is highly dependent on bond levels. At this point in the game the general consensus is unless you are already close to leveling a bond level, it is not worth farming bond points.

The main goal for Solomon is the raid bosses. Gamepress has a guide for these, but they are limited time raid bosses with really good drop rates. Barbatos, the assassin boss, has a 15% drop rate on hearts and somewhere in the 56% drop on pages and gears. It is recommended you farm him first.

In order to farm efficiently you are looking to one shot the pillars. In the image there are some ideal oneshot comps. (Credit to Ingo & Saberofavalon) You will need somewhat high bond points to accomplish these teams as well as higher level CEs. I am not saying that you need to run these teamcomps and if you are unable to I would not worry too much as you will still likely be able to clear the raids.

For GSSR as you already have some of the best servants in the Caster catagory, you can really roll into whatever you feel comfortable with. For gameplay purposes I would avoid the saber and archer banner as the servants are not that good. Lancer has two good SSRs in Karna and LToria, however as you already have Ltoria Alter you should be good in that aspect. The Rider banner is fairly good with Quetz, Ozy and Drake, but seeing as you have Drake it would be a 50% chance to get one of the other good servants. Berserker's banner is a 33% chance to get a usable servant in Cu Alter who is an unkillable legend. The Assassin Extra banner is probably your best bet. You are lacking a good assassin and Jack is the best single target assassin in the game even in JP. Jeanne is also an amazing unit in stall teams, running double Jeanne and Tamamo you can actually just never die.

Hope this helps.
