
Probably a stupid auestion

So I’ve been using Altria for a day now, and wow, she really isn’t that amazing, especially since I can’t really farm anything as I’m only partially into singularity 3. Only reason I’m still using her is because she is a 5 star, and has higher stats by a large margin over the rest of units. One of those units being Medea whom I adore (Elf, tragic backstory and Carnival Phantasm= Best girl) I also pulled Formal craft, which is defiantly the best CE I own and will for a while. Like my mind is telling me no, but my body, my body is telling me yes.

Asked by ElSabre5 years 5 months ago


by Mari 5 years 5 months ago

Sorry, I don’t think I understand what you’re asking. Are you asking if it’s worth it to use Medea versus Altria or something else?


Who is Altria? Do you mean Artoria?

Also was there a question in there somewhere? I didn't see it.


Wait what, her name is Artoria, why the hell does this site, and the game refer to her as Altria? And yea there really isn’t a question in what I wrote up, but what I was trying to ask was that weather Altria is worth using over Medea (vice versa)


Artoria is how her name was translated in the anime. Some people really didn’t like the name change and refuse to use her in game translation.


Is your question which to use?
Why not both? Medeas arts cards should hep get Altrias NP off more often and with formal craft should easily be able to spam Medeas, which is great especially once you get to NP5


I didn’t think about it like that, I keep forgetting Medea is t even meant to be a nuke but is in fact a support, thanks for the insight and I think I’ll do just that


They're two different classes. Arturia is kinda underwhelming compared to other aoe sabers but shes "okay". Medea is a silver caster that's single target and a bit situational. I personally go for game play myself, it doesn't matter how cool/"cute"/hot a servant is if they're useless. So I'd level Arturia unless you get someone better, and Medea is okish if you don't have a better caster.


by Exa 5 years 5 months ago

they have complitly different role, so there is no point in comparing them.
there is litterally nothing they share.
complitly different stats, class, role, team comp, usage, skill set.
there is no way one can compare those two.
Use them both. Medea against assassins and Saber against well, lancers.
If you want to know if medea is good, si kind of is.
I enjoy play whit her a lot. i used her in many fight even in babylon (i dident had her in camelot) whit success.
Team her up whit 2 other caster like tama and meaby caster hans and you have a easy to spam high heal team. i used their np 28 time in 12 turn once. its not fast, but is fun. as long as the enemy team dont oneshot you it work.
